Products that select youth or why Pamela Anderson is aging and younger


Oh, this Pamela Anderson is a dream for pimply teens who have long been respectable men, but have not forgotten the swaying roundness of the "rescuer Malibu". Modern youths have ceased to be interested in erased photos of physical education teachers in Playboy, who can be found in her father’s secret suitcase.

They stare at photos of Megan Fox or Sasha Gray - new idols of juvenile virgins. Yes, Pam no longer excites the hearts of the younger generation of a strong half of humanity. But this does not cool the fervor of a model and an American actress who regularly demonstrates her half-naked buttocks, trying on ostrich feathers instead of clothes and dancing a striptease in front of a dog for the sake of animal protection.

Pamela Metamorphosis

Pam is some kind of phenomenon — only in the newspapers do photos of the traveled face, cellulite thighs and flat buttocks of Anderson begin to glow, like in a short period the actress, like Benjamin Button, begins to rejuvenate, showing its smooth skin and toned body to the outgoing bile of the crowd. Ungrateful public, who saw such a wonderful transformation, refuses to believe in a miracle and sticks on the Internet, looking for information compromising the star.

Lovers throw unintelligible snoops pieces of "tukhlyatiny", as with a machine gun, spit out in the tabloid article with colorful headlines: "Surgeons pulled again Pamela Anderson" or "Pam - the bearer of different breasts." But the world is full of kind-hearted and idealists, who have no doubt that the actress is still sexy, and all of the compromising photos of her are “photojop”.

Anderson herself also claims that she is completely natural (if you do not take into account her breasts, which paved her way to success). That is, Pamela hints that she did not do any braces and did not correct anything with the help of surgeons (again, except for her “balls”). In addition, now rejuvenated Pamela is no longer so busty - she removed implants and proudly displays a natural bust. Now it is not known whether Phoela was adding photoshoppers for a couple of hundred years, or whether her experienced breasts were making a vulgar grandmother out of a woman in juice.

Food star preference

Pamela - the girl is not secretive, and what is there to huddle, if you have something to show and tell, and she happily shares what helps her stay in shape. As you understand, without special food here is complete. Let's compare what people are talking about, Pam tells and biologists and astrologers assure, and perhaps we will be able to unravel the secret why Anderson looks like a reached berry, but like a horrible dried fruit. Perhaps the whole thing in the dishes that she eats. Before you go to the list of transforming into old women or anti-aging products, let's talk about the diet of Pamela.

Talking about the first diet, we want to go straight to lunch and dinner, skipping the first and second breakfast. If you are still interested, then the first two meals are juice, yogurt, apples, bread, eggs - nothing interesting. But the last two meals are yes. So imagine Pamela Anderson, who eats:

1. Low-fat boiled meat.

2. Bird without skin.

With such success, the people who created this pseudo-diet, instead of vegetable salad, could include the baked fur seal with cranberry sauce as the third item. Shame on you people! How are you so goof? Pamela is a vegetarian, she constantly promotes the actions of the PETA organization and advocates the ethical treatment of cats, lambs, chickens and other animals. Anderson is ready for anything, so that unscrupulous Canadians do not kill these poor eared seals - even walking around in a snow-white T-shirt on her bare chest and smiling in inviting manner, demonstrating how the animals depicted on her clothes are on her way.

And Pamela makes video clips, calling for them to protect the chickens, which the American network of public catering cafes - KFC, where they mainly cook poultry dishes (burgers, chicken strips, wrappers, sharp wings), ruthlessly cut and grill. Here is such a love for animals, which the father inadvertently launched, in the presence of Pam, gutting a hoofed mammal. And you say: "Meat eats lean and chicken snacks."

Here is another Pam diet:

- flakes with berries, juice, diluted with water;

- fruit smoothie;

- cabbage patties and steamed vegetables with cheese or green soup or pasta with a light basil, cheese and oil (olive) sauce;

- fresh fruits;

- Sushi from vegetables, wine.

Wow, this menu of five meals a day does not even contain meat dishes, but only the actress has repeatedly insisted that she does not tolerate prohibitions and does not diet. True, Pamela does not consume fatty foods and, of course, does not eat any meat. In addition, the actress respects and regularly eats vegetables and fruits. Based on this, we can say that, perhaps, the above-mentioned dishes are Anderson and loves to eat, but now she definitely does not adhere to such a diet.

Products and emotions for aging

And they say that Pamela loves sweets, potatoes, and much more, which does not have the best effect on the appearance of the sex symbol of the past. Also, Pam would do well to consume less wine and champagne. Scientists are already tired of proving that alcohol reduces life by half, while the abuse of strong drinks immediately affects the face, making it old and ugly. Drinking carbonated, energy drinks is also unacceptable - it is better to smoke.

The absorption of sweets leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles, similarly affects the use of coffee. Astrologers, too, are taken to argue that some food can kill female beauty, it includes caffeinated beverages, eggs, garlic and onions, as well as violence products - fish, meat. It turns out that, abusing coffee, alcohol (and this actress loves to do), Pam becomes old, and the rejection of meat and eating vegetables, fruits act on her rejuvenating. Perhaps, therefore, fans of Anderson are watching these swings, when Pamela becomes either an old woman or a young woman - in the photo below, Pamela, who was refreshed and rejuvenated in 2014, in a charity event:

And many more argue that greedy, envious women who commit adultery grow old early. And for Pam, there are a few sinners — she constantly tried to make a fortune (selling photos of her son, her implants, divorced herself favorably with film producer Rick Salomon, ignoring income tax) and regularly changed her husband. And, as proved by scientists, greedy people get a lot of wrinkles, besides the cheaters quickly grow old. But, apparently, fate took pity on Pam, giving her a second youth, because the actress gave the money she received to charity, and she divorced her husband altogether - it turns out that she had finished with betrayal.

Pamela, on the other hand, reveals that she looks good thanks to running (for the soul, for the sake of good intentions), outdoor games with children, dogs and vegetarianism.


Watch the video: How Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google manipulate our emotions. Scott Galloway (June 2024).