The horoscope of Tarot on Wednesday May 22 for all signs of the zodiac. Find out which card has fallen to you and what the Hangman card means.


Today is a day of developmental energy, love and care for oneself and other people. Remember that you can not only take, but also need to give. Yesterday may be wonderful, but you hardly want to live in the past, you need to move into a new future and grow. This is the whole point of life. Some signs of the zodiac will encounter a rupture of old patterns that actually created obstacles for them to progress. Remember that change is inevitable and inevitable. A key card of the day is given at the end of the article.


Map: High Priestess

Today you are more confident than ever. Listen carefully to your inner voice and cheerfully walk towards all that is new. Your courage and determination will overcome your temporary confusion and confusion, and you will feel a surge of creative energy. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Hangman

You begin to realize that in order to succeed in life, you must sacrifice something. You feel that you are stuck, maybe even hung in some kind of time period, where nothing changes and does not move forward. You need to stop letting your stubbornness and conservatism interfere with progress. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Sun

Gemini, your life has reached the point of nirvana. The stars lined up in the best location for you, and all your hard work has already begun to pay off. Let your amazing sense of humor and ability to interact with people help you deal with difficult situations and resist all troubles. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Card: Devil

Cancer, you feel lagging and stagnant, even to the point of being trapped and powerless. You are overwhelmed by emotions, and you are unable to control yourself. However, you can use your intuition to recover and regain control of your life. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.

A lion

Card: Death

The time has come when you will have to face serious changes. Do not be afraid to take the initiative. Even if you are afraid of the future, accept change and let go of the past for a better present and future. And let go of negative, unhealthy relationships to “reset” your life. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Mage

You are strong: you have a will and an objective outlook on life that prevents you from getting lost in illusions and fantasies. You just lack empathy and humanity, especially in relationships with people and even loved ones. Try to build and improve your interaction with them. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Empress

Perhaps you have reached a point in your life when you are ready for a significant step forward, and you definitely need to make it. The Empress card may mean that you are “giving birth” to a new idea, business proposal or promising project. Now your future success depends only on your actions. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Card: Ace of Swords

You may encounter a situation where you have to give up something familiar in order to be able to move forward. Recognize your mistakes and learn from them. If you think that you are lost and in limbo, use your ingenuity to achieve goals. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Justice

Your curiosity and straightforwardness will help you find the truth. And your impatience and irresponsibility can lead to failure. Remember that you are far from always right. It’s important for you now to make decisions that will not harm you and also hurt others. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Star

You are full of hope and new strength to live your life. You have overcome difficult times, but they did not break you and did not deprive you of self-control and inner strength. You can even analyze your past with one single goal: to be grateful for the present and optimistic about the future. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: World

This is a day of high productivity and rewards for the results. Rejoice at this moment and do not let stress take hold of you. Try to unleash some tangle of past contradictions and disagreements today so that he no longer torments you and pulls you to the bottom with a stone. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Emperor

Today, a wave of fear can cover you, therefore, it is advisable for you to pull yourself together and think about a strategy for getting out of this state. As soon as you deal with it, you will be able to overcome your weaknesses and continue to calmly build your future life without worries and anxieties. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.

The strongest card of the day

The key card for the current day is Ten Cups. It indicates that now the most important thing should be a feeling of gratitude, a positive worldview and satisfaction from one’s activities. When you are in harmony with yourself and objectively perceive the pros and cons of both your own nature and the world around you, it becomes much easier for you to cope with life's turmoil and make your dreams come true.


Watch the video: April 8, 2018 All Signs Weekly Spiritual Guidance Tarot Oracle Card Reading by Sloane Rhodes (July 2024).