How to germinate wheat at home safely and quickly. Rules for the selection of raw materials and wheat germination technology at home


The transition to proper nutrition is a trend of recent years.

Tired of disease and stress, mankind has finally paid attention to its own health and has begun to germinate wheat!

It is an ideal product for boosting energy, treating many diseases and preventing various diseases.

Yes, and just a very tasty thing, if you know how to sprout wheat at home correctly.

How to germinate wheat at home: selection of raw materials

Not any wheat can be made to germinate in atypical conditions. The ideal option is if you can specifically purchase raw materials with the appropriate labeling. Today, many companies involved in the supply of healthy food products to specialized outlets are also packing wheat grains for sale. However, buying them is not necessary. If there is an opportunity to purchase farm raw materials, you need to use it.

The main thing is to be sure that the wheat was not treated with any chemical muck and that food garbage was not slipped to you. Unfortunately, by eye it is simply impossible to determine the quality of grain (especially to a city dweller who hasn’t seen “live” wheat in his eyes). Therefore, you will have to pay attention at least to the appearance of the raw materials.

What should alert:

• grains of different sizes;

• many small, undeveloped grains;

• grains are broken, mechanically damaged;

• the raw material looks strange: the grains are wrinkled, cracked, covered with mold coating.

All this indicates a poor quality of raw materials. You can’t buy such wheat. Healthy, healthy, high-quality grains - the same size, large, dry, pleasant yellow. They have convex sides, on which neither dry plaque nor mold can be seen.

Not the fact that such seeds will sprout. It may look beautiful and healthy in appearance, but instead of sprouting it will begin to grow moldy when swelling. This means that the grains are overdried, it is impossible to eat them in any case.

Please note that wheat of different varieties can behave differently when germinated. Some swell and grow faster, some need more time. May require more or less water, lower or higher temperature. All these are normal options. However, when it comes to wheat germination at home, the general rule for safe use is this: it is better not to contain grains in water than to overexpose them.

How to germinate wheat at home: the necessary utensils

For germinating wheat at home, you will need a small set of dishes, which is likely to be found in any kitchen;

• sieve;

• colander;

• germination containers: a glass jar, a plastic container or a wide deep dish.

You will also need gauze and clean water, which must be changed at least twice. Gauze is necessary so that the grains do not dry out and remain moist throughout the germination cycle. If there is an opportunity to wash the grain regularly, then it is not necessary to cover it with gauze.

The use of metal utensils will have to be abandoned: in it, the grain is oxidized, the quality of the product is lost. If you plan to seriously engage in healthy eating, the ideal option is a regular, fairly voluminous plastic food container with an air hole in the lid. It is convenient to wash it, in case of careless handling it is impossible to break, and the grains in such dishes will be warm and cozy.

How to germinate wheat at home: the rules of soaking

The main rule for soaking the grain: do not fill it with water, but provide a constant moist environment. The ambient temperature should not be too high, optimally - twenty degrees.

Grain germination usually takes 1-1.5 days. During this time, they should be washed every eight hours.

How to germinate wheat at home:

• Pour grains with water and rinse, removing debris and pop-up grains unsuitable for germination;

• put in a sieve and rinse again;

• Throw clean raw materials into the dishes for germination with a thin layer;

• pour with drinking or purified water, remove to a calm dark place and leave to swell;

• after eight hours put in a sieve and rinse again;

• put in dishes, cover with a lid and a hole or gauze folded in four to five layers. The gauze should be moist (wet, squeeze slightly). Please note: there should not be water in the dishes;

• leave for germination for another eight hours, but so that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on the wheat.

After 18-20 hours, the first white sprouts will appear. Grains not covered with gauze will be covered with mucus, which must be washed off, spreading wheat in a sieve. Until germination, the grain should be kept moist.

When washing the sprouted raw materials, pay attention to the fresh, fragrant smell that should come from the seedlings. You need to eat them when the size of the sprouts reaches two to three millimeters, and the initial amount of raw materials doubles.

How to Sprout Wheat at Home: Beginner Mistakes

If you are just starting to master the technology of germinating wheat at home, there may be mistakes and inaccuracies. Germination may not work in the following cases:

• the grains are filled with too much water. Germination requires a humid environment, not a water pond, in which wheat will simply burst from swelling, and not germinate. Therefore, all excess moisture after washing should be drained;

• the grain dried out, barely having time to hatch. The problem is the reverse: a humid environment has not been created. At first, it is convenient to use a gauze "coat": soak it with plenty of water and check for dryness every few hours. If the gauze layer begins to dry, add water to it;

• wheat is laid out in too thick a layer, as a result of which the lower grains suffocate, overheating;

• wheat has stopped, has grown. You can’t eat it.

It is very important to wash the raw materials on time. "Bathe" grains need at least twice during the germination period. To guarantee germination of wheat at home, it is very convenient to use this cycle:

1. morning - soaking;

2. evening - washing;

3. morning - washing;

4. day - eating.

Good, healthy wheat sprouts with all the grains at the same time as an example per day. As soon as the sprouts have reached the desired size, the product must be eaten immediately. If the grains have darkened, and the white sprouts have become longer than three millimeters, you should abandon the use of wheat: it has stopped.

What if the sprouts did not appear within two days? Alas, such raw materials should be discarded: the quality of the grain is unfit. That is why it is very important to find a good supplier, so as not to spend money on a bad product.

It is important not only to know how to germinate wheat at home, but also how to properly store the finished product. Sprouts need to be washed with cold running or drinking water, placed in a food container, tightly closed with a lid and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. It is impossible to store finished seedlings for more than two days. When you take out a serving, do not forget to rinse it with clean drinking water.


Watch the video: How to Grow Wheatgrass at Home by Soil Less Easy Method (July 2024).