Mint - the benefits and harms of aromatic herbs for the human body. What is the calorie, therapeutic value and scope of mint


Chill, cold mint, pepper mint ...

As soon as people do not call a perennial herb, widely used for medicinal purposes.

There are several types of mint, but the most common pepper mint.

It was once bred artificially when crossing water and spikelet mint - wild plant varieties.

Peppermint is extremely popular. It is grown in home gardens near the house. Mint is useful in any form. It is used as a valuable medicinal, culinary, cosmetic.

Calorie fresh mint is about 70 kcal per 100 g plants.

The composition of mint and methods of use

The composition of peppermint is, first of all, the active substances of the plant - essential oil, flavonoids, tannins, bitterness. The essential oil contains up to 60% of menthol, which, when rubbed, causes a slight sensation of cold.

Mint is rich in vitamins A, C, B. It contains a lot of potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, zinc, etc.

The plant has a pronounced antispasmodic, sedative, antiseptic, choleretic, analgesic effect.

Broths and infusions of mint are widely used in the treatment of various ailments:

1. Improves digestion, the whole composition of the body is cheerful, which is prepared as follows: pour a couple of teaspoons of crushed plant leaves with boiling water (1 cup), warm the mixture in a water bath (cover the dishes with a lid) for a few minutes. Drink in the form of heat as tea.

2. Peppermint is good for the health of those who suffer. from coldaccompanied by sore throat, cough. In this case, drink the decoction of the plant along with honey.

3. Useful properties of mint make it indispensable for sleep disorders. The plant is part of the collection, with which you can get rid of insomnia.

To begin with, mint leaves and dry lavender flowers (2 parts) are combined, valerian roots and chamomile flowers (3 parts) are added to the composition. All mixed and brewed 2 tablespoons of the collection of boiling water (1 cup).

The drug composition is allowed to infuse, then filtered and drunk in three doses throughout the day.

4. Mint useful for skin diseasesaccompanied by unbearable itching. In this case, 50 g of crushed leaves of the plant is poured with water (about 3 liters). Cook the composition on a very slow fire for no more than 3 minutes. After that, the mixture is drawn and added to the bath.

This composition is used not only for rashes, but also for nervous overexcitation.

5. Mint is good for the body. with diarrhea. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms apply this mixture: 1 tablespoon of herbs is poured with boiling water (1 cup), drawn and drunk twice a day - in the morning and in the evening in half the dose. A prerequisite is to drink in small sips.

And another time-tested recipe for healing the remedy for diarrhea based on mint. Prepare it like this: brew strong tea with the addition of 2-3 mint leaves, drip into it (carefully!) 2-3 drops of iodine. Drink when stool disorder 2-3 times a day as regular tea.

6. Peppermint is good for the health of people who know firsthand what it is. heart failure. When arrhythmias are used composition from 1 teaspoon of the leaves of the plant and 1 cup of boiling water. It is used three times a day.

7. The plant is widely used. with nervous overexcitementand neuralgic pains, nausea.

To get rid of these pathologies will help alcohol tincture of mint. Prepare it like this: To begin with, the plant is crushed into powder, then 1 part of the raw material is poured with 20 parts of vodka (preferably alcohol).

Mixture insist 2 weeks, as is customary, in the dark, while not forgetting to shake the container with the contents. Drink the composition drop by drop - 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day with a glass of water.

8. Useful properties of mint make it possible to use it for cosmetic purposes. in the treatment of acne, as well as for enlarged pores and dry flaky skin.

For washing, use the usual decoction of mint, cooked in the classical way.

9. Mint baths relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs, are an excellent prevention of foot sweating and fungal diseases.

For baths prepare a decoction of 100 g of chopped herbs and 3 liters of boiling water. The mixture is infused for at least half an hour, filtered and combined with water in the pelvis. Keep the feet in the healing composition for about 20 minutes, then rinsed with cool water.

10. Mint delivers headache. It is enough to rub the temples, the forehead with the leaves of the plant, and the discomfort will be gone.

11. Low calorie mint allows using it for weight loss not without success. Of course, with the help of only one mint it is impossible to get rid of extra pounds.

