Sore shoulder (right or left) - causes. Why shoulders hurt and what to do - which treatment is the most effective.


Shoulder pain almost never happens suddenly. We emphasize - practically. Naturally, there are cases of injuries and other unexpected diseases that may be accompanied by pain in various areas of the body, including the shoulders. However, the disease, accompanied by pain in the shoulders, begin, as a rule, with small, barely noticeable pain. You may not even pay attention to these feelings at first. However, later the lack of timely performed therapy can lead to rather unpleasant consequences. What to do if a sore shoulder and why this can happen: tell below.

Why are my shoulders sore?

Causes of pain in the shoulders are sometimes very commonplace. For example, you began to actively train in the gym or go to the pool, without having any special physical training. Of course, on the second or third day, you may well have the notorious "pretension", that is, pain and discomfort in the muscles. This happens because of the accumulation of lactic acid, which releases toxins and irritates muscle receptors.

Usually pain in the shoulders can occur after lifting the barbell, training on the uneven bars, active swimming or practicing a specific sport called "street workout". An unprepared organism especially often has a crepture, if you start training immediately, without an appropriate warm-up, warming up the muscles.

Injuries of varying severity also cause pain in the shoulders. Bruises, sprains and sprains are frequent companions of adolescents, but an adult also sometimes falls, hits, or crashes. Of course, any injury that is accompanied by pain must be observed by a qualified doctor. This is especially true of injuries resulting from a fall from a height or an emergency, because in this case we can talk about spinal injury.

Among other things, here are the diseases that are characterized by pain in the shoulders, neck and arms:

1. Bursitis, that is, inflammation in the region of the articular sac. This disease is usually manifested by pain in a state of rest and physical activity, the inability to raise the arm above the head. Also, when bursitis can swell in the shoulder joint. Excessive physical and labor loads and age over 50 years contribute to the appearance of bursitis.

2. Tendonitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the tendons of the shoulder. Due to the constant friction of the tendon in contact with the bone especially often, so this disease may well occur in people engaged in monotonous monotonous work, requiring continuous movements of the shoulder joint. In addition, athletes, such as tennis players, golfers, or basketball players, may also be prone to tendinitis.

3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. When the shoulder pain is localized on the left side, it occurs suddenly and is accompanied by shortness of breath, clouding of the eyes, severe discomfort in the heart, sternum and scapula, we can talk about a heart attack. This is an extremely dangerous condition that requires an immediate emergency call.

In addition to the above, it is worth noting that pain in the shoulders is indicative of diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, capsulitis, osteochondrosis, neurosis, or myalgia. All of them require detailed study in the doctor’s office and further treatment.

Sore shoulder when raising hands

If you feel pain when you lift one of the hands, then this can tell you that the problem should be looked for exactly in the area of ​​the shoulder joint. You could only stretch the muscle, suddenly jerking the joint, and it will surely make itself felt in the coming days with the help of pain and discomfort.

During sleep, taking an uncomfortable posture, a person is often able to “lie down” on his shoulder, with the result that his arm may become numb and even ache for hours.

There is also a specific disease called "collision" syndrome, where calcium salts are deposited in the tendon around the scapula and clavicle. In this case, the pain when lifting one of the hands - this phenomenon is often characteristic of older, sedentary people. Sometimes young people who have an inactive, sedentary lifestyle may suffer from this syndrome.

Why does the left shoulder hurt?

The most frequent companions of a heart attack are tingling and pain in the heart, sternum, left shoulder joint and scapula. The pain quickly increases, shortness of breath, cyanosis and loss of consciousness are added. A person often grabs his heart and tries to grab the air with his mouth. Such symptoms can not be overlooked and should immediately call an ambulance.

Sometimes a characteristic pain in the left shoulder is lung disease. For example, pneumonia or alveolitis is accompanied by painful sensations when inhaling. Tightening is not worth a visit to the doctor, if all this is accompanied by a constant cough, wheezing, wheezing or choking.

Among other things, one of the symptoms of the disease of the spleen is considered to be pain in the left shoulder.

Why does the right shoulder hurt?

Are no exception pain in the right shoulder in diseases of the soft tissues surrounding the shoulder joint. These include humeroscapular periarthritis and periarthrosis. Such diseases are companions of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and develop, as a rule, after 60 years. Men are ill more often. Obesity or diabetes mellitus, increased loads that are held for a long time, as well as vascular lesions and pathologies can contribute to the emergence of the disease.

The pain in the right shoulder with this disease is constant, aching. It is almost impossible to raise a hand, discomfort can be simultaneously felt in the neck, shoulder blades, spread to both shoulders and even the back of the head.

Approximately the same sensations are experienced by patients who are looking for the answer to the question: "Why does the arm hurt from shoulder to elbow?" Often, the shoulder-shoulder periarthritis is characterized by just such pains.

A tumorous process can become a terrible factor provoking the appearance of pain in the right or left shoulder. It can be localized in the area of ​​the lungs or heart, and in the shoulder joint or the cervical spine.

Why do your shoulders and neck hurt?

