Is body cleansing important at home? We get rid of health problems through home cleansing of the body


You suffer from chronic diseases, you can’t lose weight, you have constant headaches, and even doctors can’t find a reason?

Try cleaning your body at home.

Daily use of toxins, pesticides, fried and fatty foods leads to clogging of one or another part of our body, sometimes parasites settle there, all this in a complex kills the immune system.

The older the person, the more developed the mechanism of self-poisoning. Carrying out experiments on rats, scientists were able to prove that individuals who used Enterosgel to clean their intestines for a certain time lived a third of their lives.

Cleaning the body at home - is it difficult?

First of all, many are afraid of the unknown what to clean, how to clean, if there is enough money. The main thing is to start, and to do this, see if it is possible to clean the body at home.

Cleansing should always begin with the intestines, for the reason that all products that support the vital functions of the body are excreted through this organ. Our gastrointestinal juice returns to the body through cleansing through the blood and intestines. When cleaning the intestine, lipid metabolism is normalized, the amount of cholesterol in the blood decreases. Properly performed bowel cleansing guarantees a weight loss of 1-3 kg, improvement of well-being, ease throughout the body.

Cleaning the body at home is carried out no more than once every six months, but for many, and once a year will be a feat. The main thing is to go through all stages of cleaning to get the maximum effect.

Before starting an integrated approach to cleaning actions, we paint a program for cleaning:

• intestines;

• liver;

• kidneys;

• systems of lymph and blood formation.

Cleaning the body at home: what is needed for this

Starting to cleanse the body at home, first of all, determine the need for this procedure.

- Intestine urgently needs cleansing procedures if you do not practice hungry days, like spicy, smoked and fried foods, are fond of fast foods and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Flatulence, constipation, an unpleasant odor of sweat, fatigue are the main indicators of the need to clean the body at home.

Of course, you can continue to live with these problems, accelerating aging with blockages of fecal stones, self-toxicity destroying the heart and hormonal system, producing parasites that will cause headaches and constant migraines.

Preparing to cleanse the intestines, try not to eat protein foods for 1 to 2 days, mainly eat vegetables and fruits, and you should also drink more juices these days. Ideal if you can spend the whole day drinking only clean water.

- "dirty" liver it threatens a disease of the whole organism, because it is in the liver that the blood is purified, leaving there hormones, antibiotics, food additives that come with food. A good cleansing of the liver will be indicated by a strong release of bile, which goes through the intestines.

Strong liver contamination is indicated by bloating, nausea, tongue coated with plaque, unhealthy skin color, bitterness or metallic taste in the mouth. Even if you do not have these signs, with a complete cleansing of the body at home, leaving the liver unattended is not recommended.

A couple of days after bowel cleansing, one should prepare for the liver cleansing procedure. For this, the last 2 days, it would be nice to drink only freshly squeezed juice from carrots and beets, cranberry drinks, hibiscus, a lot of warm water. During liver cleansing, protein intake should be limited for several days.

Attention! Beetroot juice can be consumed half an hour after receiving.

If you are not sure about the condition of your liver, an ultrasound scan should be done before cleaning and consult your doctor.

- About kidney contamination the first signal will be swelling of the face and limbs, pain in the kidneys, an unpleasant feeling when urinating.

The ideal preparatory period before cleansing the kidneys is complete fasting for one day. If there are stones or sand in the kidneys, after consultation with a doctor, a stone grinding procedure should be carried out, which is done only in the hospital, after which it is possible to proceed to the removal of toxins.

- Slagging of the lymphatic and circulatory systems expressed in the appearance of plaques, elevated cholesterol, which leads to weakening of the walls of blood vessels and, as a result, stroke, heart attack. The ideal product for cleansing the cardiovascular system is lemon.

Cleaning your body at home: procedure details

1. The intestinal microflora affects the health of the whole organism, therefore first of all we will cleanse the colonhaving previously spent 2 preparatory days.

- Washing the intestines with salted water is the easiest and most painless way to cleanse the intestines. To do this, take 2 liters of warm water, mix with 2 tsp. salt, filter through cheesecloth and set ourselves an enema daily for three in the evening. This method guarantees cleaning only the thick pussy, without touching the "deposits" in the entire intestine.

- Many people are not supporters of enemas, then we do the cleaning with the same salt water, but in this case we slowly drink 2 liters of warm saline for an hour, or maybe 90 minutes.

