Recipes hair masks at night


Thick and well-groomed curls - the result of regular and quality care. However, due to lack of time and money, not every girl has such an opportunity. A good solution would be hair masks for the night, which are easy to prepare at home. To a positive effect was tangible, make cosmetic procedures is regularly.

Night Mask Rules

Hair needs regular and high-quality care. Cosmetic procedures for the night, make the curls healthy and soft. The effect is achieved faster due to prolonged exposure to the hair follicles.

Rules for the use of masks for hair at night:

  • It is not recommended to use burning components that have an aggressive effect - red pepper, mustard, onion juice, etc. As a result, you can get skin burns and irritation. Hair from such exposure begins to fall out;
  • To avoid the appearance of an allergic reaction will test the tolerance of components. If after 2 hours of discomfort did not appear, then the test was successfully passed;
  • Before applying the mask it should be slightly heated. A warm mixture affects the structure of the hair better than the cold;
  • Apply the finished cosmetic should be on clean, dry, carefully combed curls for half an hour before going to bed. This contributes to less trauma to the hair;
  • Mask for the night is better to apply simultaneously on the scalp and hair length, paying attention to the ends. This will solve the problem in a complex way;
  • Strengthen the action of active ingredients can be, if you wrap your head with plastic and a towel. If necessary, use a shower cap or cotton bandage;
  • It is recommended to wash the mask off the hair after a night with warm water, then shampoo. In conclusion, it is advisable to rinse the curls with herbal decoction;
  • Masks for the night is enough to do once a week, in a course of 2 months. Then it is recommended to take a monthly break and, if necessary, the procedures are repeated.

To achieve a positive result, it is recommended to apply a night mask according to the rules. The scalp is very sensitive and does not accept aggressively acting components. The composition is better to include herbs, honey, oils, vegetable and fruit fruits. As an exception, it is allowed to use lemon juice.

Recipes hair masks at night

In the world there are many effective recipes for hair masks for the night. Most of them are easy to cook at home, even for a beginner. The masks applied to hair at night are different. The most popular are nourishing, moisturizing, restoring cosmetics. For the selection of components should be treated carefully to get the desired effect.

For cooking it is recommended to use only fresh and natural ingredients. For example, you can not use mayonnaise, bought in the store. The product contains more harmful than useful substances. The composition contains dyes, flavors, preservatives, which have a negative impact on the hair. To prepare the mask for the night, it is recommended to use mayonnaise homemade.

You should also prepare ceramic or glass container for mixing the components. Metal dishes for the preparation of hair masks for the night will not work. Under the action of the active substances contained in the ingredients, the metal begins to oxidize. As a result, toxins enter the cosmetic. The mask prepared in this way is not recommended to be applied on the hair for the whole night. Harm will be more than good.

Sometimes a prescription is required to warm the mixture. Use for this purpose the microwave is not worth it. The device has a strong thermal effect on the components and reduces their effectiveness. Recommended for heating water bath. Thus, the beneficial properties of the ingredients will be preserved in larger quantities. To make the mixture homogeneous, you should use a blender or a whisk.


Masks, depending on the components, have a different effect on the hair. Curls are highly susceptible to negative external factors. Sudden temperature drops, dry air damage their structure and lead to increased fragility. Having done the procedure all night, the curls will absorb the useful properties of the components.

Weakened and dyed hair recover will help honey mask for the night. Mix 2 tbsp. l pre-warmed melted honey with three beaten egg yolks. The number of components is enough for shoulder-length curls. The resulting mixture is applied in a thin layer on the scalp and tips of curls. Residues are recommended for length distribution. The head is wrapped with polyethylene and a towel. In the morning, the honey mask is washed off with hair and shampoo.

The tool, which includes mayonnaise, also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the locks. Such a mask at night at the same time both nourishes and moisturizes the hair. Mix 2 yolks and 2 tsp. honey and homemade mayonnaise. Apply a finished mayonnaise mask on the hair and scalp overnight. In the morning, rinse the curls thoroughly with warm water.

Flax mask suitable for dyed, damaged, dry, weak hair. To prepare the nutrient will need 1 tbsp. l Linseed and almond oil, 2 tbsp. l burdock oil and 2 drops of rose oil. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair overnight. The head is covered with polyethylene and a towel, and in the morning the product is washed off.


Masks prepared on the basis of nutritional components will help to restore weakened hair. If there is not enough time, the procedure can be performed overnight. A positive result is noticeable after a month of use.

The most effective recipes for cosmetics:

  • Moisturize and make curls more docile and soft will help avocado. Ripe fruit should be cut and rid of the bone. Crushed to a puree-like state, the pulp is crushed and mixed with 1 tbsp. l coconut oil and 2 tbsp. l aloe juice Thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to the curls and scalp overnight. Head necessarily wrapped with plastic and a towel. In the morning the mixture is washed off with warm water;
  • Make your hair shiny and healthy by using a mask with glycerol. Mix 2 tbsp. l aloe juice, 125 ml. natural yogurt, 1.5 tsp. pharmacy glycerin and the contents of 3 capsules of the vitamin complex "Aevit". Apply the mixture to the scalp and curls overnight. In the morning, the glycerin mask is washed off the hair;
  • Mask with ginger strengthens hair roots and restores their structure. Chopped on a fine grater ginger mixed with 2 tsp. sesame oil. The components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the curls and roots. The head is wrapped with a towel and left overnight. In the morning it is recommended to wash the hair with shampoo.

