Adjika is hot - burning notes in cooking. Traditional multinational and unique recipes adzhika sharp, very sharp and even sharper!


The variety of hot sauces, of course, great, and they have long been known in the world of cooking, under various names.

One of the varieties is acute adzhika, which has gained considerable popularity in our latitudes.

Adjika acute - general principles of preparation

Compliance with cooking techniques is important in every recipe. What unites innumerable adzhika recipes sharp, and also helps to save the workpiece for a long time? Of course, hot pepper, garlic and salt. But the main component of adzhika spicy is hot pepper. The quality, consistency, taste and shelf life depend on the proportions of adzhika ingredients. These products from nature received unique properties that contribute to the long-term storage of hot sauces.

The main ingredients of hot sauces

• Pepper contains alkaloid, capsaicin, which makes it hot. Capsaicin helps fight various bacteria. It contains amino acids, which are also preservatives. Despite the useful biochemical composition of the product, when handling it, you should take precautions:

o In different varieties of pepper capsaicin contains from 0.3% to 2%. In this regard, the amount of other products and preservatives should vary according to the goal: storage for more than six months or use in a shorter time;

o It is better to work with hot pepper in gloves to avoid trouble in the form of skin irritation;

o The second significant caution is related to eating foods containing hot peppers. People suffering from certain diseases of the stomach, taking adjika acute should be extremely cautious.

• Garlic contains sodium, potassium, glucose, organic acids and many other useful minerals and organic compounds with anti-bacterial properties, which significantly increases the shelf life of billets.

• Tomatoes. It has become a tradition to add sharp tomatoes to the adjika to mitigate the sharpness. For the preparation of sauces it is better to use tomatoes without peel, which is convenient to remove by blanching.

* Blanching - heat treatment of vegetables, after which the peel is separated.

In boiling water for 30 seconds, put tomatoes, peppers, and so on. You can use another method - a couple. It is also allowed in the oven, but the cooking time will be different because the thickness of the peel of tomatoes, eggplant, pepper, and so on is different. It should be noted that the vegetables become tastier in the oven. But it is difficult to deal with tomatoes without experience.

• Salt is a universal natural mineral, preservative and seasoning.

From the above it follows that all ingredients have the necessary components and do not require the use of additional preservatives. Other customary preservatives and spices should be added to the measure, depending on the ratio and composition of various formulations, and only to create an individual flavor, texture and taste.

Recipe 1. Adjika acute "Dance of Fire"


• 0,250 kg - Ratunda pepper (green);

• 0,250 kg - chili pepper (red);

• 0.850 kg - Bulgarian pepper (yellow);

• 0,250 kg - Pepper "Spark" dry (in equal shares of red and green, 1 piece about 5-10 grams);

• 0,250 kg - garlic;

• 0,200 kg - cilantro greens;

• 0,200 kg - fresh basil;

• 0.100 kg - sugar;

• 0.100 kg - salt;

• 0,050 ml - olive oil (not refined).

Yield: 2,500 kg

Cooking technology:

All components are indicated in the net mass, that is, washed, dried and cleaned. Be sure to strictly observe the proportions and cooking techniques.

Pepper "Ratunda", "Chile", "Bulgarian" we split up with a ceramic knife into very small cubes. Of course, many will decide that it is easier to use a blender or meat grinder, but the recommended way gives this recipe its unique taste qualities. Take the "Spark" and fray it in a mortar. Garlic (required) rub on a fine grater. Grind cilantro and basil. Add sugar, salt, and olive oil. We mix everything thoroughly, put it into prepared, sterilized jars; shutting down. Can be stored at room temperature, but not under the influence of sunlight.

Recipe 2. Adjika spicy "Refill"


• 0,700 kg - chili peppers;

• 0.350 kg - garlic;

• 0.150 kg - horseradish root;

• 0,100 kg - red pepper, ground;

• 0,100 kg - black pepper, ground;

• 0,100 kg - dill, dry, shredded;

• 0,100 kg - ground ginger;

• 0.150 kg - sugar;

• 0.150 kg - salt;

• 0.100 kg - soy sauce.

Yield: 2,000 kg

Cooking technology:

Such adjika spicy is designed exclusively for marinade, and cooking various meat and fish dishes. Rescue if unexpectedly gathered for a picnic. Just a few hours will help to pickle meat. Two hundred and fifty grams is enough for three grilled chicken preparations. Washed and peeled, dried chili pepper, garlic, horseradish root wiped with a meat grinder, with the addition of red and black ground pepper, dill and ginger, sugar, salt, soy sauce. All thoroughly mixed and put in a pre-prepared sterilized jars of 250 grams. Seal them tightly with covers. We put in a suitable dish with cold water so that when boiling the water does not reach the lids, "to the shoulders." Bring to a boil, and boil for 35 to 45 minutes.

