Fitness or exercise therapy?


Back pain today is one of the leading problems in neurology. In Russia, about 90% of the population aged 30+ has back problems. In 80% of the adult population, they are one of the common causes of disability.

In Soviet times, prophylactic physical education, or in other words exercise therapy, was as widespread as fitness now. Over time, the concept of exercise therapy began to be used much less frequently than such directions as pilates, yoga, straitching, and other fitness directions.

But the problems of injuries, "professional" diseases of the spine, joints, age-related changes do not disappear. On the contrary, people for whom healthy longevity is in the first place are increasingly paying attention to medical forms of prevention and treatment of diseases.

If you are one of these, then look for medical or sports facilities that offer professional therapeutic physical training (physical therapy).

The means of physical therapy can be any physical activity (usually in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures and massage), such as gymnastic physical exercises, physical exercises in water, walking on a treadmill, cross-country terrain, exercises on cardiological and strength simulators. Different types of massage (classical, medicinal, segmental, point, musculoskeletal releasing), in the event that they are used for therapeutic purposes and are therapeutic factors.

For reference: Musculoskeletal releasing is a type of manual massage for relieving hypermyotonic pain syndrome of the back, neck, buttocks and large joints.

Unbearable pain, violation of the stereotype of movements, limiting the amplitude of movements of the spine and large joints, lead to disability, in some cases to surgery to remove hernias of intervertebral discs, endoprosthetic joints, limiting the ability to lead a full life.
In the process of correcting degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spinal structures, the restorative role belongs to the main carriers of the movement function - the muscles. Only in the classroom with the doctor exercise therapy, the muscles are restored and restore the reduced function of the spine, back and joints. In accordance with the fundamental physiological law of contraction and relaxation with proper biomechanical and mechanotherapeutic effects on the musculoskeletal system.

Moscow Center for Immunology and Reproduction, offers to undergo a comprehensive (kinesiological) system of prevention and rehabilitation for people of all ages (including herniated intervertebral discs).

To preserve and strengthen somatic health by means of exercise therapy, through active exercises for strength, strength endurance and stretching of muscles, is especially necessary in the rehabilitation and rehabilitation of osteochondrosis and painful hypermyotonic spinal syndrome, non-surgical treatment of herniated intervertebral discs, correction of the figure, as well as diseases of large joints.

As a result of training, elasticity, contractile and injection function of skeletal muscles increases, blood circulation and oxygen consumption in spasmized muscles are restored, the activity of skeletal muscles metabolic processes is increased, and the intervertebral discs and muscle constant are restored.

Improve your quality of life and creative longevity!
Be healthy!


Watch the video: Strength and agility exercises for kids (July 2024).