How to make a slime at home for the joy of children! Recipes, the necessary materials and recommendations on how to make a slime at home


Lizun (slim, handgum) is a toy that became known to the general public not so long ago thanks to the release of the well-known film "Ghostbusters".

One of the main characters of this cartoon picture was a ghost named Lizun.

Its creators are Mattel, which released it under the name Slime.

This toy began to be called Lizun after being translated into Russian.

Its peculiarity is that it was able to stretch, spread and take any form.

Surely in childhood, many had a toy that could be thrown into a wall or other object, and it invariably stuck to it.

Make a lizun at home: is it possible?

The extraordinary and very curious Lizun very quickly gained popularity among the children, which immediately led to its mass release around the world. Lizuns are still popular today. You can buy this funny toy in the store, but it is much more interesting to make it yourself. If you want to please your baby, but don’t know how to make a slime at home, after reading this article you will have no questions.

To make such a toy at home from improvised material is easy. The most used methods: with shampoo, water, plasticine and soda, with or without sodium. In addition, you will have the opportunity to independently adjust the density of the toy and color it in the desired color, using food colors or gouache.

How to make a lizuna at home: the necessary materials

How to make a lizun at home, and what materials are needed for this? The choice of materials is very large, they include:

  • chewing gum;

  • water with starch;

  • flour;

  • gouache;

  • condensed milk (to give the toy a taste).

This is not a complete list of materials, but we will talk more about this below. Now we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main recommendations and tips for making a toy if you want to get a quality toy in the end. The list is as follows:

1) the most important condition for the storage of lizun is a closed vessel. For this, a small jar is suitable, in which the lid is tightly closed;

2) you can’t leave the toy in direct sunlight, near heaters or a battery (a lizun prefers a low temperature);

3) you can’t put a lizun on a surface with a pile (for example, on carpets and clothes), since miniature villi tend to stick to it, which will lead to heterogeneity of its surface;

4) to make the toy unique, add some essential oils to the recipe during its creation, they are able to give a pleasant aroma to your creation;

5) so that the lizun is even more original, you can pour a certain amount of cosmetic sparkles into the cooking mass, this will give your cartoon superhero a little "glamor";

6) to make the craft taste better, you can add sugar, salt or condensed milk to the recipe;

7) if you want to make your toy more plastic and viscous, and also so that it does not leave any traces, you need to add a few drops of vinegar to the solution with paint;

8) to give the cartoon hero a natural look, also add some glycerin, this will make it more slippery;

9) the addition of hydrogen peroxide will make homemade lizun easier and more airy;

10) in order to “revive” the toy, take several rubber buttons during manufacture and stick them on the spot where the lizun will have eyes and a nose. Here, everything will depend on your imagination: use any means at hand and make your homework as believable as possible.

How to make a lizun at home: recipes

So, we got acquainted with the recommendations and tips, now we come to the most basic thing - the recipes for making. The materials from which you can make a slime are more than enough, we will consider a few of the most popular and simple ways.

Making a slime out of water

This method is the most popular. The slogan that will turn out in the end is not much different from the one sold in the store.

To make it you need:

1) 100 g of PVA glue. It is desirable that the glue is as fresh as possible.

2) A solution of sodium tetraborate (4%), its powder is also suitable. It can be purchased at any pharmacy, it is inexpensive and is almost always available. In addition, this solution is often used in jewelry workshops, so it can also be found at points where radio products are sold or in shops with chemical reagents.

3) Dye of the desired color. It is advisable to use food, it is safer for the human body. Alternatively, you can use gouache or brilliant green.

Process of creation:

1. Prepare a small container in which you will make a solution for crafts. Pour ¼ cup of lightly warm water into it.

2. Take 100 g of PVA glue and pour into a container of water. The density of the toy will directly depend on the amount of glue, so here you will need to determine it yourself. If the mixture seemed too thin, add a little more glue than it should be. After this, the mixture needs to be mixed well.

3. Then add sodium tetraborate. If you use the solution, 100 g of glue will be enough for one bubble. When using powder, dissolve 1 tbsp. l in ½ cup of water and rinse in a container.

4. Add dye at the end.

The mixture is ready. Now take a container with this mixture, transfer all contents into a plastic bag and remember well.

Done! You got a new toy - a slime from the water.

How to make a soda lick

If sodium tetraborate is not available, then this method will suit you perfectly. But keep in mind that such a slime is short-lived, and you can play with it no longer than four days.

Necessary components:

  • PVA glue.

  • Soda.

  • If necessary, food coloring.

  • Capacity made of plastic.

  • Stir stick. If you interfere in manual mode, use rubber gloves.

Creation Method:

1) Take a plastic container, and mix ¼ cup of warm water and 50 g of glue in it to make a homogeneous mass;

2) Then add the dye of the desired color and mix everything again;

3) Take another separate container and mix in it ¼ cup of water and 1 tbsp. l soda;

4) Pour the contents of the additional packaging into the main container and stir well again.

That's the whole process, the soda lick is ready!

Sculpt a clay from plasticine

This type of toy differs from others in that it has an excellent ability to hold its shape.

To create this type you need:

  • edible gelatin;

  • plasticine;

  • container, plastic utensil is best;

  • additional capacity made of metal;

  • paddle for stirring.

Process of creation:

1) first you need to pour a certain amount of cold water into a metal container and add gelatin to it. The necessary proportions can be read on the packaging. After this, you need to let the gelatin stand in water for 1 hour;

2) after an hour, you need to put the container on fire and bring all contents to a boil. As soon as the water boils, remove the container from the heat;

3) then pick up 100 g of plasticine and remember it well so that it warms up;

4) after that, take a container of plastic, pour 50 g of warm water into it and mix it well with a plasticine using a spatula;

5) then pour all the contents from metal into a plastic container and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained;

6) put the resulting mixture in the refrigerator until it cools completely.

That's it, the process is completed, you got a clay from plasticine.

How to make lizun from shampoo

This method is very easy to prepare, but at the same time, it has a significant drawback - reliability. However, this does not prevent him from having popularity among the population.

You will need:

  • Clay "Titan". Choose this type of glue, and be sure to look at its expiration date, since poor-quality glue can ruin your entire end result. You can buy it at any stationery or household store;

  • Shampoo (any brand will do);

  • Rubber gloves.

The process of creating a toy:

1) Take a plastic bag and pour shampoo and glue into it in a ratio of 2 to 3;

2) Mix the resulting mixture until it finally thickens.

Get the finished toy out of the bag and make your child happy!

How is sodium-free slime done

If there is no sodium tetraborate at home, you can use this method. To make it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • warm water;

  • starch;

  • dye;

  • sparkles;

  • essential oils.

How is done

1) take water and starch and mix them in a ratio of 1 to 1;

2) add some dye and mix again;

3) sparkles can be used at will, they are able to give your craft brightness and unusualness;

4) essential oils will be needed to give your toy a pleasant smell.

Combine all of the above components and voila - you got a new kind of lizun.

In conclusion, I would like to say that lizun is a very fascinating toy that can please your child, it can also be used as a gift to a loved one. In addition, lizun is also useful in helping to develop fine motor skills in the child, and for adults to massage the palms of the hands.

Make toys with your own hands, because it is very interesting and informative, people close to you will certainly appreciate your efforts.


Watch the video: NO GLUE PAPER SLIME! Testing NO GLUE paper slime recipes! (July 2024).