50 things that every woman should do before pregnancy


With the onset of pregnancy and the advent of the baby, life is changing dramatically. No no, it does not end! Just start a new long period of your life, in which all your time and attention will be devoted to the little half. So what you need to have time to do before the moment when you get pregnant and you fall asleep on your hands a small, native lump.

1. See the world and enjoy plenty of travel. Make a detailed list of countries and cities that you would like to visit and try to implement at least some of it. After all, with the advent of the baby, the life of the family acquires new needs, its rhythm changes and it becomes more difficult to travel. Take unplanned, crazy trips, go hiking, meet the dawn on the top of the mountain. Try, at least one month, to live in a foreign country. This experience will allow you to look at your life a little differently.

2. Dance in the morning and turn on the music at full volume. Let you not care about the bewilderment of the neighbors, because with the advent of the baby this luxury will not be easy to afford. Record a disc with your favorite tunes and enjoy their sound to the full extent. You will get a lot of positive emotions, and every day of yours will begin cool and fun.

3. Sign up for courses and clubs that you would like to try. With the advent of the baby free time will be much less.

4. Give up bad habits, because pregnancy is not compatible with them. Try to limit the amount of alcohol, quit smoking.

5. Arrange a whole month of rest from homework and hassle. Essentially refuse cooking, washing, ironing and cleaning. These household duties can perform any of your family members. You will take a break from routine and household chores.

6. Get closer to nature - spend the weekend in a tent. When you live in a city all the time, you may not realize the need to communicate with nature, its beauty and freshness. After spending time in close contact with her, you learn to re-appreciate every moment, its magnificence and depth. The starry sky, clean air, clear water - small pleasures that city dwellers lack. With a baby, this trip may be delayed for some time.

7. Arrange a "gourmet holiday". The diet of a young mother, like a pregnant girl, does not always allow you to taste an exotic dish. Go to the maximum number of restaurants and cafes, order new dishes, wake up your taste buds with fresh ideas and solutions! You can try to cook goodies and at home, most importantly unusual.

8. Spend time with friends and family. It is difficult for a young mother or a pregnant girl to easily drop the baby’s day routine and go, for example, to a game of volleyball. Choose active kinds of pastime: paintball, volleyball, at worst - the mafia! Arrange parties till the morning, sincere gatherings, share your plans for the future.

9. Feel like a "socialite" and go through the hot spots of your city. Try every weekend during the month to visit the best nightclubs and bars of the city. As long as you have the opportunity and freedom - show off your beauty and cheerfulness, surprise and lead all the guests of the party!

10. Try extreme sports. Jump from a parachute, plunge to the bottom of the ocean, straddle and tame the obstinate stallion, take the helm of the helicopter. It is unlikely that during an interesting situation or the first years of a child’s life, your maternal instinct will allow you to go on such an adventure. But what you will experience during such antics is impossible to put into words, you need to try!

11. Make repairs in the apartment. In advance prepared children's and fresh repair will protect the pregnant woman from inhalation of harmful evaporations.

12. Spare money and spend a whole salary (if there are no savings - at least half) to the penny to update your wardrobe. Buy yourself new dresses and bags, shoes and pins, and do not forget about the beautiful underwear! You are in great shape and you can boldly demonstrate this to others with the help of new, stylish and relevant things.

13. Take a chance. Even if you are not a fan of gambling, you can try it once. Make a couple of bets in the elite casino or on the racetrack, feel the taste of good luck and your worth!

14. Try to change outwardly, try on a new image. Change the hair color or the whole image, get a piercing or temporary tattoo. During pregnancy, such procedures may harm the baby, and with the advent of the child may not have enough time for a funny adventure with appearance!

15. If your work does not bring you pleasure - leave! You are young and purposeful and you have every chance to realize yourself 100%, to find a favorite thing for the soul. It is noticed that people who love their work, their work, earn many times more than those (sometimes tens, hundreds and thousands of times) who can not stand it.

16. Search for yourself and your vocation. You can go to special trainings or sign up for a conversation with a practicing psychologist, coach. Until you become pregnant, you have the opportunity to become a fully satisfied, self-sufficient person who knows exactly what she wants and, most importantly, how to achieve it! You can and should do the work for which you were created.

17. Find an outlet for yourself and start a hobby. Small unpleasant little things, such as toxicosis, feeling of tiredness and drowsiness, can pretty spoil the mood. But if there is a favorite activity in the reserve, which gives a lot of positive emotions and endorphins - no difficulties associated with pregnancy and the appearance of the baby can spoil the mood!

