Ways to cook eggplant with cheese and garlic. Eggplant with cheese and garlic is not only an appetizer, but also a side dish


Eggplant with cheese and garlic is one of the most popular snacks on our tables.

Basic principles of cooking

There are many ways you can combine these three ingredients. To prepare all subsequent dishes, you will definitely need fresh eggplant and garlic, and the choice of cheese will depend on the recipe. If you like spicy, then in each recipe increase the amount of garlic per serving.

Use olive oil for frying.

Garlic is a great addition to cheese and eggplant so that it doesn’t take you a lot of time to clean, you can quickly cut off the edges from it, and then press it with the knife’s plane and all the husks will fall off.

Tomatoes will also be often found in the recipes we have proposed, for the quality of dishes from tomatoes, it is necessary to peel. To do this, place all the tomatoes in a deep container and pour boiling water. In this state, leave them for 15 minutes.

When the necessary time has passed, drain the water and let the tomatoes cool down a little. As soon as you feel comfortable for yourself, start peeling the tomatoes. Slightly prying the peel of the stalk with a knife, you can easily and in one motion remove it from the entire vegetable.

You can decorate eggplant with cheese and garlic with sprigs of greens and fresh vegetables.

Baked Eggplant


• Young blue ones - 3 kilograms;

• Large champignons - 5 pieces;

• Paprika - half a teaspoon;

• Tomatoes - 4 things;

• Chile - ½ pod;

• Garlic - 4 cloves;

• Cheddar cheese - 200 grams;

• Vegetable oil

• Salt and ground black pepper - to your taste.

Cooking method

To start the cooking process, wash the little blue ones and peel them. Next, using a sharp knife, cut the eggplant lengthwise into thin plates (1cm). Then sprinkle with salt and cover the container with vegetables with any lid. In order for the eggplants to be used, let them stand for at least twenty minutes.

Go to the mushrooms. The ideal form of slicing champignons for cooking eggplant with cheese, mushrooms and garlic is a cube.

In the basic principles of cooking, we gave an example of how you can peel tomatoes, use the advice and proceed to processing vegetables further. To do this, cut the tomatoes into 4 parts and remove the cores. Then chop the tomatoes finely.

Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into a preheated pan. Now put the mushrooms in the pan. When they turn completely brown and give off all their juice, add the tomatoes and peeled garlic to them.

Fry the resulting mixture of vegetables for no more than five minutes.

Take the baking dish deeper. Put the blue ones on the bottom, on top of them 1/3 of the filling formed during frying, sprinkle everything with salt and pepper, evenly distribute the chili on top.

Grate a portion of the cheddar on top and put the tomato-mushroom mixture again. Spread all the ingredients in this sequence to the end.

Now place the vegetables in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake eggplant with cheese and garlic for no more than 30 minutes. To determine the readiness of a dish, use a toothpick to check for softness. When the cheese crust turns golden, you can get the eggplant.

Serving such a dish can be both cold and hot. For a beautiful serving, divide the eggplant with cheese and garlic into portions.

Eggplant rolls


• Eggplant

• Flour

• Tomatoes

• Cream cheese

• Olive oil

• Chives

• Walnuts

• Garlic

Cooking method

It is better to immediately fill the nuts with water and let it brew for a bit. Peel the garlic and peel the eggplant. After that, cut the little blue ones into thin slices and sprinkle with coarse salt.

Peel the tomatoes as indicated in the general principles of cooking and cut into slices. Now, together with green onions, send the tomatoes to brown on a frying pan.

While the tomatoes are fried, drain the water from the nuts and chop them finely. This can be done with a knife or a hammer for beating meat.

Now mix the nuts, garlic and grated cream cheese. Stir the mixture thoroughly and add a little ground black pepper to it.

Wash the main ingredient from salt and dry a little, roll in flour. Send them to the pan. There they should lightly brown.

Now let's start forming rolls. Spread the eggplant slice completely with the cheese paste. From the end that is closer to you, lay the onion and tomato. Start twisting the roll. Do not press hard on it so that the filling does not start to fall out, otherwise the dish will lose aesthetics.

Served as a cold appetizer.

Eggplant in Tomato Paste


• Six pieces of large eggplant;

• 300 grams of any hard cheese;

• A small bunch of parsley;

• clove of garlic;

• Four ripe tomatoes;

• 100 milliliters of oil;

• ½ teaspoon of salt;

• ¼ teaspoon black pepper.

Cooking method

Before cooking, prepare the vegetables, as we described it in the general principles of cooking eggplant with cheese and garlic.

Across the cut blue should not be thicker than 0.5 cm, put them in hot oil, and pass for several minutes until you see the desired golden crust.

Peel and cut each garlic into four pieces. Sauté the garlic. This should be done within 5-6 minutes. When the garlic has accepted the readiness we need, in its place send peeled (general cooking principles) and chopped tomatoes very finely. Fry them until they turn into pasta. Add salt and a little pepper to the gruel.

Turn on the oven, let it warm up to 180 degrees. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil so that nothing sticks to the bottom.

Rub the cheese on a fine grater.

The first layer is blue, lay them out evenly, apply tomato paste and cheese to them. It is not necessary to bake eggplant with cheese and garlic, as well as tomato paste for a short time, for a maximum of 10 minutes, until the cheese is melted.

Eggplant with cheese and garlic, as well as other vegetables

This recipe resembles eggplant caviar, so you will not have difficulties with cooking.


