Sauerkraut: the benefits and harms of a familiar product. What is the calorie content and the beneficial use of sauerkraut?


Fermented product - sauerkraut - is extremely healthy and tasty.

Both adults and children love her.

There are no ways to make sauerkraut.

Cabbage with carrots, with beets, cranberries, with and without vinegar ...

There are a great many options. Why is the product so popular and what are its healing properties?

Sauerkraut: calorie content, composition, as used

Sauerkraut contains in its composition a large amount of vitamin C - a natural antioxidant. This is the main factor for which the product is valued. If cabbage is fermented according to all the rules, then vitamin C is completely preserved in it.

In addition, the product beloved by many is rich in vitamins B, K, U. It contains the most valuable micro and macro elements for the body: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, silicon, selenium, iodine.

The fermentation process itself leads to the enrichment of cabbage with lactic and acetic acids.

Calorie sauerkraut is small and amounts to 27 kcal per 100 g product.

Sauerkraut is used:

1. In cooking. Cooking a delicious dish is not difficult. First you need to buy high-quality cabbage without internal voids and completely ripened. Then it is cleaned, chopped, carrots and salt are added, and placed as densely as possible in any dishes.

The crushed vegetable is kneaded, tamped and put on top of the load. This is the only way cabbage will ferment well and lactic acid will be released from carbohydrates, which in this case works as a preservative.

Fast fermentation occurs when the cabbage is juicy and sweet. The fermentation stage lasts from 2 to 7 days, after which the cabbage is taken out in the cold and kept there for some time.

Sauerkraut can also be prepared without salt - the enemy of hypertension. Such cabbage must be consumed in small quantities. Its main disadvantage is its short shelf life.

An incorrectly cooked cabbage has an unattractive appearance. A properly cooked product is a beautiful little white with a touch of carrot, harsh and crispy. The brine of such cabbage is distinguished by high palatability.

Cabbage soup is prepared from sauerkraut, it is added to pies, vinaigrettes, solyanka, cabbage.

2. For cosmetic purposes not cabbage itself is used, but its brine. Sauerkraut juice has a rejuvenating effect, allows the skin to gain elasticity, firmness, a beautiful and healthy appearance.

For beauty and fresh look You can prepare a healing mask: three tablespoons of cabbage brine is mixed with one chicken protein, which is pre-whipped. The components are mixed to a homogeneous mass and applied to the skin of the face, affecting the neckline, neck. The mask is kept, as is customary, for about 15 minutes, and then washed off with cool water.

Juice of sauerkraut saves from a problem that does not color the skin of the face - age spots and freckles. It is enough to lubricate problem areas of the skin with healing juice a couple of times a day, and the result will be visible to the naked eye.

In addition, using the product preparing a mask for women who ... To do this, sauerkraut is combined with fresh yeast until sour cream. The container with the mixture is slightly heated using a water bath. Then at the very beginning of the fermentation process add pharmacy vitamin A, E, camphor oil (all 20 drops each).

The composition is applied as evenly as possible on the skin of the face and neck, kept for 20 minutes, then washed off first with cabbage juice and only then with water. The mask is the strongest vitamin and tonic.

3. Sauerkraut is extremely useful for the body losing weight. Those who are on a diet with almost no restrictions can enjoy the most valuable delicacy. Sauerkraut is low-calorie, because it fits perfectly into the diet of those who are losing weight or those who follow body shapes.

4. Sauerkraut is good for the health of people suffering from poor digestion, low acidity of the stomach. In this case, the product is consumed while chewing well in order to avoid such an unpleasant symptom as bloating.

5. Pickled cabbage brine is useful for such a common phenomenon as colds. Drink the product, diluting with water in a ratio of 1: 1 until complete healing.

6. Useful properties of sauerkraut allow it to be used for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers. It is known that brine helps well with the so-called “silent” ulcer, when the patient does not feel any symptoms of the disease.

7. Sauerkraut is indispensable with a hangover syndrome.

8. Pickled cabbage brine is also used for diabetes, mixing it with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

9. Useful properties of sauerkraut make it possible to use it for liver diseases. In this case, they drink a cocktail of brine and tomato juice in a ratio of 1: 1.