We let it brew for 24 hours, after which we can use shish kebabs, grilled chicken, as well as dressing for borsch and various dishes as marinade. Do not use as a separate sauce.

Recipe 3. Adjika spicy "Mexican"


• 1,000 kg - red paprika;

• 1,000 kg - chili peppers;

• 0,500 kg - tomatoes;

• 0,500 kg - garlic;

• 0.050 kg - ginger root;

• 2 pcs. - lemon;

• 2 celery stalks;

• 0.025 kg - salt.

Yield: 3,000 kg

Cooking technology:

We have paprika and pepper "Chile" remove only green tails. Tomatoes blanch. Peel the garlic, ginger. All cut into large slices, add salt, and put in a combine. We grind. We shift in a suitable saucepan (enameled or stainless steel), then set on slow fire. Stir for one and a half hours, removing the foam that forms. Pour prepared sauce into prepared jars.

Recipe 4. Adjika spicy "Traditional"


• 2,000 kg - hot peppers;

• 0,500 kg - garlic;

• 0.350 kg - walnut, peeled;

• 0.050 kg - savory ground;

• 0.050 kg - ground oregano;

• 0.050 kg - ground coriander;

• 0.025 kg - salt.

Yield: 3,000 kg

Cooking technology:

Cut off the tails of pepper, cut into large lobes. Grains do not remove. Peel the garlic. We shift in the food processor and grind. Grind all spices with salt in a mortar. Then add to the combine and mix again. Using a knife, crush the walnut kernel. We shift in a stainless steel pot (aluminum not to use). Lightly cover, leaving small gaps to start the sublimation process *. Leave at room temperature for 4 - 5 days. After we distribute them in cans and store them in a cool place or a refrigerator.

* Sublimation is the process by which excessive moisture is removed.

Recipe 5. Adjika acute "Eastern"


• 1,500 kg - hot peppers (green);

• 0,500 kg - tomatoes (green);

• 0,500 kg - horseradish root;

• 0,500 kg - garlic;

• 0.100 kg - cilantro greens;

• 0.100 kg - fresh dill root;

• 0.050 kg - red ground pepper;

• 0.050 kg - ginger root, ground, fresh;

• 0.005 kg - ground cloves;

• 0,015 kg - sugar;

• 0.025 kg - salt;

• 0.060 ml - soy sauce.

Yield: 3,300 kg

Cooking technology:

Prepared peppers, tomatoes, horseradish root cut into large lobes. Chop garlic and cilantro. On a hot, dry, thick-walled (better cast-iron) pan for two minutes, heat the ground clove, ginger root, red pepper and salt. At the same time actively mix. After ground in a mortar and send to the bulk. Add sugar, salt and soy sauce. Distributed by banks.

Recipe 6. Adjika sharp "Dragon Heart"


• 0,250 kg - hot pepper;

• 1,000 kg - paprika;

• 0.150 kg - garlic;

• 0,100 kg - pepper "Spark" fresh;

• 0.100 kg of tomato paste;

• 1 - large pomegranate;

• 0.020 kg - dry basil;

• 0,005 kg - jeera;

• 0.005 kg - savory;

• 0,050 ml - soy sauce;

• 0.020 kg - sugar or 1 tablespoon.

Yield: approximately 2,000 kg

Cooking technology:

The weight of vegetables is given in purified form. Paprika, Ratunda pepper and garlic are ground by a blender. We rub tomatoes through a sieve. The resulting mass is sent slightly extinguished with sugar in a frying pan for 10 - 15 minutes. Let cool. On a hot, thick-walled frying pan, heat the spicy herbs for no more than one minute. Pound herbs in a mortar. Pepper "Spark" cut into thin rings. We clean the pomegranate, divide it into two equal parts. From one part squeeze the juice. In the bulk of the paprika, pepper "Ratunda" and garlic add rings "Spark", squeezed juice, the remaining grains of pomegranate and soy sauce. We mix everything, let it stand for at least two hours. Keep in the cold.

