How to treat bruises after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid?


Hyaluronic acid - This is an excellent tool for lip augmentation and rejuvenation. The procedure with fillers is standard for contouring and is considered safe. However, as with any cosmetic product, hyaluronic fillers have a number of contraindications.

If you do not follow the recommendations for skin care before and after lip augmentation, then complications may arise that will affect the rehabilitation period and the final result. How to remove bruises on lips after hyaluronic acid is described below.

Causes of bruising

A hematoma (bruise) is a collection of blood in a confined space with closed or open injuries. At the same time, a cavity is formed in the tissues, which contains liquid or coagulated blood.

Lips are one of the most sensitive parts of our tala. Foreign body contact in soft tissues it triggers natural processes in the body, aimed at rejecting all the excess in the body.

The appearance of small bruises and edema after injection is a normal reaction of the body.

At the moment of penetration of the needle into the soft tissue, damage to the blood vessels and rupture of the capillaries occurs. The released blood fills the space between the cells, as a result of which the skin tone changes on the damaged part of the lips.

Bruises after lip augmentation

Bruising is also affected by the use of anesthetics.

Anesthetics is a special chemical compound that temporarily reduces or eliminates sensitivity in general or in a specific area. Before the lip augmentation procedure, a local anesthetic is applied in the form of a gel or cream that is applied to the surface of the lips. Painkiller dilates blood vessels. When the filler fills the subcutaneous space, squeezes the dilated vessels, thereby provoking the appearance of bruises.

If a large vessel was touched during the injection, this ensures the appearance of a bruise.

If during the rehabilitation an injection was made, then over time the bruise can only increase. It can turn into a large hematoma, due to which it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In addition to bruises, the following may occur. Lip problems:

  • Edema. The appearance of localized fluid accumulation, that is, edema, is normal when magnified. It takes several days after the injection;
  • Itching. May appear as a result of an allergic reaction to the filler components;
  • Subcutaneous tissue seals. Such seals result from inflammations;
  • Numbness. Occurs due to improper dosage of anesthetic.

Most often they occur due to non-observance of the rules of hygiene, strong chemical and mechanical stress, or the mistake of a cosmetologist during the procedure. If any complications occur, seek medical advice.

How long do hematomas last?

On average, the rehabilitation period after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid lasts from a few days to a week. Usually, 2-3 days after the injection, the bruises brighten, turn yellow and gradually disappear completely. But, the behavior of each organism is individual, hence the different times for recovery.

Hematomas may take longer if used prior to the procedure. injection anesthesia. When anesthetic gets into the internal tissues, the means retain moisture in the body, and this significantly complicates the narrowing of blood vessels. Therefore, swelling and bruising are observed on the lips longer, lingering about a week longer. Injection anesthesia is rarely used. Most often, cosmetologists prefer to perform anesthesia with napkins and creams.

Also hematomas are delayed when breaking a large vessel. In this case, the bruise begins to grow in size, infection gets into the damaged tissue. Due to inflammation, a bruise can turn into a purulent bag.

If hematomas do not pass for a long time, then you should consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate, it can worsen the situation.

Treatment of hematomas on the lips after hyaluronic acid

Bruising of lips after hyaluronic acid is normal. Usually they pass by themselves in a week, without leaving a trace. However, if non-compliance with the rules of care, the rehabilitation period may be delayed. Conversely, if you use a number of simple tools, the bruises will disappear in a few days.

Rather, get rid of bruises will help ice packs. The cold copes with the healing of small bruises and bruises. When we apply ice to the damaged area, the vessels narrow. This contributes to the outflow of blood at the injection site and the disappearance of bruises. You can take any object from the freezer, put it on your lips and there will already be a small result.

The best thing freeze cubes decoction from medicinal plants. So the skin will not only begin to narrow the vessels, but also receive the necessary calm and care. For the product it is recommended to choose the following plants: chamomile, melissa, calendula, etc.

Hematoma after hyaluronic acid injection

In order to get rid of bruises, you can use pharmacy tools. There is a large selection gels and ointmentsdesigned to get rid of hemorrhages. When choosing, you need to pay attention to well-known brands that are trusted by the consumer (for example, Arnica, TraumelS, etc.). It is also important that the product used consists of natural ingredients.

Immediately after the procedure, you need to click on the filler and hold it for a few minutes. This manipulation will help the spread of blood and reduce bruise.

In the first 24 hours after the injection, the lips are very sensitive and it is better not to expose them to mechanical stress. Do not press, massage your lips, it is better not to kiss. However, after a day you can start doing light acupressure lips to speed up the outflow of blood and the healing process.

Prevention of bruises

To prevent bruising after lip augmentation preventive measures:

  • Medicines A week before lip augmentation, you must stop taking medications that thin the blood. For example, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, or other drugs with similar active substances;
  • Nutrition. You should also exclude from the diet foods that contribute to increased blood clotting. Animal fats (butter, cream, etc.), buckwheat porridge, bananas, mangoes, sweets, and other foods containing vitamin E are best not to be eaten;
  • Alcohol. 4-5 days before the procedure and 2 weeks after, alcohol is prohibited. Alcohol contributes to increased pressure, dilation of blood vessels and the formation of bruises. It is especially important to abstain from alcohol after the injection. Alcohol dries the lips, retains fluid in the body, an infection can get into the internal tissues, which will cause inflammation;
  • Smoking. The first 24 hours after the procedure is not recommended to smoke. Smoking is very dry lips. Putting a cigarette to your lips, you can put an infection under the skin;
  • Menstrual cycle. It is not necessary to carry out the procedure during menstruation, as well as a couple of days before them. At this time, the body is most susceptible to external influences and a high probability of earning inflammation;
  • Time. The procedure should not be carried out in a hurry. It is better to come to the master a little in advance and have time to take a breath and relax after walking. Also, while waiting, you can apply ice to your lips, so you narrow the vessels a little and reduce the risk of bruising.

During rehabilitation it is necessary to provide increased protection and skin care. For moisturizing, it is recommended to use lip balms, creams and masks.

It is important that the selected funds were from natural ingredients. It is recommended to make nourishing lip masks. They can be purchased at the store or cook yourself. You can add honey, chicken yolk, essential oils, juice or fruit pulp to your homemade masks.

In the first eight hours after lip augmentation, it is not recommended to take a horizontal position.

This can cause an elevated rush of blood to the lips, leading to injury to the blood vessels. During the rehabilitation period, you need to choose the correct posture for sleep. It is forbidden to sleep on your stomach face down, as this may lead to migration of the filler and distortion of the shape of the lips.

Prior to complete healing of bruises, it is necessary to exclude thermal effects on the body. Receiving a hot bath, visiting saunas and baths, a tanning bed and a tan in the scorching sun will have to be postponed until the bruises heal.

The procedure has a number contraindicationsfor which you can not enlarge the lips. These include:

  • Pregnancy. It is forbidden to increase the lips of pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • Poor lip condition. If there are wounds, cracks or herpes on the skin, then after the procedure you are guaranteed to earn hematomas and other serious complications. The skin should be in perfect condition before magnification.

If you follow all the recommendations before and after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, you will provide beautiful, full lips without complications.


Watch the video: Bumps Lumps Swelling and Bruising after lip Fillers-Dr Rajani (June 2024).