Swelling of the face in the morning - what could be the reason. Why does the face swell after sleep and what to do about it.


How often in the morning did you have to see instead of the usual reflection in the mirror, a puffy face with thin slots, behind which it is difficult to see the eyes? Of course, if you do not abuse alcohol, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat properly, most likely, you will be taken by surprise with a similar situation.

What to do if suddenly swelling of the face in the morning? Why does the face look swollen and “bruised” after sleep? Today it will be about that. We will try to tell you how and for what reasons edema appears on the face and what can be done to avoid this in the future.

The main causes of facial swelling in the morning

In order to understand where swelling comes from on a beautiful female face, you first need to explain what it is. Swelling of the skin is considered to be swelling, which is localized in a certain area, for example, on the eyelids or under the eyes, or spreads over the entire face. Sometimes this swelling can be mildly expressed and look like an “overhanging” eyelid, but sometimes puffiness is threatening, not only in appearance, but also in health.

So, under what circumstances can I try to get rid of facial swelling at home:

• When you ate salty, fatty and smoked foods the night before. As you know, salt is able to retain fluid in the body and tissues. Since this fluid simply has nowhere to go, it accumulates in different places and most often in the face area.

• If you drink plenty of fluids during the evening and night. This often happens just after you have eaten salty. You constantly feel thirsty, and you run to the kitchen all night. By morning, the face will probably swell.

• If you had a great time at a noisy party, but, unfortunately, went too far with alcoholic beverages.

• When you regularly sit up at a computer or take work to your home and sit at it until late at night. Puffiness often occurs in owl people who go to bed late and wake up very hard in the morning.

If you suddenly find similar symptoms in this list, do not worry. In most cases, swelling is completely eliminated, and you will not need a lot of time for this. How to remove facial swelling in the morning, we will describe below, but for now, let's discuss the causes of swelling, which should alert you. So:

• Sometimes one of the first symptoms of kidney and liver disease is swelling in the morning. The inability of the kidneys to withdraw excess fluid and a decrease in the formation of protein in the blood provokes the appearance of puffiness of the face in the first half of the day often immediately after waking up. Usually nothing can be done with edema in this situation, no matter what compresses and masks you try. By the middle of the day, the face looks a little less swollen, and by the evening the swelling completely disappears. If you press your finger on the swollen place, its imprint lasts for a long time.

• Diseases of the heart and blood vessels can also contribute to the appearance of edema. If the heart muscle is not able to pump blood as before, this will invariably lead to stagnation of fluid, most often in the lower extremities, but often on the face.

• Violations of the hormonal background in a woman causes swelling of the face in the morning. Edema is quite dense, when you press a finger there is no trace.

• Allergic reaction. Sometimes swelling can be accompanied by a rash and change your face almost beyond recognition. One eyebrow is higher and “thicker” the other, the mouth is curved, the lips (or one lip) are swollen, and the eyelids seem to fall on the eyes. This manifestation is called allergic Quincke edema and is threatening to health, because it can spread to the respiratory tract, larynx, bronchi, and even lungs. You probably understand the outcome.

What to do in different situations if in the morning there were swelling on the face?

After the above, you will most likely want to ask the question: "How to eliminate puffiness and when to run to the doctor?" As you understand, diseases of the internal organs do not bode well and require the intervention of at least a general practitioner and visits from specialist specialists to make a diagnosis and prescribe medications.

Kidney disease should not be started, because everyone understands that our body does not need excess fluid. Usually, diuretics are prescribed for its withdrawal, but self-medication is not necessary. Only the doctor will prescribe the drug you need.

Cardiovascular problems should be addressed with a cardiologist. Perhaps they are temporary and reversible, and puffiness will not bother after proper therapy.

Correct the hormonal background with the participation of an endocrinologist. And you can treat the manifestations of an allergic reaction at home if you have an antihistamine. However, remember: if the face has really changed so much that you don’t even recognize you, you should not risk it - contact the on-call therapist, maybe you will be prescribed a course of anti-allergic injections in order to avoid the spread of edema to the larynx and respiratory system.

