Sore wrist - what to do? Why wrists of hands hurt - a description of all causes and which treatment is the most effective.


The pain in the wrist not only delivers a lot of pain, but it also completely detracts from work. The area connecting the bones of the forearm with the brush is the most mobile and especially vulnerable. Despite its small size, the wrist consists of eight bones, which are comfortably arranged in two rows. Any violations of its functionality, ignored by the owner, really threaten in the future complete immobilization of the joints and loss of efficiency. Therefore, if the wrist hurts - the reasons must be clarified immediately.

Sore wrist - causes

Various pathologies of muscles and joints, tendons and bone tissues, injuries - there are many reasons for the occurrence of unpleasant sensations. When the wrist hurts - the reasons can be established by the symptoms. The main illnesses leading to the appearance of painful symptoms:

1. Carpal (tunnel) symptom

This disease is also called differently - carpal tunnel syndrome. Especially often the disease occurs in the right hand, as it is a result of long and hard work at the computer, many hours of knitting or embroidery, a long stay behind the wheel of the car. In the carpal tunnel that connects the forearm to the wrist, tendons and the median nerve are located in close proximity. They are extremely limited in space, so the slightest inflammation and swelling of the tendons from prolonged activity lead to compression and infringement of the nerve. The result is severe pain and limited movement, discomfort, numbness of the hands and weakening of the palms. Carpal symptom often occurs in pregnant women - to the already mentioned reasons for it you can add an increase in body weight and the presence of edema in future moms.

2. Peritendinitis

The wrist hurts - the reasons, quite possibly, are rooted in a disease called peritendinitis. Most often it affects the tendons of the wrist extensor. Sharp tangible pain and possible swelling along the tendon, increased pain syndrome with pressure and subtle creaking with active movement are the main symptoms of the disease.

3. Injuries

If you fall on the hand or hit hard on the wrist, its fracture is possible. It can be accompanied by both severe pain and quite tolerable. Swelling is observed at the site of injury, brush movement is limited. In severe cases, joint deformity and mobility are possible. The most susceptible to this type of injury is the lunate and scaphoid ossicles, the diagnosis is confirmed by x-ray method. When the wrist hurts - the reasons may lie in its stretching, breaking or stretching the ligaments. Injury can happen due to a sharp and strong pulling back of the hand, and the symptoms are similar to the effects of a fracture - swelling, pain, swelling, and limited mobility. Lack of medical care for wrist injuries threatens to lose mobility - partial or complete.

4. Osteoarthritis of the wrist joint

The disease is also called hypertrophic osteoarthritis. It can be an unpleasant result of not coalesced fracture of the navicular bone and is manifested by a significant limitation of mobility, painful sensations during exertion and an acute reaction to pressure in the area of ​​the wrist joint. Other factors leading to the occurrence of the disease are premature wear of cartilage tissue, inflammatory processes, constant and excessive stress on the joint.

5. Rheumatoid arthritis

It hurts the wrist - the reasons with great probability may be covered in inflammation of the joints. Only sometimes rheumatoid arthritis can begin acutely, his favorite method is a sneak attack, confidently and swiftly conquering new territories. A distinctive feature of the disease is the symmetry of the lesion. It starts from small joints of fingers and toes, spreading to wrist, feet, elbow and shoulder joints. They quickly lose mobility, increase in size and hurt. Rapidly deforming joints make the flexion-extension process almost impossible, and swelling of the wrists leads to compression of the tendons. The disease develops very quickly and leads to the emergence of many pathologies.

6. Necrosis of carpal bones

The disease is manifested by softening of the bone tissue and gradual deformation. It affects young people, often male. Initially moderate pain, aggravated by exertion. The acute stage occurs after injury and bothers for one or two weeks. After a rather long period of remission, the disease leaps with new forces. An exacerbation can last for years, disturbing with constant pain, and invariably leads to osteoarthritis of the wrist joint.

In case the wrist hurts - the reasons may be different. Among them it is worth noting:

- psoriatic arthritis;

- tuberculosis;

- tumors of the upper limbs;

- gonorrhea;

- gout;

- cardiovascular diseases;

- violation of blood circulation.

To establish the true reason that hurts the wrist, can only a doctor. Therefore, it is not worth risking and delaying the visit, the sooner the diagnosis is made - the greater the chances for a successful recovery.

