Folk remedies for nasal congestion - we treat the cause of the disease. The best and proven folk remedies for nasal congestion


With the onset of cold weather, many are faced with such a problem as nasal congestion. However, this symptom does not always indicate a cold.

Nasal congestion: causes

Nasal congestion can occur due to:

• allergies

• mechanical injury to the nose

• curvature of the nasal septum

• hormonal disorders

• adenoid, polyps

• uncontrolled intake of funds for the common cold

• increased dryness indoors

• subcooling

You can get rid of unpleasant sensations using simple methods. But first you need to establish the cause of the disease. And only a specialist can do this. In addition to the main treatment, it is recommended to use affordable drugs that traditional medicine has in its arsenal.

Folk remedies for nasal congestion - flushing

1. Everyone knows that washing - a useful procedure. However, not everyone uses it. But in vain. Nasal lavage, according to scientists, helps with rhinitis, sinusitis, allergies and diseases associated with air pollution in large cities. The procedure is quite simple. The main thing is to conduct it correctly.

Washing removes clots of mucus (read microorganisms), reduces the activity and amount of substances that contribute to inflammation. Rinsing must be done not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes.

What solutions can be used to perform the procedure?

1. Saline solution. Opinions on how much salt to put in a glass of water diverge. The best option that traditional medicine offers is 2 g. Dissolve so much salt - the remedy that is in every home, in warm water (1 cup).

Perform the procedure of washing the nose several times a day, alternately pulling the healing solution from the palm of one of the nostrils, then another.

2. Soda-salt. Dissolve in the same amount of water half a teaspoon of soda and salt. Such a mixture effectively eliminates nasal congestion, but it is often impossible to use it.

3. Flush your nose as often as possible chamomile broth - traditional anti-inflammatory drugs.

4. Onion solution has a pronounced bactericidal effect. Grind 1 onion. Take 1 part healthy vegetable juice and add 10 parts water to it. Rinse your nose with onion solution with caution.

5. Beetroot juice is an excellent tool for washing the nose. Grate a small beet on a grater, squeeze the juice and drip it into both nostrils for a couple of droplets. You will feel a positive result right away. The method is simple but extremely effective.

Washing the nose has its contraindications.

Do not rinse your nose if you have:

• swelling that cannot be removed

• tumors in the nasal cavity

• tendency to nosebleeds

• otitis media

• the nasal septum is too curved

• allergy to one of the components of the solution

Folk remedies for nasal congestion - drops

1. Oil drops. Combine valerian root (1 tablespoon of chopped raw materials) and olive oil (100 g). Put the mixture in a warm place for long infusion (about 2 weeks). Then strain the composition, squeeze out the root well and instill a couple of drops in both nostrils before bedtime.

Children need to dilute the composition with fresh oil, and then, like adults, drip at night.

In some cases, a week is enough for the nose to breathe freely. If after 7 days there is no result, repeat the course of treatment, taking a five-day break.

3. "Punch" the nose helps sea ​​buckthorn oil. You can cook it yourself in the season, or you can buy ready-made.

Instill the product in a pair of drops in both nostrils. For best results, add fresh carrot juice (in equal proportions) to the oil.

In addition, if during the day you feel discomfort and dryness in your nose, simply lubricate the nasal passage with sea buckthorn oil.

4. Honey - An excellent natural remedy for nasal congestion. Before use, it must be diluted with water. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to get an allergic reaction.

5. You can bury a stuffy nose beetroot juice with honey. Grind the fruit. Add some water and honey. Mix everything thoroughly (honey should be liquid and, of course, of high quality) and instill a couple of drops before you go to bed.

Folk remedies for nasal congestion - thermal procedures

If the cause of the problem is a common cold, then the best way to get rid of it is hot foot baths.

It is important to know! Any thermal procedures should be carried out only in the absence of elevated body temperature.

Before going to bed, soak your feet in hot water, to which you can add sea ​​salt or a decoction of herbs.

In addition, effective mustard plastersset right on your heels. From above it is necessary to put on warm socks and cover yourself with a blanket. The duration of this procedure is only a few minutes.

Undoubtedly, mustard plasters can also be used for children, but with great care so as not to burn tender children's feet. Mustard plasters placed on calves also help to reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Making your nose breathe helps and traditional inhalations. In a container of hot water, add a small pinch of soda and a couple of drops of fir oil. Cover yourself with a towel and breathe in a healing composition for several minutes.

It is important to know! If the cause of your problem is sinusitis, then thermal procedures are not recommended! Consult a doctor!

With nasal congestion, warming the nose itself helps. Cook two eggs and carefully, so as not to burn yourself, apply them to both sides of the nose until it cools.

You can get rid of the problem using the old "grandmother" method. Cook the potatoes “in their uniforms” and breathe over a pot of medicinal broth, covered with a towel. Inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. Perform the procedure at night.

Self-massage - a folk remedy for nasal congestion

A massage done correctly will help your nose breathe freely. Press several times on the points located in the corner of the nostrils, and also make circular movements with your fingers, in which your nostrils will open and close.

In addition, massage everything corners around the noseby pushing them up to 10 times. Massage extra ears and earlobes.

Another interesting way to “break through” nasal breathing. Prepare a small container. Throw chopped onion and a couple of cloves of garlic into it. Try to smell it.

Do not smell? Tap lightly with your two fingers on the nose and massage the wings of the nose. Now breathe the medicinal composition.

Stuffy nose: general recommendations

1. As said, nasal congestion has certain causes. To establish them, consult a doctor.

2. Do not use special medications for the common cold for a long time.

3. Periodically flush the nasal passage with a weak saline solution. Do this before bedtime. Rinsing needs to be done not only if a problem already exists. It is effective as a preventative measure.

4. Lubricate the nasal cavity with petroleum jelly or sea buckthorn oil. This will keep the nasal mucosa from overdrying.

5. Eat foods rich in vitamins. Include in your diet a powerful source of vitamin C - wild rose, currants (in any form), citrus fruits (in the absence of allergies), legumes, sea buckthorn.

6. Drink plenty of hot tea with honey, lemon, ginger, etc.

7. Visit the sauna or take a contrast shower, thereby strengthening the body's defenses.

8. Humidify the air in the room where you work or sleep. To do this, you can hang wet towels on heating radiators or use special means to moisten the air.

9. Take walks daily, do not freeze.

10. During a night's rest, put a thick pillow over your head. This is necessary so that there is an outflow of mucus from the nose.

11. If nasal congestion, reduce the amount of sugar consumed.

12. Add various types of pepper to the dishes, be sure to onion and garlic, mustard, horseradish, parsley.

It is known that many vasoconstrictor drugs have a temporary effect. They can only aggravate the problem if they are constantly used, trying to make your nose breathe.

Using simple methods of treatment using natural remedies, you can achieve a positive result in a relatively short time. But first, consult with Laura to find out the cause of the problem.


Watch the video: Nasal Cleansing - Mayo Clinic (July 2024).