March 26: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays March 26th.


Holidays March 26

Passover (date for 2013)

Passover, or Russian Easter is the oldest Jewish holiday, and it is associated with the Exodus of slaves from Egypt more than 3,000 years ago. The Israelites settled in Egypt as one family consisting of seventy people of the Jacob family. At first, the family was received very joyfully, but when the Jews began to develop new territories and recreate the offspring, the Egyptians took measures - the general guests were assigned to the “guests”. Jews were carefully monitored, listened to their conversations, spouses were separated, even reached the mass extermination of infants.

Moses became the only child who survived the brutal massacre, and it was he who was destined to save the people from torment. This biblical epic is known to almost everyone. Led by the Almighty, he was able to lead the people out of Egyptian lands and thereby save him from suffering.

The word "Passover" has a double interpretation. Some believe that the name is associated with the great "transition" (translated from Hebrew), while others associate the meaning with the history of the Jewish people, when Pharaoh, who did not want to let the Israelites go, experienced God’s "ten executions" on his own skin: turning the waters into blood, the invasion of huge toads, hordes of lice, hungry animals, ulcers, the mass death of cattle and crops, as well as the death of local children. By giving, the Lord killed the firstborn of Egypt, but did not touch the Jewish. Easter symbolizes the arrival of spring, the awakening of nature, the renewal of all things and human nature. This holiday is a symbol of gaining freedom, a strong spirit and faith.

Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ukraine

The professional holiday, established by Presidential Decree in 1996, is annually celebrated in Ukraine on March 26. The activities of the internal troops of this country are inextricably linked with its fate and history. For the entire period of existence of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the territory of Ukraine, about two hundred military personnel were awarded who adequately performed their duty to their homeland.

March 26 in the folk calendar

Nikiforov day

March 26, people commemorate the Monk Nicephorus - Patriarch of Constantinople. The saint lived at the turn of the 8th and 9th centuries. He was the protector of icons. According to legend, he was exiled to the monastery, where he died, and his relics were incorrupt.

In Russia they said that the Luminary shines especially bright on this day, drowns snow and alarms woken up bears. People personified this beast with a man, only in a different guise. Indeed, it is not for nothing that the peasants have composed many tales and legends related to bears. The girls even wondered at the feet of a slaughtered animal. At Nicephorus they were waiting for the return of the geese. If they arrived on March 26, then the harvest in the fall will be notable. If the birds upon returning began to frolic in the river, then not far off is warm. The fogs on Nikiforov foreshadowed a wet and rainy summer. Favorite hobby on this day was to fish. The peasants said about this: "Even a fish pecks at Nicephorus." Basically it was perches, roaches and ides.

Historical Events March 26

March 26, 1328 - The accession of Ivan the First to the princely throne

The main merit of Ivan the First (and later Moscow) was that he turned Moscow into one of the richest cities in the world, for which, in fact, he received a symbolic nickname. He also managed to get the location of the Uzbek - the Horde Khan, suppressing the uprising near Tver against the Mongol-Tatars.

March 26, 1828 - Franz Schubert presented the audience with his only concert

In his entire short life (Schubert lived only about 32 years), the Austrian composer truly became great, he created more than a thousand pieces of music that are still being listened to. In 1828, his only concert ever took place, culminating in stunning applause and international acclaim. Despite fame, the musician’s further life was very modest, for several years he had to literally make ends meet. And with the money raised from the concert, Schubert acquired a brand new piano. Soon, the composer fell ill with typhus and died from the serious consequences of the infection.

March 26, 1989 - The first elections of people's deputies were held in the USSR

The first elections of deputies were held on a partially alternative basis. About 800 deputies were elected from national territorial districts, another part - from all-Union organizations, such as the "Red Hundred", from trade unions, the Komsomol and the All-Union Sobriety Society. Disappointing candidates were sifted out by district assemblies - a powerful party-economic system worked against them. A huge scandal erupted when the victory went to Boris Yeltsin, who was ousted two years earlier from senior posts. Almost ninety percent of the residents of the Moscow District voted for Yeltsin.

March 26, 2003 - A frozen lake was discovered on Mars

Whether life is on Mars or not is not known to science, but the fact of the presence of water in it in a frozen state has long been proven. A "red planet" was formed at the same time as the Earth, about six billion years ago. Scientists believe that it was once warmer on Mars, and the water system that existed at that time on three planets (Earth, Venus and Mars), functioned in a liquid state, as evidenced by the massive river systems distributed throughout the planet. Gradually, the water from Mars evaporated, some of it concentrated on the poles in a frozen state. What led to the tragedy is not exactly known. In this regard, there are many versions, one of which is associated with low gravity compared to Earth, which is not able to hold a fairly dense atmosphere around the planet. Another version says that the solar wind "blew" the water from Mars due to the loss of the planet's magnetic field.

Born on March 26

- Wilhelm View (born in 1876) - the first and only mbret (prince) of Albania. Nephew of the first Queen of the state.

- Alexey Buldakov (born in 1951) - Soviet, Russian film and theater actor. In 2009 he received the title of People's Artist of Russia. Until 1995, he played mainly secondary roles and was little known to a wide audience, but the role in the film "Features of the National Hunt", where he played Ivolgin, changed everything.

- Keira Knightley (born in 1985) - British film actress. At the age of six, she had her own agent, and at seven - Kira had already made her debut in a serious movie. The next step in her career was series. But, having matured, Kira more and more often begins to participate in well-known, well-paid projects.

- Alexey Petrenko (born in 1938) - Soviet, Russian actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. Since 1977, he was an actor of the Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. After him, he changed many more jobs. In parallel, Petrenko starred in the movie. He was remembered by the audience thanks to such films as "Farewell", "Agony", "Marriage", "Cruel Romance", "Prisoner of IF Castle", "Siberian Barber", etc.

Birthday March 26

On March 26, name holders will celebrate the name day: Margarita, Larisa, Alexander, Christina, Gregory, Nicephorus, Mikhail, Savin, Nikolai, Julia, Denis, Terenty.


Watch the video: B-line 5th Birthday March 2013 Promo Vid (July 2024).