Emergency measures to remove puffiness from the face

If you are one hundred percent sure that the cause of the swollen face is too much alcoholic cocktails or eating salty foods, then you can use emergency ways to deal with them. The most common is a tea compress.

Important: in order to effectively relieve swelling, you should not use tea bags, it is better to brew natural black tea, cool it and apply moistened cotton pads to the eyelids. Unscrupulous manufacturers often pour not tea leaves into these bags, but simply waste generated after tea production: shredded leaves that break during drying, legs and twigs, as well as flavorings and even dyes. Believe me, cheap tea bags will not bring any benefit to your eyes, so it is better to have a pack of real tea in reserve.

Another good way: if you suddenly noticed a swelling of the face after sleep, and you urgently need to attend an important event, wrap a piece of ice in a handkerchief and wipe the swelling. It is best to eliminate edema not just ice, but frozen mineral water, cucumber juice, parsley or a decoction of medicinal herbs, for example:

• Sage,

• Daisies,

• Linden blossom,

• Oak bark,

• Melissa,

• Peppermint

• Rosemary,

• birch leaves,

• Horsetail.

These herbs can be frozen, made from freshly prepared broth compresses from edema, or create a face mask with your own hands. We should talk about them further.

We mask the swelling on the face with the help of miraculous masks

When you urgently need to run to work in the morning, perhaps emergency measures will come in handy. And if you have free time and can spend 20-30 minutes exclusively on yourself, darling, we bring to your attention several effective face masks. They will help not only to cope with the swelling that has already appeared, but also to prevent its further appearance, especially if you do these masks regularly. Anti-stress facial products will relieve swelling and inflammation, smooth and make the skin very tender.

Eye mask for edema with grated potatoes

It is done very simply, and, most importantly, quickly. To do this, take:

• Half a raw potato,

• 1 tbsp. l sauerkraut

• 1 capsule of vitamin E and the same amount of vitamin A.

Combine the ingredients, prepare a piece of gauze or a thin cloth. Lie on your back, lay the potato mass on the eyelids and cover with gauze on top so that it does not glass. So you need to lie down for about 20 minutes and carefully remove the mask with a napkin.

The potato will tighten the eyelids very well, remove puffiness and save from “bags” and unsightly dark circles under the eyes.

Mask for edema of the face with peach

You can also try to make a face mask with peach and sour cream to remove swelling. It is suitable for sensitive skin around the eyes, so you can safely apply it to this area. You need to cook:

• Peach, peeled and ground in a blender,

• 1 tbsp. l sour cream

• Aromatic peppermint oil - 1-2 drops.

By tradition, all the components must be mixed and covered with facial skin, leaving for 15-20 minutes. The mask perfectly softens the skin, makes it incredibly silky and eliminates puffiness in any area.

Facial swelling mask with oatmeal and chamomile

Another caring emulsion with a delicate texture is a mask with oatmeal and chamomile decoction. Making it yourself is much easier than you could imagine:

• Brew chamomile flowers, cool and strain the broth,

• Steam oatmeal in boiling water,

• Mix the ingredients in the following proportion: 2 tablespoons of oatmeal plus two tablespoons of broth.

Optionally, you can add olive, almond or jojoba oil to the mask or steam the flakes not with water but with milk.

Facial swelling mask with cucumber and parsley

In addition, masks with cucumber and parsley, as well as preventive massage of the eyelids with essential oils are considered very effective:

• The fruit of the olive tree,

• Jojoba,

• Camphor,

• Almond,

• Juniper and others.

So that your face never swells in the morning, you should pay attention to the diet, drink liquid moderately, especially in the evening, and also in time to detect symptoms of diseases and undergo a doctor examination. Do not lose sight of regular edema in the morning, because they can signal a malfunction in the female body, and they look very aesthetically pleasing.


Watch the video: How to Reduce Swelling in Face Naturally After Sleep in the Morning Home Remedies (July 2024).