Do you know what happens to you in a dream?


What is a dream? One of the natural physiological processes of the human body, when the brain activity is minimal, and the reaction to the surrounding stimuli is reduced. The dream is in many ways mysterious, the mystery of dreams has not been fully revealed. However, we may well find out what happens to us when we sleep and what is the cause of what is happening.

Temperature conditions

During sleep from the evening to the early morning, the temperature of a person’s body drops by an average of one degree. The reason - decreases the rate of metabolism. But by the time of awakening (in about an hour) the body begins to heat up, preparing for the waking period.

The daily temperature fluctuation mode is possible only with a stable daily routine, when sleep is regularly replaced by wakefulness. Lowering of the body temperature during sleep explains the night coiling and the feeling of chills during a very early rise.

Eye movement

The next amazing thing that happens to a person in a dream, can be called a movement under the eyelids of the sleeping eye under the closed eyelids. If you lift your eyelids, you will see how quickly a person moves the eyeballs. However, movement occurs only in the phase of REM sleep, during the most active brain activity. Scientists assume that at such a moment people have dreams.

Hearing and smell

It is believed that in a dream a person can hear sounds. According to recent studies, noises are perceived not only loud, able to interrupt sleep, but also ordinary speech because the brain does not stop processing information.

Amazing things happen with the sense of smell - it just turns off if the sleep is deep! This is the cause of carbon monoxide poisoning in a dream during a fire, because in the waking state it is impossible not to feel the smell of burning.

The brain does not sleep

Brain activity does not stop even in a dream! The brain spends most of its energy on intensive work, processing the information gathered during the day. Around the clock work of the body explains the facts in the dream answers to many questions that do not give a person peace during the day.

Such an amazing thing was experimentally proved as a quick solution of a number of logical problems by the subjects who slept for 12 hours, unlike those who slept less or did not sleep at all.

Fluid excretion

During sleep, the body's moisture is noticeably reduced. Everyone knows the feeling of drying out in the mouth at the moment of awakening, because in a dream saliva does not stand out. The same happens with tears - sleep slows their release. In the morning or after a day nap, there is a desire to rub your eyes.

Muscle paralysis

In the phase of REM sleep, the agitated brain demonstrates amazing things — such colorful dreams. At this time, the sleeping muscles are completely relaxed, one can say, almost paralyzed. If you interrupt a dream at such a moment, the person cannot even move.

Despite almost complete paralysis, the signal from the brain several times during the night brings the muscles into tone to change their posture and better supply the tissues with oxygen. The nature of the familiar convulsive muscle contractions in a dream to scientists is not yet known.

In a dream, a lot of amazing things happen, for example, an erection in men who have problems with potency is directly related to the psychogenic nature of the disorder, and chronic lack of sleep can completely turn a person into an invalid.


Watch the video: What Happens To Your Brain When You Dream (June 2024).