Folk remedies for a cold: help or not? How to stop interlocking folk remedies from a cold


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose - a runny nose or rhinitis can be infectious, vasomotor, allergic. Regardless of the type of any rhinitis with timely action taken quickly treated.

Folk remedies for rhinitis - flushing

A simple procedure of washing the nose, at the beginning of the onset of rhinitis, is quite effective. Washing can improve the overall condition of the body. After the procedure, the sputum and mucus are liquefied, and it becomes easier to breathe.

In addition, washing disinfects the nasal mucosa, does not allow infection to spread further.

How to wash your nose? You can use the usual syringe, which is filled with a healing solution. To prepare it is simple: in a glass of warm boiled water drip a couple of drops of iodine and add a third part of a teaspoon of sea salt. Mix well.

In addition to the salt solution as an effective remedy for the common cold, a decoction of medicinal herbs is used: chamomile, St. John's wort, eucalyptus. They are brewed at the rate of 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water.

You can also use for flushing the nose:

• Soda solution. For its preparation dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water a teaspoon of salt and soda. About 10 drops of iodine are added there. The tool is recommended to apply the first 3 days after the onset of the disease. Then use only the brine.

• Furacilin. The solution for washing the nose is prepared as follows: the drug pill is crushed and dissolved in a glass of warm water. You must ensure that the tablet is completely dissolved in order to avoid damage to the nasal mucosa. Washing with furatsilinom carried out three times a day.

• Beet juice. In a warm saline solution add a tablespoon of beet juice and wash the nose.

If there is no rubber pear on hand, the nose is washed with the treatment solution from the palm of your hand.

This is done like this: pour the solution into the palm of your hand, then draw in its nostrils with one palm. After pressing the same nostril with the palm of your hand and tilting the head to the side so that the healing liquid flows out through the other nostril. Or throw your head back.

Folk remedies for rhinitis - inhalation

Inhalation with the use of medicinal herbs or essential oils is a popular and effective folk remedy for the common cold. For inhalation use an inhaler or nebulizer, allowing drug mixtures to positively act on the nasal mucosa, eliminating the common cold.

Steam inhaler - the easiest and most affordable device that can be purchased at any pharmacy. An improved model of glass - the Mahold inhaler is a convenient and high-quality device used in the fight against colds and runny nose.

Nebulizer is translated as "fog." Using ultrasound, he breaks up the water into tiny particles, which allows medicines to act on the mucous membrane faster. That's just oil in the nebulizer can not be used.

For the treatment of rhinitis using conventional steam inhalation use oils:

• fir

• tea tree

• sea buckthorn

• eucalyptus

The inhaler is filled with boiling water halfway through, a few drops of any oil are dropped there and the vapors released are inhaled.

In addition to oils, you can use medicinal herbs decoctions:

• oregano

• Hypericum

• thyme

• lavender

They are prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of crushed plants per cup of boiling water. Broth insist, filter, pour into the machine.

An excellent folk remedy for rhinitis is inhalation with an infusion of raspberry leaf and calendula flowers. Separately, a decoction is made of 20 g raspberry leaf and a glass of boiling water, 10 g of calendula flowers and the same amount of boiling water. Then infusions are mixed, they fill the inhaler and inhale healing vapors.

In addition to the above means, you can use the finished product, which is sold in a pharmacy - Pinosol. It consists of pine, mint and eucalyptus oil. The drug is instilled directly into the nose or inhaled with it.

The use of an inhaler or nebulizer in the fight against a cold has several advantages. With the help of inhalation:

1. moistened nasal mucosa

2. soften crusts

3. removed burning, itching

4. mucus liquefies and is easier to get out of the nose

5. The procedure has no side effects and is easily tolerated.

6. The drug reaches all parts of the nasal cavity, including the upper bronchi

Existing drops from a cold quickly get into the mouth and are destroyed by the action of saliva. During inhalation, the medications aimed at combating the common cold are evenly distributed in the nasal cavity. This allows you to achieve maximum effect in the treatment of rhinitis.

Folk remedies for the common cold - time-tested recipes

Cure rhinitis helps menthol oilwhich is in every pharmacy. Instill 3 drops into both nostrils several times a day.

