The secret of a successful lady: for those who want to learn how to combine work, hobbies and family life


To become successful and happy you need to constantly move forward and be always in good shape, but many of us are family, children who require your attention, how to be in time?

"Why is there only 24 hours in a day ?!"

Admit, you have ever had this question. When you are at work, you really want to spend time with your loved ones or you need to help your child with lessons. In the modern rhythm of life, it is becoming increasingly difficult to combine career and family happiness - and not to mention simple joys like meeting friends or a favorite hobby.

There are several simple ways to rationally use the day and find time and energy for all things. And it all starts with our biorhythms

Owl or Lark?

It is believed that the most productive time for brain activity is from 10 am to noon.

The sooner you go to bed and the earlier you wake up, the better for your body. Early retirement and early rise are best combined with human natural biorhythms. According to scientists from the Korean University College of Medicine, a nocturnal lifestyle disrupts the body’s biological clock, which affects its health. The so-called Owls (people who go to bed late and get up late) are more at risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, muscle weakness.

Falling asleep too late, you confuse your own body - is it any wonder that only a cup of strong coffee picks us up in the morning.

By the way, a cup of weak coffee in the morning is very good for health, as it speeds up metabolic processes in the body.

Perfect breakfast for a successful lady

No matter how you want to limit yourself to coffee with a sandwich or cookies, remember - it is vital for our body to get nutrients before active physical and mental work begins, otherwise it simply does not have enough energy for everything.

It is important that the breakfast was complete, but not too high in calories. A wholesome breakfast for a real lady who wants to keep her figure healthy and alert should include fruits or berries. They can be added to porridge, yogurt, granola, cottage cheese. A good choice would be a banana, grapefruit, orange or apple.

It is important to remember that you can’t skip breakfasts, skipping them and doing a light lunch, you will definitely want to compensate for the lack of energy with a plentiful dinner. And to sleep on a full stomach is harmful both for the figure and for health in general.

Learning time management

  • Learn how to plan your day. So you will not forget about important matters and will not begin to relax ahead of time. Only without fanaticism - having planned too many things for the day, you will not leave time for yourself
  • "Cause time - fun hour." Remember how much time yesterday you viewed photos on Instagram or VKontakte? And then how much did you have to linger after work in order to finish everything? Decisively abandon meaningless activities that are not beneficial and take time - or at least waste your own time after you have completed all the tasks.
  • Solve problems in parts, and if possible, even delegate (to subordinates, employees, friends). But most importantly, do not run urgent issues that require your participation - they themselves will not disappear, but can only become more complicated.
  • Do not forget to maintain health! Avrali are found in everyone, no one is safe from this. Do not hesitate to help the body in such situations - natural stimulants will lead you back to normal and give you strength to successfully complete a difficult situation.
  • Take your time, stop. A fifteen-minute break rarely affects the success of the whole thing, but it allows you to get distracted, comprehend what has been done and plan an effective end to the work.

These tips seem simple at first glance, but the secret of success lies in their simplicity. Try to stick to them and make sure that there is enough time for everything!

Energize for the whole day

Sometimes a strict daily routine and proper nutrition are not enough. If by the middle of the day you feel that your internal charge is at the limit, you cannot concentrate and feel completely broken, seek help from Elkar, a drug containing L-carnitine, a natural substance that plays an important role in the formation of energy and metabolism in our body. L-carnitine is present in many organs and tissues of a person, prevailing in those of them where the production of a large amount of energy is necessary for normal functioning (heart, brain, muscles, liver, kidneys). The need for it is individual and amounts to 200-500 mg per day, but with the dynamic pace of modern life, the need for carnitine increases many times, its lack arises, and weakness, apathy, and a decrease in the activity of immune cells can occur.

And then no time management will give a result - if there is no strength, it does not matter how you distribute the affairs. Elkar energizes, gives strength for a successful and fulfilling life, increases resistance to stress and physical stress. With such an assistant, you will be able to solve current problems with 100% efficiency, save time and energy for yourself and for your family and make you happy.

We hope that these simple recommendations will help you not only to be in time, but also to keep youth and energy for many years!


Watch the video: 4 Best Things Do in your Free Time - What to do when youre bored (July 2024).