Recipe 7. Adjika acute "Russian"


• 1,000 kg - paprika;

• 1,000 kg - Ratunda pepper;

• 1,000 kg - tomatoes;

• 0,600 kg - garlic;

• 0,150 kg - hot peppers, dry;

• 0.100 ml - 9% vinegar (0.050 ml of vinegar and soy sauce can be added);

• 0,010 kg - allspice, ground;

• 0,010 kg - black pepper, ground;

• 0,010 kg - bay leaf, ground leaf;

• 0,010 kg - dry, ground dill;

• 0,010 kg - savory;

• 0.050 kg - sugar;

• 0.050 kg - salt;

• 1½ cups - boiling water.

Output: 4,300 kg

Cooking technology:

Hot pepper (dry) is put in a suitable dish so that the pepper is completely covered with water; close the lid of a smaller diameter (use in the form of a press). We wait a few hours until the pepper absorbs the maximum amount of water. Processed “Ratunda” peppers and paprika, put on a baking sheet covered with foil for baking. Put for 5 minutes in a preheated oven. Slightly bake at 1800. Blanch * tomatoes. Then chop the tomatoes with a food processor or skip through a meat grinder. We rub the received weight through a sieve. Crush paprika, sweet pepper and steamed hot pepper. Mix with grated tomatoes, add all the spices. Within an hour, we simmer on low heat, stir continuously and remove the foam that forms. Then we shift to banks.

Recipe 8. Adjika spicy "Table"


• 0,500 kg - pepper "Ratunda";

• 0.500 kg - paprika (orange);

• 0,100 kg - garlic;

• 0,200 kg - cranberries;

• 0.050 kg - cilantro;

• 0,005 kg - ground cardamom;

• 0.005 kg - savory;

• 0.005 kg - turmeric;

• 0,015 kg - sugar;

• 0.025 kg - salt;

• 0.045 ml - soy sauce;

• 0,050 ml - walnut oil.

Yield: 2,500 kg

Cooking technology:

We remove seeds from pepper. Send the paprika to the preheated 1800 oven for 5 minutes. Using a meat grinder, grind baked paprika, garlic and cilantro. Ratunda pepper is crushed into a small cube, ceramic knife. Add spices, season with soy sauce and walnut oil.

Recipe 9. Adjika spicy "Special"


• 0,500 kg - Ratunda pepper;

• 0,250 kg - prunes;

• 0.100 kg - walnut kernel;

• 0,050 kg - garlic;

• 0,010 kg - ginger, ground;

• 0,010 kg - savory;

• 0,010 kg - cardamom, ground;

• 0,010 kg - cloves, ground;

• 0.060 ml - olive oil.

Yield: 1,000 kg

Cooking technology:

Knife to detail the walnut. Pepper, garlic, prunes mince. Add spices and season with olive oil.

Adjika acute - tricks and useful tips

• Sugar will significantly increase the "light" in the sauce, and reveal more savory and "hot" notes of pepper.

• In small quantities, the use of boiling water also activates the alkaloid capsaicin in hot pepper varieties.

• If you do not plan to preserve the sauce, then if possible try to avoid using excessive amounts of vinegar, but rather replace it with lemon juice, which will refresh the taste. Vinegar, of course, helps to extend the shelf life, but with long-term storage reduces the natural taste of the products in the sauce.

• It is better to try to prepare a pasty canned spicy adjika (concentrate), and replace the vinegar with salt by adding 10-20%. This will preserve the natural flavor, and when served, you can always spice up with fresh spices, tomato (thick) sauce, lemon juice and vegetable oil to add fresh flavors.

• If the sauce turned out to be too hot for you, the following foods will help loosen:

  • add a little to the sauce of any vegetable oil: walnut oil is ideal for your taste;
  • if you feel that you have burned your mouth, do not drink it with water, it is better to eat a teaspoon of vegetable oil, or drink a glass of milk or kefir.

• The alkaloid capsaicin is highly soluble in alcohols, vegetable fats and dairy products.

• For those who do not like to use gloves when cleaning hot pepper varieties, try before you pick up the pepper, richly handle your hands with vegetable oil. This method will protect the skin of the hands, reduce the burning of pepper and pungent odor.

• Most housewives add an approximate amount of ingredients, and there are unpredictable results. When we find the ideal option, it is difficult to remember in what proportion the products were added. For recipes to have the same result, always follow the sequence and use measuring equipment: it is better to purchase kitchen scales. The basic rule is to proceed from the amount of refined products.

Try, experiment in the ratios of ingredients.

After all, there is no single best recipe - there are different tastes.
