Named the most stressful job


The sociological service of the largest Russian job bank HeadHunter found out that only 7% of employees do not experience stressful situations at work. Most Russians experience stress almost systematically.

More than 2500 people took part in the survey. It turned out that almost 17% of employees experience stressful situations on a daily basis, 45% - periodically, 31% - quite rarely.

One of the most nervous professions are: insurance business, marketing and management, and, finally, the accounting industry. The most relaxed work, as it turned out, with fitness trainers, security guards and consultants.

The most stressful situations include non-compliance with deadlines, quarrels with colleagues and superiors.

Coping with stress, 42% of research participants resort to a hobby, 38% spend time with friends. Some of them are trying to solve problems with the help of alcohol, antidepressants, or by consulting a psychologist.


Watch the video: Top 10 Most Stressful Jobs In the World (May 2024).