• Three large white eggplants;

• One large carrot;

• Five cloves of garlic;

• Five large tomatoes;

• One processed cheese;

• 100 grams of fett cheese;

• 200 grams of any hard cheese;

• Two medium onions;

• Two small zucchini;

• One yellow zucchini;

• 200 grams of sour cream;

• A bunch of fresh herbs.

Cooking method

For cooking, we need sauce. To do this, mix sour cream with grated cream cheese and two hundred grams of hard cheese (finely chopped or shabby). Tear the whole bunch of greens that you have in the mixture. Next, use a blender to beat the ingredients in the sauce. Add some salt. The sauce is best stored in the refrigerator, but be sure to cover the container with a lid or cover with cling film.

Let's start the direct cooking of vegetables. To do this, thoroughly wash all the vegetables and chop them into cubes. Now preheat the oven to 200 degrees and heat the form in which the baking will take place. Pre-grease the mold with olive oil.

In a large container, mix all the vegetables, drain the unnecessary liquid, add salt and a little black and red pepper. Now put the vegetables into shape. Bake the vegetable mixture for about 30 minutes.

The dish is served in portions as a side dish. Put the baked vegetables on a plate and sprinkle them with chopped feta, put a saucepan with cheese sauce next to it.

Eggplant Bombs


• Two blue ones;

• Two ripe tomatoes;

• Any hard cheese;

• head of garlic;

• One large carrot or two medium.

Cooking method

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and fry until golden in a pan, when it is half ready, add chopped garlic to it.

Before that, peel the tomatoes, we already told you how to do this - in the general principles of cooking eggplant with cheese and garlic. Grind half the tomatoes and send to the carrots and garlic, fry a little.

Peeling vegetables is not worth it. On the contrary, we will have to form the shell of the bomb precisely with the help of the peel. Eggplant needs to be cut into three equal parts, its inner honor is removed, if desired, it can be chopped and added to tomatoes and carrots.

Now we chop the cheese, you do not need to rub it. Just cut into cubes. Combine with it carrots, garlic, tomatoes and blue, carefully move the resulting filling, add a little salt and pepper.

Start stuffing bombs. Pour the filling inside the ready-made empty little blue ones. Cut the remaining tomatoes into circles and arrange them on top of the eggplant. Now send the resulting bombs to the preheated oven for 20 minutes.

Bulgarian cake


• Three bell peppers;

• Ten tomatoes;

• Five large eggplants in blue;

• One eggplant in white;

• Four carrots;

• One onion;

• 200 grams of butter:

• 200 grams of hard cheese;

• Three chicken eggs;

• Three heads of garlic.

Cooking method

Eggplant blue and white - wash, dry and cut lengthwise into thin slices. They will form the basis of the cake, a kind of cake. At the same time, they do not need to be mixed. The type of blue should be below and in the middle of the torus, but the white vegetable should be placed on its top.

Now we will prepare the filling, which is laid out in layers, between the layers will be a sauce of cheese, butter and eggs.

First put wet parchment paper in the baking dish. Put the first layer of blue eggplant on it.

Stuffing: finely chop the carrots and onions and fry until golden brown. Finely chop the bell pepper and also let it fry in the total mass. Next, add finely chopped tomatoes to everything. Fry everything for five minutes.

Sauce: grate cheese. Before starting all the processes, remove the oil from the refrigerator and allow it to soften a little. Now it will be soft and easy to knead with a fork. When the butter becomes more or less homogeneous, beat three chicken eggs without one yolk in it and add the grated cheese.

Now we continue the formation of the cake. Put the first layer of the filling and grease it with the resulting sauce, continue in the same sequence until you reach the middle of the form, now put another portion of blue ones and continue in the same way with the filling. Having laid its last layer, again resort to the sauce and cover everything with white eggplant.

This dish is baked for about 20-30 minutes, depending on your oven. Served in portions for meat and poultry.

Eggplant boats


• Three eggplants;

• Six chicken eggs;

• 200 grams of Cheddar;

• 100 grams of Parmesan;

• Six leaves of salad;

• A bunch of greens;

• One head of garlic.

Cooking method

Cooking eggplant with cheese and garlic is interesting and delicious, and now we will experiment and add chicken trio to this trio. Of these ingredients will come six servings of eggplant with cheese and garlic.

Wash the eggplants and cut them in half lengthwise. Remove the entrails with a spoon or knife.

Now boil the eggs in a steep and let them cool slightly. After cleaning the eggs, cut them along.

Grate two types of cheese on a coarse grater and mix with finely chopped herbs. Squeeze all the garlic here.

Now place the boiled eggs in the middle of the boats and sprinkle all over the cheese mixture. Bake in the oven for at least 15 minutes. You can check the readiness of vegetables using toothpicks.

Serve the dish on lettuce. Top you can sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Eggplant with cheese and garlic - tricks and tips

So that the eggplant is not soaked with oil during frying and is not bitter, cut them into 2 parts and put in water for an hour or add salt and cut into slices of blue and let it brew. Juice that stands out from vegetables will completely take away the bitterness.

To make the blue one minimally fat, it is worth immediately after frying or baking to spread it on a napkin so that it absorbs excess fat.

You can add any vegetables to cheese and eggplant, you can fry and bake them as blue toppings or as a separate dish.

For vegetables, always try to make the sauce. In some of our recipes, we gave an example of what it can be. But this does not end there. Try to make not only cheese sauce. You can use both ready-made and homemade sauce. Mint-garlic and soy sauces are suitable for vegetables.

Eggplant dishes can be served as an appetizer before baked meat. And they can be an independent dish, in this case, add a side dish to them when serving.


Watch the video: How To Make Baked Eggplant Taste Like Fried. Rockin Robin Cooks (June 2024).