Oat face masks - gently cleanse the skin at home


And you know that the French ladies have long invented a stunning “beauty salad”, with which they manage to stay slim and beautiful, monitor their figure and their own health, without making any special efforts.

It's time to elaborate not only on this dish, but also on its main ingredient - oatmeal. The salad itself is quite simple - it is just steamed oatmeal of soft milling, complemented by dry and fresh fruits, berries, seeds and nuts.

Thanks to the regular use of this “beauty salad”, French women seem to be “glowing from the inside”. Their skin becomes radiant and elastic, the figure is taut, and the body is light and energetically enriched. There are oatmeal every day for some women - this is terrible torture, because not everyone will like the tasteful, though rather sticky, thin porridge.

We recommend lovers of alternative breakfast to try some effective means for the skin of the face on the basis of oatmeal.

Oatmeal Mask with Orange for Skin Cleansing

A wonderful tool that helps to cope with skin problems such as unsightly acne and "black spots" is an orange. In addition to saturating the skin with vitamin C, the beneficial properties of which are known to everyone in the world, orange can relieve inflammation, whiten and stimulate the process of cellular regeneration.

In addition to orange, honey is a part of our facial treatment. We will need to heat it up a bit - this will make it much more efficient and help achieve a softening effect.

Be extremely careful: many people have allergies to juice and orange pulp, as well as honey. If you know that you have ever had an allergic reaction to these products, do not use this mask! Choose any other from the proposed by us.

To make your own face care, take:

• Half an orange,

• 1 tbsp. l honey (heat it directly in a spoon over the flame of a candle or above the hob),

• 2 tbsp. l dry oatmeal.

Cereals should be ground and mixed with the juice and pulp of orange and honey. First, you just need to apply this mixture on the skin, hold for about 10 minutes, and then massage your face with your fingers and rinse completely. After you wash your face, it is better to moisturize your face with your usual cream.

Oatmeal mask with cream for nourishing face skin

If you have dry and too sensitive skin of the face, you will certainly appreciate the nutritional mask that will help to make the skin incredibly soft, moisturized and clean.

The care product contains honey, but if you are allergic to it, you can exclude this ingredient from the list. Alternatively, try replacing it with olive oil.

Prepare for the mask:

• Cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l

• Cream - 1 tbsp. l

• Honey - 1 tsp.

• 1 tbsp. l oatmeal,

• 1 chicken egg yolk,

• Quarter banana.

Pre oatmeal is to pour hot milk and give it to insist before swelling. When this happens, take a tablespoon of cooked oatmeal and mix with the rest of the products. Do not forget to knead a banana with a fork.

We traditionally cover our face with our mixture and wait about 20 minutes for the mask to be absorbed into the skin. After that it remains only to wash.

Rejuvenating oatmeal mask with black tea and grapefruit

When a woman is over 40, it is worth thinking about the means that will help maintain skin tone, take care of her condition, will effectively nourish and tighten. Caring for fading skin is quite simple: try oatmeal mask with black tea and grapefruit. Believe me, your friends will appreciate the condition of your skin after applying it, and you will see changes. The facial contours will even out, the wrinkles will smooth out, and the skin will no longer peel off.

Here's what you need to make a mask:

• Oatmeal delicate grinding - 1 tbsp. l

• Juice halved grapefruit,

• Top grade black tea - 1 tsp.

• Honey - 1 tsp.

First you need to brew tea. We do it in the traditional way, pouring boiling water. About 5 minutes tea should infuse. Now you need to strain hot tea and steam them oatmeal. Steaming with tea, not water!

About 10 minutes should wait for the oatmeal to be ready, then add to the composition of grapefruit juice and a spoonful of honey. Cover the skin with a mask, wait 15 minutes and wash off.

Oatmeal face mask with beer

Facial and decollete care should be especially gentle and nourishing. The sensitive skin of the neck quickly grows old, no matter how sad it sounds. Our mask will help maintain the tone of the skin in the neck, as well as soften and smooth the face.

You need the following ingredients:

• oatmeal, which should be filled with hot water and let it brew a little,

• A couple of tablespoons of beer. What kind of beer it will be is up to you, but it is better to choose the so-called "live" drink. But do not use the inside! 🙂

• The yolk of one egg.

When the oatmeal swells and turns into a porridge, you need to put 2-3 tbsp. In a separate plate. l., then mix with beer and yolk and cover the skin of the face and neck with this composition. Be careful: do not go around the house with such a mask. Its consistency is quite liquid, so rejuvenating the skin of the face and neck, it is worth to lie down and rest. After 15-20 minutes, the excess mixture can be removed with a napkin, and the rest just wash off.

Brewer's yeast perfectly regulate the secretion of sebaceous glands on the face. Applying our mask, you will notice how the skin is cleansed, it becomes less oily. And with the help of beer, you can fight pimples, and very effectively.

Oatmeal Mask for Homemade Peeling with Blue Clay

Peeling is a rather aggressive procedure for the skin of the face, which is too often not recommended. However, with the help of peeling, you can remove the upper shallow layer of the epidermis, thereby perfectly clean the skin and prepare to apply anti-aging or moisturizing agents. At home, you can carry out mechanical cleaning of the face, for this you will need:

• 1-2 tsp. blue clay powder

• 1-2 tsp. flakes "Hercules"

• Pre-prepared chamomile decoction,

• Essential oil of lemon or orange.

Romashkovy broth, we steam our flakes, wait about 10 minutes and set aside in a separate container 2 tsp. Add to the mixture of blue clay and a couple of drops of orange oil. It can be successfully replaced with almond or jojoba oil.

We mix our mixture and impose on the face and neck. For effective exposure, it will take 15-20 minutes.

The cleansing and whitening properties of blue clay have been known for a very long time. Such a peeling mask will help to overcome acne and acne, cleanse the pores of dirt. After its application you will feel an unprecedented lightness and freshness.

Before you make any facial based on oatmeal, you need to know exactly how to choose them. Always pay attention to the numbers and inscriptions on the packaging. For example, oatmeal called "Extra" can be of three types of grinding:

1. "III" - this sign means that you have the most delicate flakes in front of you, which you do not even need to cook before use. It is enough to steam them, filling them with hot water or boiled milk. These flakes are suitable for masks that are needed for sensitive skin.

2. "II" - a sign meaning a coarser grinding. Often these flakes are simply cut into pieces, whereas the base is a coarse oatmeal labeled “I”.

3. And finally, the marking "I" - in front of you is the coarsest kind of grinding, which should be boiled for about 5-10 minutes. These flakes are perfect for home peeling or scrub.

There is also a variety of oatmeal, familiar to us from childhood - "Hercules". They are very rough, this oatmeal will have to be cooked for about 15 minutes. However, at the same time, “Hercules” is also the most useful cereal. They improve intestinal peristalsis, cleanse the body, fill with energy, and also relieves a long time from hunger. This type of cereal will also be an assistant in the preparation of a face scrub mask.

Now you know how to choose oatmeal, to later prepare from them miraculous face care products. This ingredient in the composition of masks and scrubs perfectly rejuvenates and tightens your skin, making it silky and very soft.


Watch the video: DIY Anti-Inflammatory Oatmeal Face Mask (July 2024).