How to grow and apply Kombucha at home (photo). Rules for the care of Kombucha at home and the secrets of use


Everyone at least once had to meet this miracle in the bank.

Its discoverers are Japanese, they call it seaweed.

On our open spaces it received the name - Kombucha.

Outwardly, it resembles an ever-growing jellyfish.

Smooth on top and friable below, where a huge number of yeast bacteria are located, which are engaged in the process of co-creation.

How to use Kombucha at home? Its benefits to the body

The use of tincture of kombucha can be attributed to the category of alternative medicine. With its help, get rid of various diseases and prevent their re-manifestation:

• Sleep disturbances and insomnia;

• Headaches;

• Unstable blood pressure;

• Stress and breakdown;

• Chronic runny nose;

• Chronic tonsillitis;

• Angina;

• Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

• kidney disease;

• Liver disorders;

• Diseases of the genitourinary system;

• Violations of the cardiovascular system;

• Rheumatic heart disease;

• Polyarthritis;

• Atherosclerosis.

Using Kombucha is quite simple. First you need to make tea. In it you can add various beneficial herbs that do not contain oils. Usually added linden blossom, rose hip, birch leaves, nettles, strawberries. After the brewed tea is infused for an hour, it is carefully filtered, sugar syrup prepared in advance is added to it and it is poured into a three-liter jar, where everything is stirred with purified water. Now a well-washed kombucha is placed here and a jar is covered with clean gauze.

In a week, tea will be saturated with yeast bacteria and acetic acids. You can try it. The taste of Kombucha should resemble kvass - the same sharp and sparkling. If the sharpness is not enough, then you should wait until the home jellyfish has finished the drink. This can last up to two weeks.

How to use Kombucha with health benefits? Fans and connoisseurs of this drink are advised to drink it up to 0.5 liters per day. On an empty stomach in the morning a glass of tea from a house mushroom will help to wake up, invigorate and activate the digestive system. During the day, it is recommended to drink Kombucha an hour before meals or 3 hours after a meal. A glass of miraculous tincture at night will prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, calm and set the body to rest.

The use of Kombucha will help to cope with excess weight, improve the condition of hair and nails, and get rid of problem skin.

Harm from using Kombucha

It should be remembered that the prepared tea mushroom drink contains a large amount of acetic acids, yeast bacteria that cause fermentation and sugar. Therefore, its use is permissible during pregnancy and breastfeeding only if the mother is absolutely healthy and does not have allergic reactions.

You can drink kombucha also for children. But given the processes of fermentation, you should not accustom the kids to this drink from early childhood.

The presence of acids, yeast bacteria and sugar in the drink makes it prohibited for people with diseases such as:

• Increased acidity of the stomach;

• ulcer;

• Diabetes;

• Fungal diseases.

Individual intolerance to Kombucha, of course, also has a place to be. And in the presence of undesirable manifestations, after taking such tea, you should refuse it.

Kombucha at home: how to grow?

Growing Kombucha at home is quite simple, if you know the simple rules. To grow a miracle from Japan you will need:

• The process of Kombucha;

• Three liter clean can;

• Ready brewing of ordinary black tea - 100g per 1 liter of water;

• Sugar - not more than 60 g;

• Pure gauze.

So, for starters, you need to take the shoot of Kombucha from someone who has already managed to grow it at home. The person who breeds Kombucha is willing to share it, as this home-made jellyfish grows quite rapidly. It is capable of eventually filling the entire jar and even reaching a weight of 100 kg under certain living conditions.

The washed shoot of the fungus is placed in a clean three-liter jar. Tea is brewed separately, sugar is added to it and mixed thoroughly. Sugar must dissolve completely. Kombucha does not like when particles of undissolved sugar fall on it. From this, he can begin to hurt or even die.

Brewed tea carefully pour the mushroom. We cover with gauze so that dust and other unwanted garbage do not get inside.

The process of growing Kombucha at home is running.

Kombucha at home: why is dying?