Sore wrist - diagnosis

To accelerate the visit to the doctor is necessary in the following cases:

- pain can not be eliminated within two days;

- besides pain, swelling is observed, the shape of the limb is changed, the joint is inactive;

- pain in the wrist increases after exercise, some parts of the hand are not sensitive.

Attention! Pain in the wrist in combination with shortness of breath and painful manifestations in the sternum area requires the immediate help of a specialist! Call an ambulance!

Sore wrist - diagnosis in the vast majority of cases will require x-ray examination. In addition, the doctor will conduct a visual inspection to establish the location of the pain, ask about the symptoms and check for crepitus. An ultrasound method is used, if necessary, magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed. Only after that, if the wrist hurts, will the diagnosis be completed. This problem is quite capable of becoming global; therefore, treatment prescribed by a doctor should be carried out unconditionally and within a specified period. Unless, of course, you want to lose the mobility of their faithful helpers.

Sore wrist - treatment

Doctors who help get rid of an existing problem are a traumatologist, a neuropathologist or a rheumatologist. If you are not sure who to elect as your assistant in the fight against the disease, visit a therapist. First of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the pain symptom. If troubles have arisen in connection with an injury, most likely, with proper execution of the doctor’s prescriptions, the pain can be relieved relatively quickly. Fixing a sore limb, prescribing analgesics and successful rehabilitation will do its job. The last point is extremely important, especially if the profession is associated with fine motor skills. Insufficient development of the hand can lead to limited functionality, so it is important to be under the constant supervision of a doctor and to scrupulously perform the necessary actions.

If the wrist hurts - treatment usually involves several approaches:

- steroid and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reliably relieve pain and inflammation;

- a langette or a tire helps to protect the sore wrist from unnecessary movements, keep the joint alone;

- Modern preparations for strengthening cartilage are not at all superfluous for some diseases;

- when the wrist hurts is not so acute - treatment may include special gymnastic exercises and physiotherapy;

- in the presence of brucellosis or gonorrhea, a course of treatment of the main disease is performed;

- With the ineffectiveness of the measures taken and the availability of evidence, surgical intervention is recommended.

In some diseases, the combination of treatment prescribed by a doctor with traditional medicine is very successful. However, remember - self-treatment is extremely dangerous, without the advice of a doctor you should not experiment with your own health.

Sore wrist - treatment of folk remedies

1. Ginger compress perfectly eliminates toxins and speeds up the healing process. Granulated root pour boiling water, boil a little and insist. In the cooled solution, wet the fabric, preferably with a terry cloth, wrap the sore wrist and hold for 15-20 minutes. You can repeat the procedure every hour.

2. Burdock leaves are used to wrap a sore spot overnight. Even more effective is to grind them up, hold them in a glass jar in the sun for a few days and apply moldy mush. The pain disappears after the first application.

3. It is said that if you drive with ebony stick in circular movements 50 times a day around a swollen and deformed wrist, a positive result can be seen in a week.

4. Sore wrist - treatment of folk remedies offers to thoroughly mix 100 grams of camphor oil and the same amount of dry mustard. Add the whites of two eggs beaten into a steep foam. Rub a sore wrist or do a compress at night.

5. Half a liter of Kalanchoe twisted in a meat grinder, pour a liter of vodka and insist for five days. The resulting mixture rub a sore spot overnight.

6. Make a thick mixture of kefir and crushed chalk. Apply it on plastic wrap, attach it to the patient's wrist, tie a woolen scarf on top.

When the wrist hurts - treatment with folk remedies can reduce pain, swelling and other external manifestations. Do not neglect the advice of grandmothers, in combination with drug treatment effect may please.

Sore Wrist - Prevention

- during monotonous work, take breaks with exercises for hands and light massage;

- protect handles from injury and cold;

- when playing sports, protect your wrists with special means;

- take the object with the whole brush, do not use only fingers;

- A healthy diet and an adequate amount of vitamins - an excellent prevention of exacerbations.

Hurt the wrist - prevention will help to avoid even more trouble, and early treatment of the main disease will prevent the occurrence of unwanted complications.


Watch the video: A Pain-Free Thumbs Up - Mayo Clinic (June 2024).