Oven pizza recipe is your favorite dish at home. Oven pizza recipes: with cheese, mushrooms, ham, seafood


Pizza is a world famous Italian dish. There are probably no people who would not like this dish. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to order real pizza prepared by a professional. But do not despair. We will share with you the recipes for pizza in the oven, which is no worse than in a pizzeria.

First of all, you need to prepare the dough for the base. This is a very important stage, because it depends on how tasty you get pizza.

Oven pizza recipe - basic cooking principles

In the pizza recipes in the oven, yeast or unleavened dough is used for the base. It can also be cooked on kefir, mineral water or sour cream. Knead the dough and leave to rest for a while.

While the dough is suitable, prepare the products for the filling. Recipes of pizza in the oven include the preparation of this baking with different types of cheeses, mushrooms, fish, sausages, meat and other products.

The dough is rolled into a thin layer. It is greased with ketchup or tomato sauce and laid out in layers prepared foods for the filling. Top pizza sprinkled with grated cheese and sent to the oven. Baking time depends on the thickness of the dough and the number of layers of the filling.

The beauty of pizza recipes in the oven is that you can experiment, and if you don’t have the product provided for in the recipe, you can always replace it with something else.

Baked Pizza Recipe



half a cup of kefir;

a glass of flour;


a pinch of soda and salt;

sugar - 2 g.


100 g of any meat;

80 ml of sour cream;

130 g of onion;

200 g of cheese;

200 g ripe tomatoes;

200 g of sweet pepper.

Cooking method

1. In a deep bowl, break the egg and beat it slightly with a whisk. Pour kefir into the egg mixture, add sugar and salt. Mix the mixture until smooth. Sift the flour directly into the kefir-egg mixture and knead the dough a little thicker than the fritters. Cover the bowl with the dough with a clean cloth and leave to rest.

2. Meanwhile, prepare the products for the filling. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into circles half a centimeter thick. We clean and rinse the onion. Shred it with thin rings. We remove the stem from the pepper, wash the seeds, wipe with a napkin and cut into rings. Cut the boiled meat into slices or slices.

3. In a cup, mix sour cream with mayonnaise. Finely rub the cheese.

4. We lubricate the demountable form with oil. We spread the dough into a mold, level it with a damp wooden spatula. We put the meat on the dough. On top of it we put onion rings, tomato mugs and sweet pepper. Salt, pepper and sprinkle with grated cheese.

5. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Fill the filling with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise. We send to the oven for half an hour. Cool the pizza slightly and cut into portions.

Whipped Oven Pizza Recipe



500 g flour;

75 ml rust oils;

250 ml of milk;

6 g dry active yeast;

5 g of salt;

50 g of granulated sugar.


one bell pepper;

50 g mayonnaise;

100 g smoked sausage;

50 g of ketchup;

100 g smoked meat;

150 grams of cheese;

2 fresh tomatoes.

Cooking method

1. Preheat the oven to 200 C. In the meantime, we proceed to prepare the pizza dough. Pour milk into a stewpan and heat to a warm state. We breed yeast in milk. Salt and add sugar. Stir well and pour in vegetable oil. Continuously mixing, pour in the flour and knead the soft dough. Put it in a bowl, cover with a towel and leave for five minutes.

2. Smoked sausage and meat, cut into thin slices or strips. We rinse the pepper, clean the seeds and crumble it in small cubes or thin strips. The washed tomatoes are wiped with a napkin and cut into rings. Coarsely rub the cheese.

3. Roll out the dough into thin cake. Its thickness should not exceed five millimeters. Lubricate the mold and put the dough into it. Grease the base with ketchup and mayonnaise. We lay out the filling in random order. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.

4. Put the pizza dish on the middle shelf of the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Cool slightly and cut with a special knife.

Ham and Mushroom Oven Pizza Recipe



one and a half glasses of flour;

80 ml vegetable oil;

2 pinches of salt;

three quarters of a glass of drinking water;

25 g dry active yeast.

The foundation

vegetable oil;


finely chopped garlic;

drinking water - 100 ml;

tomato paste - 50 g;






tomato paste;





sweet pepper;


Cooking method

1. Mix flour with salt and dry yeast. Dilute the water with vegetable oil. Gradually pour the sifted flour and knead a soft, elastic dough. Place it in a bowl and cover with a clean towel. Leave it to come up for at least half an hour.

2. Heat vegetable oil in a pan and fry chopped garlic in it. Do it literally a minute or two. Put the tomato paste, pour in the water, salt and add the basil. Put it out for about five minutes.

3. Roll the dough thinly and place it on a greased baking sheet. Lubricate the cake with a chilled base and put the filling on it in this order:

- onion sliced ​​in half rings;

- strips of ham;

- cheese chips;

- olives, sliced ​​in circles;

- Bulgarian pepper diced;

- marinated mushrooms.

Sprinkle oregano on top of pizza. Grease the edges with vegetable oil.

