Some unfounded myths about male sexuality


Around the intimate life of people always appeared a lot of all kinds of myths and delusions. Most of them appeared due to banal sexual illiteracy, which, despite the presence of a considerable number of sources of information about the intimate sphere, is flourishing to this day.

Of course, the most misconceptions associated with female sexuality. Here are completely foolish myths about virginity, and a distorted picture of conception options, and much more. However, rumor spreads a considerable number of equally ridiculous myths about male sexuality. It may seem to someone that the delusions concerning male sexuality are completely harmless. But in fact, such myths distort the idea of ​​boys, women and sexually mature men about some of the features of what is called masculine power.

Let's try to dispel at least some of the popular myths about male sexuality, in order to escape from the captivity of stupid delusions.

Men get full sexual pleasure from sex without love. Many people believe that the representative of the stronger sex does not need the presence of romantic feelings for her partner in order to get maximum pleasure from intercourse with her. In fact this is not true. Men can really enjoy sex with an unloved, but attractive girl. However, such intercourse does not bring as much pleasure as sex with a truly beloved woman. This fact proves at least that when a man has sex with a girlfriend, the potency improves. For example, if during intercourse with just an attractive partner, a man ejaculates about 3 times a night, then with a woman who causes his romantic feelings, this number increases to 5 times, and even more.

The only erogenous zone of men is the penis. There is an opinion that the only erogenous zone of the male body is the penis. In fact, it is not. The representatives of the stronger sex still have many sensitive areas, the caress of which cause them to have a strong sexual arousal. That is why girls should not forget that their partners also require sensual caresses of many parts of their bodies, including chest, back, inner thighs, etc.

A man is ready to fight immediately after the appearance of an erection. It is believed that the main indicator of the degree of sexual arousal of a man is an erection. But it is not so. Yes, an erection does say that the representative of the stronger sex is sexually excited. But this factor does not give a complete picture of the extent of this excitement. An erection - this is just one of the signs of readiness for sexual contact, but trust him only partially.

A man does not have to ejaculate with each sexual intercourse. There are ancient teachings that say that a man should not spend his seed. In this case, it was not about abstinence, but about practices that allow the representatives of the stronger sex to have sex without ejaculating. In fact, such advice is not just stupid, but harmful. The fact is that the absence of ejaculation with an extreme degree of arousal damages the sexual health of a man. Therefore, each sexual contact must end for the representative of the stronger sex ejaculation, otherwise he risks his potency.


Watch the video: Sexual assault myths: Part 1. FACTUAL FEMINIST (July 2024).