But mint is capable of:

• get rid of nervous overeating

• improve digestion

• cleanse the body

• reduce appetite

• relieve depression

12. Peppermint is good for the body and is therefore actively used. in cooking in different countries. It is used for the preparation of desserts, sauces, hot dishes, snacks, drinks.

Mint is added to cakes, gingerbread, rolls, pastries, ice cream. Mint is made with delicious, refreshing tea (hot or cold), cocktails. Everyone's favorite "Mojito" is prepared in two versions: with alcohol and without.

Peppermint oil is used in the preparation of alcoholic beverages, in cooking, perfumery.

13. With mint, you can cook mask for gorgeous hair. For a start, combine a small bunch of plants with melissa and oak bark (2 teaspoons each). Then boiling water (700 ml) is added to the composition and left to stand overnight.

In the morning, the water is drained and kefir (2 cups) is added to the composition. Then everything is mixed and rubbed the mixture into the hair roots. Hold the mask for 15-20 minutes, then wash off everything with water.

Mint: what is the benefit for the body?

The main use of mint is in its positive effect on the nervous system of the human body. Ordinary mint tea, drunk after a busy day of work, is able to give you a good feeling, give vitality and strength.

Peppermint is good for health with its ability to improve brain function, stabilize heart rate, improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels.

The plant is a 100% natural product, which (in some cases) is replaced by synthetic drugs.

Peppermint is extremely beneficial for the digestive system. It improves appetite, stimulates the production of saliva and gastric juice, which, in turn, leads to easy digestion of food.

Mint refreshes breath, cleanses the body of toxins. In addition, the plant improves the function of the liver and gallbladder.

Mint fights against harmful bacteria that inhabit the skin and mucous membranes. Thanks to mint, you can achieve a mild cleansing effect with acne. The plant makes the skin supple.

Diseases in which the mint has a therapeutic effect:

• digestive disorders

• gastritis

• inflammation of teeth and gums

• anxiety, nervousness, insomnia

• headaches, menopause

• hypertension

• skin inflammation

• gynecological problems and diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Mint: what is the harm to health?

Representatives of the stronger sex have heard about the dangers of mint for potency. As you know, the plant has a pronounced sedative effect. It has a beneficial effect on nervous, emotional people and those who are in a stressful situation.

It is the calming and relaxing effect of mint that can cause a temporary loss of “masculine strength”. This scares the stronger sex, although there is no other reason to believe that mint is harmful to men's health.

A cup or two of fragrant mint tea a day is perfectly safe and, rather, useful than harmful to the health of a strong half of humanity.

But with hypotension, allergies to menthol, varicose veins, liver and kidney diseases should be avoided or completely abandoned the use of mint.

Harm and benefits of mint for pregnant and lactating mothers

With all its beneficial properties, mint is not recommended for use during pregnancy. The fact is that the plant, although natural, is a medicine. It has its side effects.

Peppermint contains a lot of the hormone estrogen, which can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

However some experts allow the use pregnant women a small amount of mint tea per day (up to 4 cups) in order to avoid nausea, heartburn, bloating.

But under strict prohibition for the future mother - essential oil of mint. In this opinion all the doctors agree.

As for nursing mothers, it is better for them to temporarily abandon the flavored drink in order not to provoke a decrease in the amount of milk.

Mint for children: useful or harmful?

The beneficial properties of mint make it almost indispensable in the treatment of various ailments. Modern pediatricians still have not come to a common opinion, from what age can mint be given to children: from the age of 3 or from the age of 5?

There is no single answer to this question. But it is known that babies mint is contraindicated. If you are facing a problem: give your child tea or a decoction of mint or not, then it is best to seek help from a pediatrician. Knowing the features of your child, the doctor is able to correctly resolve the issue.

Is mint good or bad for health? Soothing, painkiller, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, astringent natural remedy - mint is indispensable in the treatment of many diseases.

Not too high in calories mint allows you to use an aromatic plant for weight loss. In addition, mint copes with skin problems. And what about a mint drink that gives vigor, vitality and good mood?

Peppermint is good for the human body when it is used wisely.


Watch the video: Mint and Testosterone: Do Not Eat This Herb. . (July 2024).