In addition, at home applies onion or garlic. Grind one of the products and inhale it in pairs. Sauces with gruel of onion and garlic can be put in your room, periodically updating their contents.

Another good recipe: put chopped onion or garlic in a small metal dish and put in a water bath. When the water boils, remove the dishes with the medicine, wrap, put on it a pre-prepared cone made of cardboard and breathe that one or the other nostrils.

A home remedy is justly considered a popular remedy for a runny nose. Kalanchoe or Aloe. Mix fresh leaf juice of one of the plants with honey 1: 1 and bury several times a day. Honey is used only if there is no allergy to it.

Honey in combination with onions is an excellent folk remedy for rhinitis. To prepare the medicinal mixture, take 2 tablespoons of a gruel of onion, pour it with a quarter cup of warm water, mix, insist for several hours. Then add half a teaspoon of liquid honey and use as nasal drops.

For the treatment of rhinitis at home used soaked beet juice tampons Juice must first be defended. Then you need to moisten a gauze or cotton swabs in it and insert it into the nasal passage for half an hour.

If during a cold you feel dryness in the nose, it is advisable to use oil solutions instead of the traditional drops. Well proven solution from vegetable oil with onion juice.

For its preparation should sterilize vegetable oil in a water bath. In a half cup of hot oil add a small chopped onion. Infuse the solution for 8 hours, strain and lubricate their nose several times a day.

You can cook homemade Eucalyptus oilwhich is also successfully used for rhinitis. It is prepared simply: one tablespoon of the crushed leaves of a plant is poured with half a glass of vegetable oil and simmered for a few minutes. Then means insist, filter and instilled into the nose.

Folk remedies for rhinitis - thermal procedures

At the first sign of a runny nose, you need a good warm legs. The procedure is performed under the condition that there is no elevated body temperature. In a heated water, add a handful of dry mustard or salt and steam for 15-20 minutes.

To prevent water from cooling down, wrap your legs with a blanket. At the end of the procedure, rub the limbs well and wear wool socks. This is best done before bedtime.

At the beginning of the disease, you can treat the nose warmed in a pan and placed in a cotton bag. salt (buckwheat will do)

As a heating agent also use potatoeswelded in the peel. Mash a hot potato and, putting it in a fabric of natural fibers, apply to the bridge of the nose until it cools. This procedure is done and children.

In addition to potatoes and salt, runny nose are treated by heating a hard-boiled an egg. When using a hot compress, it is important to ensure that the process itself is comfortable. It is recommended to additionally use a towel to prevent burns.

Good therapeutic effect in the treatment of rhinitis has kerosenewith which they grease the feet before going to bed, put a napkin soaked in it from above and put on warm socks. This tool quickly eliminates the common cold than the well-known dry mustard.

Folk remedies for rhinitis during pregnancy

The main reason for the common mother’s runny nose is hormonal changes in the body. They cause swelling of the nasal cavity and increased secretions. For the treatment of rhinitis during pregnancy, use the following recipes:

1. Finely chop the onion and garlic. Place the mixture in the teapot and pour boiling water over it. Through such an improvised inhaler, inhale the medicinal vapors alternately between each nostril.

2. Make a decoction of chamomile, brew 1 tablespoon of grass with a glass of boiling water. Insist, strain and flush nose with palms or using a syringe.

3. Juice fresh aloe leaf bury in the nose several times a day.

4. Viburnum juice mixed with honey in a 1: 1 ratio and drink a tablespoon at least 3 times a day.

5. The juice of the grass coltsfoot, which is diluted with water in the same proportions instilled into the nose. Prepare the juice like this: wash the leaves of the plant, scald with boiling water, grind in a meat grinder and squeeze.

6. At the very beginning of the disease it is recommended to make an onion compress on the nose. To do this, gruel of onion is put in a bandage and applied to the wings of the nose, after having lubricated the skin with vegetable oil.

7. As a tonic with a cold, you can use hot currant compote.

Using time-tested folk remedies for a cold, you will quickly get rid of the disease and various complications will bypass your side. However, to consult with a doctor will be useful. Traditional methods of treatment are auxiliary, but not basic!


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