The cervical spine is considered the most active part of the spine, so pain in the neck and shoulders appears in patients quite often. One of the most severe and extremely unpleasant diseases is called osteochondrosis of the spine with localization in the cervical region. Pain in the back, shoulders and neck with this ailment is aching and calm, as well as extremely acute, piercing. Depending on the degree of pain, you can independently determine the stage of the disease. For example, the second and third stages are characterized by mild pain associated more with pinching of nerve endings. But the fourth and most serious stage is already accompanied by severe pain in the neck and shoulders, difficulty in movement and even spinal deformity.

In addition, osteochondrosis is also dangerous with the formation of intervertebral hernia. In this situation, the pain can be very strong, it is difficult to stop, so a person has to endure it almost constantly. If there is no appropriate therapy, it may well lead to immobilization of the limbs and resulting disability.

In rare cases, pain in the cervical region, together with the shoulders, may indicate neurological diseases and neoplastic processes of the spinal cord and brain.

Hurt shoulders: we carry out diagnostics

Primary self-diagnosis is simple: if you have one shoulder or both at once, the pain is not limited to one or two days and even increases, of course, you should see a doctor. About what you can do in order to prevent the development of the disease, we will discuss below.

Usually, many patients choose to visit a general practitioner as their primary diagnosis. He will be able to competently assess the situation and send you for further therapy and clarification of the diagnosis to such doctors:

• Traumatologist,

• Orthopedist,

• Rheumatologist,

• Manual therapist,

• Osteopath,

• Neuropathologist,

• Cardiologist.

In turn, these specialists can prescribe diagnostics in the form of passing procedures:

• Magnetic resonance imaging,

• X-rays,

• Ultrasound,

• cardiograms

• Electroencephalogram.

Sore shoulder: how and what to treat?

Based on the results of the tests, as well as data from various examinations, you may be offered treatment in a medical institution or they will be allowed to carry out therapy at home. The list of therapy sessions for the treatment of diseases of the shoulder joint includes:

1. Treatment with specialized agents. If the pain is associated with arthritis, arthrosis and other inflammatory diseases of the joints, complexes aimed at restoring cartilage tissue are used. The fact is that the main cause of the development of degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system is a decrease in the level of glucosamine and chondroitin - the natural components of the cartilage of the joint. Therefore, along with drugs that relieve pain, are used means that restore the joints. The optimal dose for assimilation of such components is included in the Glucosamine Maximum complex from Natures Product, which helps to restore and protect cartilage tissue from destruction. The tool is widely used in modern medicine for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the joints.

2. Therapeutic massage. It relieves tension and muscle tone, relieves pain and helps cure the underlying ailment.

3. Reflexology. This treatment, consisting of a whole course of procedures, helps to relieve pain, relax tense muscles and speed up blood circulation in the shoulder joint.

4. Physiotherapy, for example, treatment with a laser, ultrasound, magnet or electric current. Many of these manipulations are considered to be agents of drugs directly into the deeper layers of tissue, which contributes to the rapid cure and elimination of pain.

5. Manual therapy.

6. Sessions with an osteopath.

Hirudotherapy, mud treatments and even apitherapy (treatment with bee stings) can sometimes be used to treat diseases of the cervical spine and back.

In milder cases, the doctor prescribes local compresses, application of painkillers and warming ointments or pills, and in addition to this, injections of steroid hormones to the lesions.

In individual cases, surgery may be indicated.

Treatment of pain in the shoulders with the help of folk remedies

For injuries, bruises, sprains and dislocations, the best initial treatment is to apply ice or cold compresses. Provide the immobility of the diseased joint for a while, attach to it any product from the freezer, even if it is a package with dumplings or frozen vegetables. It is often the only way a person can relieve pain on their own and prevent the formation of a massive hematoma.

It is allowed to use ointments containing ibuprofen, diclofenac or indomethacin. They relieve pain locally, relieve tension and inflammation.

At home, a massage with essential oils will be very useful. It is quite simple to make a massage solution: you should add a few drops of ethereal compositions to 100 ml of base vegetable oil. For example, they quench shoulder pain and also have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects of oil:

• Rosemary,

• Geraniums,

• Fennel,

• Eucalyptus,

• Juniper,

• Incense,

• Ginger,

• Lavender.

They help to cure sore shoulder compresses with honey, cabbage leaves, horseradish, as well as decoction of nettle, burdock or horsetail. By the way, decoctions of medicinal herbs are allowed not only to be used as part of therapy for external use, but also consumed inside.

You can try to remove the pain, using a bath with mustard powder, sea salt or all the same decoction of herbs.

Prevention: prevent aggravation of the disease

Remember always that it is much cheaper and easier to prophylactically act on your own joints than to treat them together with a doctor.

Try to sleep in a comfortable position, on an orthopedic mattress, using a special pillow. Do not allow the situation when the pillow is too high and the neck assumes an unnatural position.

Dress, taking into account the weather, do not bring the body to hypothermia.

From time to time, change the location of the shoulder strap of the bag, do not wear it exclusively on one shoulder.

Do not forget about charging: in the morning, let the body wake up with a set of simple exercises, they will be an excellent preventive measure to protect the shoulder joints.


Watch the video: Yoga Moves to Relieve Tension in the Neck & Shoulders (July 2024).