Scientists: wine causes more harm to health than vodka


Contrary to popular belief about the benefits of wine, British scientists say: one glass of this drink can be equated with three glasses of vodka. This conclusion was made possible by the analysis of statistics on the consumption of alcoholic beverages and their impact on human health. However, explanations are needed here. In 50 ml of vodka contains 40% alcohol, in 150 ml of wine - 12%. Despite the fact that there is obviously more alcohol in 150 ml of vodka, wine can cause more serious harm to the human body.

The whole secret lies in the sense of proportion, which very often brings people. Based on the fact that most people consider wine a low-alcohol beverage, they are often abused as a result. Daily wine consumption has a completely detrimental effect on the liver, the cirrhosis of which develops equally well from both excess vodka and champagne. Nobody denies that wine is an excellent addition to dinner, but in all the necessary measure. Experts recommend drinking alcohol in public places, where, according to statistics, alcohol is consumed significantly less.


Watch the video: Alcohol. What Are The Health Effects? (June 2024).