How to start the process of growing Kombucha at home is now clear. But an important question - how to save it? What secrets do you need to know to protect tea jellyfish from disease and death?

The cause of many diseases of Kombucha is poor care:

1. First of all, Kombucha must be allocated its permanent place. It should be warm and bright, but direct sunlight is fatal to the fungus;

2. Direct sunlight or a room temperature below 18 degrees provides good soil for the development of blue-green algae in a can of tea mushroom. With such a violation of the conditions of the fungus, algae cover it, as well as the walls of the jar and float in the entire solution. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the mushroom, wash and dry the jar, correct the errors in the content of Kombucha then the algae will not return;

3. Contact with Kombucha insoluble sugar or tea leaves will provoke the appearance of brown spots on it. So the affected areas of tea jellyfish are stained, which will have to be separated from it;

4. Small flies, which often fly on a fruit plate in the summer, are very fond of Kombucha. They sit on it and lay their eggs. After which, the appeared larvae of the flies feed on the fungus, destroying it. This is another reason why a can of tea mushroom should be covered with multi-layer gauze;

5. Young mushrooms with insufficient acidity are more susceptible to negative environmental influences than adult specimens. If the temperature is violated or often smoked in the room, mold appears on the surface of the fungus. Most often, such a tea mushroom can only be replaced. But you can try to save Kombucha at home. To do this, it is washed well with water, and then doused with boiled vinegar. After this, the mushroom must be placed in a clean tea leaves and trace its condition. And of course, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that caused this disease.

When caring for kombucha at home, it must be regularly washed with cool running water. The older the mushroom, the larger it is. This tea jellyfish grows, growing layer by layer. Each of them is clearly expressed. When there are many layers, this indicates good health of the living organism. But to cope with such a ward is becoming more difficult. Increasing dimensions make it difficult to extract from the can. Often this leads to tears and cuts of Kombucha. This can hardly be attributed to a critical lesion of his tissues. The fungus is quickly restored, as it has excellent self-regeneration. But in order to facilitate the process of caring for a Japanese tea friend, it is better to carefully remove a certain number of layers from it.

The older and larger the mushroom, the faster it copes with the preparation of the drink. Drinks are yeast bacteria and acids. Therefore, it is necessary to be in time on time, to merge the finished infusion. Otherwise, overexposing tea mushroom in the juice formed by it, you can ruin it. The acid content in the bank is growing every day. Having reached a critical point, the acid will begin to corrode the fungus itself. He will show it, trying to roll over on his side.

Possessing this basic knowledge, you can easily grow Kombucha at home and use its gift with health benefits.

Kombucha at home: healing cosmetology

Infusion of Kombucha has long been known for its unique cosmetic properties. The content of acetic acids in it allows you to effectively cleanse your skin from impurities, as well as lighten age spots. For such purposes, it is recommended to use infused tea as long as possible. But it is important to ensure that Kombucha itself does not begin to suffer due to increased acidity in the environment of its life:

• Cleansing compresses are made from heated infusion of Kombucha. In warm tea, gauze is moistened, applied to the face and held for 10 minutes;

• Ice cubes from kombucha will help to narrow pores, tone up and provoke the production of natural collagen;

• Nourishing face masks diluted with infusion of tea home-made jellyfish will greatly enhance its beneficial effect,

Infusion of Kombucha can simply wipe the face. This will cleanse and lighten it. You can restore strength and shine to your hair by rinsing it with kombucha.

As you know, the beauty of the skin is hidden deep in the body. Tea made by Japanese mushroom perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, heavy substances and excessive cholesterol. It saturates it with beneficial bacteria, which leads to the normalization of all systems. Consequently, a person is filled with strength, energy and regains a radiant healthy appearance.

Growing Kombucha at home is not at all difficult, if you follow simple rules. Well, the benefits of this healing drink are always obvious.


Watch the video: Beginners Guide To Fermentation: Bottling + Flavoring Kombucha (July 2024).