Regular overnight procedures will quickly restore weakened and damaged hair. For the preparation of masks suitable components that contain large quantities of vitamins and minerals.

For rapid growth

To accelerate hair growth will help special night masks. Due to prolonged exposure, a positive effect is achieved quickly. It is not recommended to use burning components. Curls and scalp may suffer as a result of the use of cosmetics based on brandy, mustard, red pepper or vodka.

Honey-oil mask, applied at night, nourishes and accelerates hair growth. For cooking means you need to mix 1 tbsp. l burdock and castor oil, honey and add 1 tsp. lemon juice. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath. The warm mass is mixed to a uniform consistency and rubbed into the hair roots with massaging movements. Residues should be applied to the entire length of the curls. The head is wrapped in a towel and left overnight. In the morning, the mask is washed off.

To curls grow faster, you can include in the mask colorless henna. The component is suitable for all types of hair. The recipe for making cosmetics at home is simple. It is recommended to mix 50 grams. powder of colorless natural henna and 40 ml. cool water. The mixture should be homogeneous, without lumps. Light rubbing movements apply the tool to the roots and the length of the curls. We warm the head with a towel and leave for the night.

Apple Carrot Mask promotes accelerated hair growth. An apple and a medium-sized carrot are rubbed on a coarse grater. The resulting mixture is laid out on cheesecloth and squeezed juice. Added 20 ml. aloe juice and cosmetic thoroughly mixed. The mask of apple and carrot is applied at night on the hair roots with a rubbing motion. In the morning, the head is rinsed with an aqueous solution of lemon juice.

The mask left overnight on the hair, activates their growth and nourishes the curls with useful substances.

Clay masks

Clay contains many useful substances that nourish the hair roots and restore their structure. Also, some types of clay effectively fight dandruff and baldness. White clay is considered universal and is suitable for all types of curls, pink - for dry, and blue - for fat.

Recipes clay hair masks for the night:

  • Mix 50 gr. blue clay, 1 tbsp. l melted honey, 1 tbsp. l lemon juice and a small amount of water. Instead of water, you can use kefir, ryazhenka or yogurt. The resulting mixture should be applied to the scalp and spread over the entire length of the hair. We leave the cosmetic overnight. In the morning, wash off the clay mask with water and shampoo;
  • Dilute 75 gr. white clay with a small amount of water. Add to mush in 1 tbsp. l lemon juice, honey and 1 egg yolk. The mixture is recommended to put on the roots and hair at night. The scalp is lightly massaged with the fingertips. In the morning we get rid of the remnants of the kaolin mask with warm water;
  • Dilute 2 tbsp. l pink clay decoction of calendula to a uniform consistency. Add to the mixture egg yolk and 1 tbsp. l heated honey. The tool should be applied to the scalp and hair. We warm the top with plastic and a towel and leave for the night. In the morning, wash off the clay mask with warm water and shampoo my head.

Clay masks have a positive effect on all types of hair. Cosmetics normalize the sebaceous glands and give shine shine. If you perform the procedure regularly, the curls will get a healthy and fresh look. It is worth noting that the use of clay nightclubs requires a natural drying of the hair. When using a hair dryer, the achieved positive result will be reduced to almost zero.

It is recommended to rinse the curls after the procedure with herbal decoction based on chamomile, sage or nettle.

This practice will consolidate the success and further enhance the effectiveness of the clay mask.


It is easy and simple to look after hair with the help of oil masks for the night. Despite the benefits that they bring to the curls, there are some contraindications to their use. Oily cosmetics are not recommended for people with oily hair. This will cause the curls to become even more fat, and the pores will become blocked. Also with caution, oily ingredients should be used by girls with dyed curls.

The oils contain substances that wash out the paint.

Strengthen hair follicles and make hair thicker will help mask of three types of oils. Mix 1 part almond and burdock oil with 2 parts olive oil. The mixture is heated in a water bath to 40 ° C. Warm cosmetic should be applied to the scalp with a rubbing motion. The remains are distributed along the entire length of the hair. The head is wrapped and the mask is left overnight.

Moisturize dry and brittle hair by oil maskprepared according to the following recipe. For the preparation of cosmetics will need to mix 4 types of oils - 40 ml. burdock, 20 ml. almond and jojoba, 10 ml. rose oil. The mixture is heated and rubbed into the scalp. The tips are heavily moistened in an oil solution. A shower cap is worn over the head all night. In the morning, the mask is washed off with regular shampoo.

Night Mask with Addition avocado oil suitable for weak hair. It is recommended to mix 30 ml. lemon juice, burdock, olive oil and avocado oil. The components mixed up to a uniform consistence should be applied on dry ringlets. A special cap is put on top of the head. For washing the oil mask from the hair in the morning it is recommended to use shampoo and balsam.

Masks left overnight are very useful for hair. Due to prolonged exposure, the positive effect is manifested quickly. Components for the preparation of cosmetics are selected depending on the result that they want to achieve.


Watch the video: Sleeping Hair Masks That Can Transform Your Hair Overnight !! (July 2024).