Lack of orgasm after childbirth: what to do?


Lack of orgasm after childbirth is a fairly common phenomenon that worries many women. After the birth of the baby, many young mothers say that they do not feel as satisfied as before. The reasons for this may be many.

Anorgasmia, or the absence of orgasm, is the condition of a woman in which she does not experience an orgasm during sexual intercourse, although she is positive towards a partner and is aroused. If a woman does not experience an orgasm with each sexual intercourse, but is able to experience it under certain favorable circumstances, this does not mean any disorder in the sexual sphere. Lack of orgasm may be temporary and this situation may change over time.

Why is the orgasm gone?

After childbirth, the absence of orgasm can be accompanied by both physiological and psycho-emotional reasons.

Physiological reasons can be various kinds of complications during the childbirth itself, and as a result, long and painful healing after surgery. Gaps during childbirth, sluggish vagina, and as a result, a small amount of lubricant during intercourse due to the thinning of its walls, hemorrhoids, caesarean section - all of these factors directly affect the condition of the woman.

Psychological causes are even more common. Everyone knows that during pregnancy, women become nervous, emotional and overly excitable. Hormonal surge in the body and excitement for the health of the future baby make themselves felt. However, after the birth of the child, problems do not go anywhere. On the contrary, they become even more.

Fear of getting pregnant again haunts many young mothers. Suffering in the process of long and hard labor and just a strong reluctance to be pregnant again, and even with the baby in her arms, does not allow to relax during intercourse itself. What kind of orgasm is there?

Fear of experiencing pain and discomfort also does not contribute to relaxation. After suffering tests, a woman may be afraid that something will go wrong during intercourse, even if there are no apparent reasons for it.

Mom's fatigue after a difficult and long day, during which she has to look after her newborn, clean the house, cook, wash, and at the same time remain an attractive woman, too, contribute to this situation. And still need to put himself in order. And after all this, when the husband returns in the evening from work, and wants intimacy, his beloved falls down from exhaustion, and the only one desired for her is sleep.

Well and, of course, cramped living conditions, when young parents live in the same apartment as the newly-made grandparents also do not contribute to obtaining the highest pleasure.

How to return pleasure

If a little time has passed after giving birth, you should not be upset at all. In the future, the situation may change completely and everything will return to the previous course.

A few simple tips will help to cope with the situation.

Do not forget about yourself beloved. The birth of a baby does not mean that you can put on an old dull robe and be neglected. In that case, if you don’t have enough time for yourself, you need to involve your husband more often in caring for your baby and in helping around the house. A contented and beautiful wife will delight a spouse much more than an evil one, and forever dissatisfied. Therefore, to provide all possible assistance to the young mother in the first place in his interests.

The body after birth should fully recover, and then intimacy will bring pleasure. In order to recover and return to the previous form, it is necessary to rest more and, if possible, get enough sleep. Mom's sleep during the time when the child is sleeping will give a few hours of rest and return strength.

Do not be upset if the orgasm for some reason temporarily left you. The body is not fully restored after delivery immediately. Some of the women after some time begin to experience brighter and stronger feelings than before. Often, only the woman who survived childbirth, is able to truly enjoy the intimacy with her beloved.


Watch the video: Orgasm during Childbirth? (July 2024).