10. Pickled cabbage brine is applied in the fight against parasites. You can get rid of giardia in the liver by using a brine half an hour before eating.

Sauerkraut: what are the benefits for the body?

Sauerkraut is a healthy product. It contains substances that produce the necessary microorganisms for the normal functioning of the intestine. In addition, sour cabbage is a source of ready-made microorganisms.

The benefits of sauerkraut are obvious. She is:

Improves digestion. The composition of the product includes organic acids that increase the effectiveness of the stomach and intestines. Cabbage is useful for chronic constipation, dysbiosis.

Strengthens teeth and gums. The product is famous for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Sauerkraut does not allow the development of scurvy.

Strengthens the immune system. Sauerkraut is good for weakened people. It is an indispensable product for viral and colds.

• Reduces the risk of developing serious ailments such as cancer, coronary heart disease. Sauerkraut contains flavonoids - substances that lower cholesterol, as well as isothiocyanates that can prevent cancer of the large intestine, liver, lungs, and mammary gland.

• Helps with metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes.

• Promotes better absorption of protein thanks to its vitamin B6 content.

• Relieves of symptoms of toxicosis in pregnant women.

• Saves from vitamin deficiency, strengthens hair and nails.

• Allows you to maintain youthful skin.

• Cleanses the body from parasites.

Sauerkraut: what is the harm to health?

The harmful characteristics of the product include the presence of salt in it. Although sauerkraut turns out to be as crisp as possible with salt, the use of such a product in hypertensive patients can cause unpleasant symptoms.

In this case, you can use the recipe for making sauerkraut without salt. The finished dish will turn out a little different than usual, but it will not bring harm to the health of people suffering from high blood pressure.

Sauerkraut should be used with caution with increased acidity of the stomach. In this case, be sure to add vegetable oil to the product.

Although sauerkraut has a lot of useful properties, it is still not recommended to eat it with an ulcer, cholelithiasis, pancreatic pathologies.

The harm of sauerkraut is in its excessive use. For many, the product causes an unpleasant symptom such as flatulence and bloating. Having problems with the digestive tract, you should eat a little cabbage, slowly chewing.

Sauerkraut is certainly good for health, but it can sometimes cause (when over-consumed) a decrease in male seed production.

Sauerkraut for children: useful or harmful?

Sauerkraut, of course, is useful for the body of children, but it must be introduced into the diet no earlier than from 2 or 3 years of age and then in small quantities and in the absence of digestive disorders. And from the age of five, a child can eat it as much as he wants.

Sauerkraut is a healthy product for children's health. It is rich in vitamins, primarily vitamin C, mineral salts, acids, fiber.

The useful properties of sauerkraut enrich the child’s body with everything necessary for normal life. Sour cabbage strengthens the immune system, protects brain cells, enables the child to develop normally.

Children are served healthy sauerkraut together with bell pepper, as a part of stew, with meat and potatoes. There are many delicious and healthy dishes with sour cabbage that your baby will certainly enjoy.

1. Salad. Sweet pepper is cut into thin strips and combined with the finished sauerkraut. Salad is poured with vegetable oil and finely chopped greens are added as desired.

2. Stew. Such a product can be given to children from 2 years. It is prepared simply: sauerkraut is poured with water (2 cups) and insisted for about half an hour. Then the water is drained, the cabbage is squeezed and stewed in vegetable oil. Boiled potatoes, sauteed onions and carrots are prepared separately. All components are mixed, spices, salt are added and cooked in the oven.

3. Sauerkraut goulash. The meat is fried, salted, tossed onions, bell pepper, pour tomato juice. Everything is closed with a lid and placed in the oven for half an hour. Then the composition is removed and potatoes are added in cubes, sauerkraut and baked in the oven for about 40 minutes.

Contraindications to the use of the product are the same as for adults.

Sour cabbage is loved by many. It has long been an excellent dietary supplement. Appetizing, extremely healthy - sauerkraut is valued for its rich vitamin composition, taste and the possibility of self-cooking, when usual and equally useful products can act as additional components.


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