Diet Pugacheva - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews about the Pugachev diet and examples of recipes.


Alla Borisovna Pugacheva once sang a song that kings could all. It turns out not only kings, but also queens, if they only want to. That she herself, as the queen of Russian pop music, proved: in a rather short time, the Diva managed to lose several tens of kilograms. Now her body is slim, her gait is light, and she looks amazing. Over the course of her life, Alla tried more than a dozen different diets, but the most effective and beloved were cucumber and herbal, which, incidentally, she came up with herself.

Diet Pugacheva - description and general principles

Herbal and cucumber diets of Alla Pugacheva belong to the express method of losing weight. When you need to lose a few pounds before the holidays, an important event or show off in new clothes - stylish jeans or a fashionable dress. The essence of the herbal diet is the use of a specially prepared cocktail. It is based on low-fat or low-fat kefir and greens - cucumbers, lettuce, dill, celery, parsley, cilantro - all the ingredients a little or a large bunch of any one greens in addition to kefir and cucumbers. One day will require a half liter of kefir. Only a freshly prepared cocktail has a magical, caloric burning effect, so the mixture will need to be prepared before each use.

To do this, finely chop the cucumbers (or finely grate), greens, dilute with kefir and mix. To make the mixture more homogenized and more pleasant to drink, you can mix it in a blender. The drink is ready. Do not salt. Eat without a schedule, at any time when you want to eat, but not at night. The duration of the diet is three to five days, not more than seven days.

Cucumber diet is somewhat similar to herbal, but instead of a cocktail, use a salad of cucumbers and greens without salt, seasoned with a spoon of low-fat sour cream, natural yogurt or kefir. For one day, you need 1 kilogram of cucumbers, a large bunch of any herbs and 30 grams of low-fat sour cream. Salad is recommended to be consumed at the following time intervals:
- 12.00-13.00 h;
- 16.00-17.00h;
- 19.00-20.00 h.

The diet lasts no more than ten days. With each meal it is allowed to eat a small slice of brown bread. At night you can eat an orange or an apple. Depending on the initial weight, up to eight kilograms of weight can be lost in a week.

And in the first and second case, the main ingredients are herbs and cucumbers, which are considered a rich source of trace elements and vitamins needed by the body. Cucumbers have a beneficial effect on the digestion process, contribute to the normalization of the water-salt and acid-base balance in the body, and remove excess water. In addition, cucumbers contain tartronic acid, which slows down the process in which carbohydrates in the body are transformed into fats.

Diet Pugacheva - what foods can I eat
- cucumbers;
- carrot;
- green apples;
- salad;
- pumpkin;
- peaches;
- onions - green and onions;
- green bean;
- cabbage;
- bell pepper;
- any greens;
- low-fat or low-fat dairy products.

Diet Pugacheva - what foods can not be consumed

In addition to a cocktail (with an herbal diet) and salad with a cucumber, you can no longer eat any foods (unless this is mentioned in the diet itself). It is additionally recommended to drink still water. For taste, instead of salt, lemon juice can be added to a cucumber cocktail or salad.

Diet Pugacheva - examples of the menu

With individual intolerance of cucumbers or dairy products, as well as if kefir and greens are fed up, but you still have the strength to continue the diet, you can use other vegetables and fruits for cocktails, and replace kefir with milk, water, apple juice. Some recipes require squeezing the juice. If desired, the juice can not be squeezed, but chopped vegetables or fruits with a blender to a puree state. Instead of cocktails, you can eat raw, boiled or baked products from the allowed list.

Tomato Juice Cocktail

Ingredients: 0.5l of tomato juice, 300ml of boiled water, dill (greens), 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Cooking method

Dilute tomato juice with water, add finely chopped greens and olive oil. Stir with a spoon or mix in a blender.

Pumpkin Cocktail with Cranberries

Ingredients: a glass of cranberry juice and boiled water, 1 kg of pumpkin.

Cooking method

Squeeze the juice from the pumpkin - using a juicer or manually, rubbing it on a fine grater. Add water with cranberry juice. Mix. Instead of cranberry juice, you can use cranberry berries, rubbed through a sieve.

Carrot cocktail

Ingredients: 1 orange, ½ kg of carrots, ½ lemon (juice), ½ cup of kefir, 1 teaspoon. natural honey.

Cooking method

Finely grate the carrots, squeeze the juice. Squeeze juice from lemon and orange. Mix everything with honey and kefir.

Milk Lemon Cocktail

Ingredients: 2 lemons, 1 table. lies. natural honey, 1 liter of milk.

Cooking method:

Cool the milk. Squeeze juice from lemons, mix with honey and milk and beat with a mixer until foam. Drink through a straw.

Cocktail of vegetables and kvass

Ingredients: 0.5l of homemade kvass, 500g of carrots, 100g of celery root, parsley.

Cooking method

Separately, grate carrots and celery, squeeze juice. Mix with kvass. Finely chop parsley into a glass with a cocktail.

Lingonberry cocktail

Ingredients: 300ml cold milk, a glass of lingonberry berries (or juice).

Cooking method

Grind lingonberry berries with a blender in mashed potatoes, mix with milk.

Diet Pugacheva - useful tips and reviews

The diet from Alla Pugacheva is classified as a strict diet. Therefore, for starters, it is recommended to arrange one-day fasting days, for example, once a week. So you can track the reaction of your body, evaluate your well-being, see if the diet causes a feeling of hunger and whether it can be overcome. Further, if everything goes well, without much discomfort, you can increase the duration of the diet to three to five days without harm to health. During this time, an easy cleaning of the intestines and joints will occur, toxins will leave the body, which will instantly affect the appearance - the skin will smooth and will glow, and a blush will sparkle on the cheeks. After returning to normal nutrition, kilograms, as a rule, do not return. But for this, it is systematically necessary to train the body with physical activity - arrange long walks or attend classes in fitness, aerobics, Pilates.


pvvpvp 03/26/2016
wapvv wavavap rprrvknk oraprvarapr kuuka kevkuekn

Dear Mila 03/24/2016
I will not say anything new, everything has already been said in the comments. The diet is standing. Pugacheva well done. It is not difficult to tolerate the diet, if desired, everything is possible. If a woman in such years was able to put herself in order, then for young people, this should not cause problems.

Tamara 03/24/2016
Very good diet for quick weight loss! Passed it already twice. The effect is amazing. Indeed, the body is cleansed well, the skin is directly younger, and the eyes even glow. Well-being is always excellent. I highly recommend girls for dropping a few pounds.

Galina 03/24/2016
So I look at Pugacheva, and somehow I can’t even believe that this is all true. At her age! And, thanks to her, I definitely decided to keep up. And urgently sit on a diet. In general, after reading these examples of diets, I consider them very rational and correct. They can not bring the body anything but good.

Miranda 03.24.2016
Pugacheva, whatever one may say, a strong woman, and in general - well done! And how she lost weight, so no words at all. Yes, this diet, like everyone else, requires a display of willpower and character. But how else can you achieve results ?! In general, in our whole life, without effort you won’t achieve anything. Without labor, as you know, you can’t even fish out!


Watch the video: WHAT I EAT IN A DAY (June 2024).