18. Replenish the supply of folic acid in the body, which is essential for the favorable course of pregnancy. Prepare the body and enter in your diet legumes, spinach, eggs, liver, yeast.

19. Watch a whole day for someone else's child. This will give the opportunity to feel what you have to face in the near future, and your friends or relatives - to take a break.

20. Engage in charity. Participate in any action or organize a volunteer movement. Spend an hour of time a week to make the life of a child from the oncology department or an orphanage brighter, happier and a little easier.

21. Without which it is unlikely that it will be possible to have a child, it is without a man! Meet the very, beloved and sweet, from which you really want to give birth to a child and share all the sorrows and joys in half. Being parents is a pleasant, but not an easy burden! Therefore, the choice should be thoughtful and balanced, but certainly made from the heart!

22. Before pregnancy and the appearance of the baby, arrange an unforgettable day for yourself and your beloved one - an enchanting and fabulous wedding. She will be remembered for a lifetime and will bring a lot of positive emotions! And then go on a honeymoon. This is an unforgettable time when you are still two people and can enjoy the rest and each other carefree.

23. Live at least one week the way you want, giving yourself plenty of mood! Keep your diary away, an endless to-do list and tasks.

24. Do a good deed and donate blood. Becoming a donor you will help some person to survive, and nothing will lose from you. Pregnant women are not recommended to participate in such events, even despite the nobility of intentions.

25. Be sure to take car driving courses and get right. How much richer and fuller the life of a young mother becomes due to the ability to move freely and freely. You can go where you want, without distracting from the affairs of their loved ones and relatives, and not jostling in public transport. The pros are obvious!

26. Get a pet and try to take responsibility for the living being.

27. Try at least for a month to make wonderful and funny pranks: unexpectedly call and invite a classmate to dinner who have not seen for 10 years, buy flowers for yourself, walk 10-20-30 kilometers on foot.

28. Take care of your own housing. Try to find a way to buy an apartment or build a house that you have always dreamed of!

29. Learn to cook. You will have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, delighting your family with healthy and tasty dishes. Master the simple and quick recipes that you will serve well in the future. You can sign up for cooking classes, watch videos, read recipes.

30. Plant a whole flower bed and at least a couple of trees. Eat organic foods and take care of the purity of nature! She will thank you very much.

31. Find your heart out chocolates. This may not be very useful, but it is very tasty!

32. Before pregnancy it would be good to get a higher education, and if there is - you can get a second!

33. Play sports and keep your body in shape. Health is an integral part of the smooth course of pregnancy. No matter what you do, the main thing is that you like it and bring pleasure.

34. Reduce caffeine intake, as it adversely affects fertility. Black tea should be weak.

35. Take care of yourself and be irresistible. Your spouse will be crazy about you!

36. Engage in spiritual meditations, yoga. It helps to harmonize self-perception and communication with the outside world. Classes will give you peace of mind and calmness, which will be useful during pregnancy and, especially, with the advent of the baby.

37. Do not forget about yourself and when the soul asks, be sure to buy yourself something, even an ordinary trifle. You will feel good and calm at heart!

38. Start a conversation with a young mother or a pregnant woman, carefully listen to their stories, advice, and possibly warnings. This will provide an opportunity to be prepared for what you will experience in the future.

39. Try your hand at television, take part in a talent show. This will give an opportunity to believe in its uniqueness and exclusivity. It is harmful for pregnant women to worry and fuss, and it is not easy for young mothers to leave the baby for the sake of any, even the most popular, television show.

40. Be more balanced. Exposure and composure will serve faithfully during pregnancy, when naughty hormones.

41. Attend a live concert of your favorite band or artist. Even if you have to go to another city - memories are priceless!

42. Make a career. It is not necessary to achieve unprecedented heights, but you can get a promotion.

43. Give yourself, your beloved, small gifts and surprises - it will bring bright colors into everyday life!

44. Try to go to the cinema for interesting movies. These little things are not appreciated until they are available.

45. Read. Classic, children's fairy tales, magazines - it does not matter. You have time for this, so enjoy reading!

46. ​​Be sure to photograph your adventures from this list. Your future baby will be proud of you, looking inspirational, full of life and happiness photos.

47. Learn to earn money to afford to carry out all our plans!

48. Visit the shop for babies and look at cute things for a long time.

49. Take a physical examination and pass the tests before you get pregnant.

50. With the help of sophisticated technology, which offers any benefit for the Kama Sutra, present the life of a baby!


Watch the video: Healthy Pregnancy Tips From the CDC (June 2024).