4. Place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 25 minutes. Cool the prepared pizza and cut it with a special knife.

Squid Oven Pizza Recipe


yeast puff pastry - 250 g;

a pinch of pepper;

200 g squid;

a pinch of finely ground salt;

60 g of tomato sauce;

dried greens - a pinch;

150 g mozzarella cheese;

green onion;

50 g of parmesan;

some olives.

Cooking method

1. Clean and boil squids. You need to cook them just a couple of minutes, otherwise they will become rubber. Cut squids into rings.

2. Cut the mozzarella into slices of medium thickness. Chop olives in rings. Rinse green onions and chop finely.

3. Defrost the dough and roll it into thin cake. Put it on a greased baking sheet. Coat the surface of the cake with tomato sauce.

4. On the surface of the cake, spread the squid and circles of olives. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice and sprinkle with chopped green onions. Sprinkle pizza with grated Parmesan. Place the pan in the oven, preheated to 200 ° C. Bake pizza for about 15 minutes until golden brown. Cool it a little, cut and serve.

Pineapple and Chicken Oven Pizza Recipe


700 g of pizza yeast dough;

2 g ground paprika;

100 g of tomato sauce;

150 g of Dutch cheese;

7 rings of canned pineapple;

1 chicken fillet;

1 red onion.

Cooking method

1. Roll the yeast dough into a round cake with a thickness of about seven millimeters. We shift it onto a baking sheet. Lubricate the surface with tomato sauce.

2. Drain the syrup from canned pineapple. We get seven rings and dry them with napkins. Cut in half and spread on the dough.

3. Peel red onion, rinse and cut into thin rings. Spread them on top of pineapples.

4. Boil the chicken breast, remove from the broth and cut into small pieces. Spread onion, sprinkle with ground paprika and finely grated cheese.

5. Bake in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, for about 20 minutes. Cool slightly, cut in portions and serve.

Recipe for pizza in the oven "Margarita"



warm drinking water - 220 ml;

a pinch of fine salt;

flour - 150 g;

dry yeast - 3 g;

rast. oil - 45 ml;

sugar 3 g.


tomato sauce;

mozzarella - 70 g;

small salt and pepper;

fresh basil - several branches.

Cooking method

1. Stir yeast and salt in warm water. Leave the mixture warm for 15 minutes to let the yeast begin to ferment. Sift half the flour into a wide bowl and pour water with yeast into it. Stir well, salt and pour the vegetable oil. Mix again and pour in the second half of the flour. Knead the elastic, soft dough. Put it in a bowl, cover with a towel and leave it warm for an hour.

2. After the allotted time, we knead the dough, again send it to the bowl and leave for another half hour.

3. Grate mozzarella. Rinse the basil branches and peel the leaves from them. Preheat the oven to 200 C. Baking sheet lightly sprinkle with flour.

4. Roll the dough into a thin, round cake and spread on a baking sheet. Lubricate the surface of the base with tomato sauce and put in the oven for seven minutes.

5. We take out the cake, sprinkle it with grated cheese and put it in the oven for another three minutes. We take out the pizza, let it cool for a couple of minutes, and decorate with basil leaves. Cut the prepared pizza into portions and serve.

Seafood Oven Pizza Recipe


250 g pizza yeast dough;

shrimp meat - 150 g;

Italian herbs - 3 g;

canned mussels - 150 g;

rosemary branch;

cheese - 100 g;

parsley - half a bunch;

onion - half the head;

ketchup - 80 g.

Cooking method

1. Knead the yeast dough as described in the previous recipe.

2. Defrost shrimp meat. In the boiling water, put the branches of dill and dip the shrimp into this broth. Boil the shrimp for three minutes, drop them in a colander and cool.

3. Slice half the onion in half rings. Rinse the rosemary under a tap and separate the leaves from the stem. Wash greens, dry and chop finely. Cheese coarsely.

4. Roll the dough into a round cake with a thickness of not more than seven millimeters. Place on a greased baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 220 C.

5. Coat the surface of the cake with ketchup, sprinkle with Italian herbs and rosemary. Spread onion chopped in half rings. Spiral shrimp and mussel meat. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

6. Put the pizza in the oven and bake until golden brown. Cool the pastries slightly, cut and serve with dry white wine.

Recipe pizza in the oven - advice and tricks from professionals

  • Before baking, grease the edges of the pizza with a beaten egg so that the dough is lightly browned and glossed.
  • It is advisable not to roll out the pizza dough, but to stretch it in shape. This will keep the bubbles that formed during the rise, and the dough after cooking will not be hard.
  • Before laying out the filling, get rid of excess moisture, otherwise the base will turn out moist and tasteless.
  • If you do not have a set of necessary products for the filling, you can connect your imagination and use what is at hand.
  • Serve pizza with wine or other drinks.


Watch the video: How To Make Hawaiian Pizza - Easy Ham And Pineapple Pizza Recipe (July 2024).