It is necessary to lose weight by 20 kg at home and quickly. How to effectively lose weight by 20 kg at home without harm to health


Undoubtedly, girls with magnificent forms dream of a slender, toned body.

And the matter is not only in the external beauty and aesthetics, but also in the desire to feel lightness, the desire to get rid of the health problems that accompany obese people.

Well, if you need to lose from 2 to 5 kilograms of excess weight - it’s enough to choose an interesting diet that the body can withstand, choose physical exercises aimed at problem areas.

It will be possible to achieve the result in a couple of weeks, then it remains only to consolidate it.

And what about those who need to lose much more, for example, 20 kg? And at the same time, do not starve yourself and not exhaust the body with endless physical exercises for many months? Let's see how to effectively lose weight by 20 kg without strict restrictions and how to consolidate the results.

How to lose weight by 20 kg at home: motivation

It is clear that we will focus on proper nutrition and physical activity, but this is far from the main thing in the fight against overweight. An important aspect of any weight loss is motivation. A good reason is already a big step towards achieving your goal.

People who are driven by the abstract idea of ​​the desired, which are controlled by various kinds of weaknesses, rarely achieve any results. Disruptions usually occur in the initial stages.

Girls and women who are accustomed to seizing emotions, stressful situations, boredom are not enough to just say to themselves: "I want to lose weight." One desire will not go far, sooner or later fatigue, irritability, hunger and without proper motivation will result in a person having to fight not only with excess weight, but also with a bad mood.

So, in order to not only achieve the goal, but also to consolidate the results, forever part with the old way of life strong and clearly conscious motivation needed.

The strongest motivations that can overpower the needs of the body and lead to the desired result:

Like a guy. It is clear that the first thing that people of the opposite sex pay attention to is a toned figure and beauty. And let it be said that happiness is not in beauty, but in the soul - it is more pleasant to look at a body that brings aesthetic pleasure to the eye.

Like yourself. There is a stable expression: "If you want to be loved - love yourself." Of course, it is more pleasant to look at your flat stomach, elastic buttocks, rather than at the outlines floating in fat. But do you want, looking at yourself in the mirror, to be satisfied?

Start life from scratch. Sooner or later, a turning point in the life of any person comes when he looks at his life, evaluating his actions and achievements. And then, often, the understanding comes that it is time to colorize life in new bright colors, and you should start with your body.

Possibility to dress in any thing you like; walk along the beach, into the pool without wrapping yourself in a pareo; the ability to run, jump, dance.

Each person can have effective motivation, the result will be one - achievement of the set goal - parting with hated kilograms.

How to lose weight by 20 kg at home: where to start

When you have decided on the motivation and realized that you want to lose weight for good reason, and not because you need to be like everyone else, you can go directly to losing weight at home.

Where to begin?

1. Decide on the ultimate goal- What weight is not yours, how many kilograms do you need to get rid of, what should be the result? If you know in advance what to strive for, it will be much easier to get to this.

2. Decide on a dietwhich you like most and against which your body will not rebel much. Still, it is more difficult, for example, to maintain a diet based on the use of dairy products, if you have never experienced a special love for them. Perhaps you are a lover of meat products or fruits? Then choose a diet where you will enjoy your favorite food and at the same time lose weight.

3. Pick up exercisefocusing on their problem areas. They do not have to be unbearably debilitating, even 10 minutes a day of intensive training will bring much greater results than the usual restriction in food.

4. Get a beautiful notebook, where you will record your achievements, scales, and other little things that will help you get together and concentrate on your goal.

5. Choose a day of the weekwhen you take a step towards your new body. Most importantly, do not leave this moment on Monday, the next week, after the holiday - this can continue indefinitely. Clearly determine how long you would like to achieve the result - as you observe, you will clearly see your achievements, how much you have already passed and how much you have left.

How to lose 20 kg at home: diet choice

The most popular and effective diets to date are the Minus 60, Five Parts system, and the diet called System.

Minus 60 system

• The diet is based on two rules: reduce the amount of food consumed and observe a diet.

• The first week of the system is designed to wean oneself from consuming harmful products: smoked meats, flour products, fatty and sweet foods, very spicy and salty foods.

• Next, you should accustom the body to taking breakfast, even if there is no desire in the morning. A saucer of oatmeal porridge, a sandwich of rye bread and chicken, yogurt - simple dishes will give strength and energy for the whole day and beat off the desire in an hour to eat something terribly tasty, but harmful.

In general, the "Minus 60" system allows you to eat tasty and varied, only you need to adhere to certain limits:

• Until 12 noon you can eat everything.

• After 12 it is forbidden to eat fatty, fried, flour, sweet.

