Five female flaws that attract men


Many women often evaluate their habits and abilities differently from how men perceive them. Is it worth it to be stylish and fashionable? And independent and economic? Incredibly, it turns out that men like some “flaws” that women sometimes try to get rid of with all their might. Among the female flaws there are, for example ...

Excess weight. Sometimes a woman, confident in her unattractiveness due to extra pounds, is embarrassed to even come close to the man she likes. Complexes prevent complete ladies from enjoying sex and building full relationships with men. Exhausting exercises in the gyms, exhausting diets - women are ready for anything to look like models from the covers of glossy magazines. In fact, men don’t really like skinny men; they like feminine forms and seductive roundness. Naturally, in the presence of a slender waist.

Small breasts. Men are crazy about female breasts and, in principle, it doesn’t matter whether it’s big or small. All the talk that the stronger sex prefers big breasts is no more than a myth. A small bust has a lot of advantages: firstly, it is not necessary to put on a bra. And secondly, which man will remain indifferent at the sight of nipples, seductively appearing through the tissue?

Good appetite. Due to stupid prejudices, women are often ashamed of their appetite and hide the fact that they are not averse to eating well. Sometimes it reaches the point of absurdity - in the presence of a man, a lady, modestly lowering her eyes, eats low-calorie salads. And when he leaves, he empties the refrigerator in a fit of bulimia. Such a position will only lead to excess weight and a bad mood and will not help to win the favor of a man.

Psychologists are not tired of repeating - men do not like women who are capricious and refuse to eat. Really, who will like a cutesy woman wrinkling her nose at the sight of delicacies? “Just learn to eat beautifully, you should not deny yourself anything,” they advise women.

Inability to dress fashionably. Such a rebuke can only be made by a woman — a woman or a woman — to her reflection in the mirror. But not a man. The male look not only easily forgives any “bad taste”, but can also consider it original or even seductive.

Mismanagement. All men dream of seeing a companion next to them, not only beautiful and sexy, but also adoring to do household chores. It is very important not to go too far. Of course, economic enthusiasm is fine, but not every man will appreciate it. If a woman only prepares, cleans, erases and takes care of her children all her free time, trying to maintain an exemplary order in the house, the man will quickly lose all interest in her. A man is interested in a woman who will be interested in him.


Watch the video: 10 traits of a good woman. Things that make a man fall in love with you (May 2024).