After taking the first 3 - 5 glass, there will be a urge to empty the intestines. We continue to take water until the escaping liquid becomes clear.

If you can not drink saline concentration of 2 tbsp. l 1 liter of water, then replace the amount of salt from the tablespoon with a dessert spoon.

After cleansing the body at home, cook, and eat rice, to restore microflora. It is enough to carry out 2 - 3 procedures within a week.

- More gentle, perhaps not as effective, but easier is the way to cleanse the intestines with flax. In the morning, fry the flax seeds, grind them in a coffee grinder and add to kefir or low-percentage sour cream, this will be your breakfast for three weeks. In the first week we take 1 tbsp. l ground flax + 50 g of fermented milk product, the second 2 tbsp. + 100 g of kefir or sour cream, the third week - 3 tbsp. l., but the amount of the milk mixture is not increasing.

After taking the cleansing mixture, do not drink or eat for 3 hours.

2. The main blood filter of our body is liver, which due to many factors is clogged by hardened bileresembling stones. As a result of cleansing the body at home, the products of the cleansing procedure will come out with greens, white, brown flakes and threads.

- When cleaning the liver, do not use very active mixtures. You should be very careful about cleaning with vegetable oil and lemon juice, as a large release of bile can provoke nausea, and even vomiting.

More gentle will be the cleaning method:

• sorbitol;

• honey;

• yolks of fresh eggs.

- In the early morning you should warm the liver with a heating pad, water or electric, and drink the mixture prepared in advance, 2 tbsp. sorbitol or honey, or 2 yolks to dissolve in hot water, and lie on the heating pad with the right hypochondrium for 2 hours.

- More powerful will be cleaning with a lemon - herbal mixture, which is prepared from 3 lemons, a bunch of parsley, five celery stalks, chopped in a blender and mixed with 1.2 liters of warm water. Cleaning the body at home in this case will take 3 days, the juice should be drunk three times a day, 2 cups an hour before meals.

Evidence of a successful liver cleansing will be loose stools.

3. The kidneys are a unique system that regulates the volume of water, acid-base balance and produces the excretion of urine from the body.

- Kidney cleaning takes 2 weeks. In the first seven days we drink a cleansing drink according to the scheme indicated on the package of diuretic tea purchased at a pharmacy. In the second week, add 5 drops of fir oil to the diuretic tea and continue to drink 200 ml half an hour before meals 3 times a day. After a couple of days, the urine will change color, become cloudy, pain may appear during urination from the emerging sand.

If after 14 days the pain has not stopped, the cleaning process of the kidneys can be extended for another week.

4. Even dirt accumulates inside our cells, so we will clean the body at home at the cellular level, cleansing lymph, lungs.

- A delicious medicine for strengthening blood vessels is obtained from a mixture of oranges and lemons, taken in 3 pieces and 3 tablespoons of natural honey. Within a day, you can begin to receive 1 tablespoon each. daily, half an hour before breakfast.

- The “live” jam from cranberries, oranges and sugar, which can be consumed constantly, preparing fruit drinks, adding to tea, also does a good job of cleansing blood vessels.

- A good cleaning from plaques is guaranteed by tincture of crushed rosehips on vodka. We fill 2/3 of the bottles with chopped fruits and fill it with vodka, put in a dark place for 14 days, shaking twice a day. In the morning, take 20 drops, dripping on sugar.

- The elixir of youth is called a lemon - garlic mixture of six lemons juice and 100 g of finely crushed garlic, which must be mixed and infused for 3 weeks. After shaking, take 30 drops with ½ cup of water. It is advisable on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals.

- Lungs are easiest to cleanse by inhalation using essential oils. From time to time or if necessary, pour hot water into the pan, drip a few drops of pine, fir or eucalyptus oil, bend over, cover yourself with a towel with your head and breathe for up to a quarter of an hour.

Cleaning your body at home: be careful!

Cleansing procedures should be carried out only with the permission of a doctor if you:

• oncology;

• exacerbation of colitis, severe hemorrhoids;

• cholecystitis;

• bending of the gallbladder;

• Suspected kidney stones or gallstones.

Love yourself, take care of your health, do regular body cleansing at home, take care of youth and enjoy life!


Watch the video: Take Out the Toxins from Your Body. Subah Jain (July 2024).