• Lunch should consist of poultry, meat or fish with buckwheat or rice. Potatoes and pasta are prohibited. Any vegetables and fruits can become a dessert.

• Dinner is allowed until 18:00 or 20:00, depending on what time you go to bed. Fruits and dairy products are allowed, the use of cereals is also permissible, but without meat components.

Diet "Five parts" or "Diet number 5"

This system is more rigid in comparison with the previous diet. Its basic principle is that any meal should consist of a dish where no more than one product is located in five different parts.

1. Fats - fish, which contains omega-3 fats, nuts, olives or olives.

2. Carbohydrates - cereals (millet, pearl barley, buckwheat, rice). Raw or boiled, stewed vegetables. Fruits.

3. Proteins - chicken, veal, seafood, dairy products.

4. Fiber - bran bread.

5. Drinks - freshly squeezed apple or citrus juices, smoothies, teas.

There should be at least five meals a day, the total volume of the dish should not exceed 300 grams.

Systemic Diet

The principle of the diet is that you can eat anything, but not more than 1200 kcal per day. In fact, the diet is not rigid, given that on average a person needs 2,000 kcal per day, all the more so he will not have to deny himself anything.

But there are also difficulties: you need to clearly know the calorie content of raw and boiled foods, and monitor the amount of calories consumed.

Sample menu:

• Breakfast (200 kcal): 80 grams of boiled chicken breast, 80 grams of steamed buckwheat with a spoonful of soy sauce or a pinch of salt, one tomato, black coffee.

• Second breakfast (148 kcal): 240 ml of vegetable soup (without potatoes), two bread rolls, green tea.

• Lunch (180 kcal): 150 grams of jacket potatoes, 100 g of boiled or baked fish, 160 g of sauerkraut, tea.

• Afternoon snack (280 kcal): 80 g of steamed rice, 70 g of beef or veal, 100 g of gherkins, tea.

• Dinner (200 kcal): banana, a glass of kefir, bread.

But no matter how effective diets are, it’s important to learn one simple truth: after losing weight, you need to review your entire diet and take healthy, healthy nutrition as the basis. Then you will not only fix the result, but also forget about overweight forever.

How to lose weight by 20 kg at home: sport

If you want the result to be more effective and faster, so that after dropping extra pounds the skin does not hang down and the muscles are not flabby, be sure to exercise along with diets. Exercises need to be done, albeit for a short time, but regularly and in full force.

A slow pace of training will lead to muscle growth, so you won’t feel much weight loss, but know that fats are leaving, this is increasing muscle mass. At a fast pace - calories are actively burned, the process of losing weight is accelerated, and visually it is more noticeable than at a slow pace.

The lesson should begin with cardio loads - at home it is a jump rope, rhythmic dance, jumping in the desired sequence. You can choose the following exercises based on your problem areas. Finish any exercises with stretching exercises to restore muscle tone after training.

The advantages of such activities at home is that you do not need to go to the gyms, pay money, you can do at any time convenient for you. But there is a significant drawback: you need to be collected and be responsible for your body in front of yourself, not to give yourself slack and not to miss a single day of classes.

If it is difficult for you to choose an exercise, you can attend several classes with a qualified trainer, where he will tell you what you should pay special attention to and in what intensity you will need to conduct the exercises.

How to lose weight by 20 kg at home: body care

It is clear that the dumping of such a number of kilograms cannot but affect the condition of the skin. Therefore, in addition to diets during weight loss of 20 kg at home, it is worthwhile to take into account some rules so that the body is formed beautiful and fit.

• No matter how you want to lose excess as quickly as possible, weight loss should not exceed one kilogram per week. Too fast weight loss is harmful not only to the skin, but also to health.

• Do not exclude proteins and even fats from the diet. Food should be balanced. It is the deficiencies of fats that cause the skin to dry, lose its elasticity and firmness.

• Keep your muscles in good shape with sports.

• Do not forget about the water balance: drink at least two liters of water per day.

• Take a contrast shower, which stimulates blood circulation, so that the skin is firm and toned.

• Go to the bathhouse once a week.

• Do not neglect cosmetic procedures. Peelings and scrubs exfoliate old skin, allowing the growth of a new elastic epidermis.

• Apply tightening, moisturizing creams to the skin.

• Do massage. To do this, you do not need an outside person: you can pinch your skin yourself, rub yourself with a dry sponge made of natural material. After a self-massage, take a shower.

As you can see, losing weight by 20 kg at home is real, you need only motivation and a responsible approach to all procedures. And then not far off is a new toned body and a new life. All in your hands.


Watch the video: The Best Ways to Lose Half Your Body Weight (June 2024).