What suras help clean the house?


The cleanliness of the home is one of the most important conditions for the karmic safety of the people living in it. At the same time, the house should be cleaned not only in the physical sense, but also from the point of view of esotericism and religion. In all Abrahamic religions there are special prayers that purify the energy of the home and protect its residents from the negative impact of evil spirits.

But how to clean the house according to the Qur'an? What ayahs, suras and duas can be read to protect the house from shaitan? How are the suras and ayahs correctly read? What is the meaning of dwelling and its karma in traditional Islam? Answers to each of the above questions can be found in the current article.

Aura and karma dwellings, the meaning of home in Islam

In traditional Islam, the concept of housing is given considerable attention. According to the Holy Quran, a man can call his home a home only if his family lives with him. The formation of a family begins with a wedding on a highly moral girl who honors the laws of the Quran and lives according to them. If a worthy man and woman enter the Sacred Union, the house will be filled with a blessed energy that prevents the penetration of djinn and shaitans into the dwelling.

Also, to preserve the positive energy of the house, its inhabitants should:

  • Fill the home with religious paraphernalia;
  • Read the Holy Quran regularly;
  • Monitor the purity of your own body;
  • Visit the mosque and be sure to take children;
  • Salat the house;
  • Listen, watch videos and read surahs and ayahs for prophylactic cleansing of dark energy at home.

Allah calls to keep their homes clean. Thus, you need to get out of the house as often as possible.

Factors that negatively affect the energy in the house of a Muslim

The following factors contribute to the concentration of negative energy in a Muslim home:

  • The presence in the home of the dog. According to the Koran, this animal makes the entrance to the house impossible for the Messengers of Allah - the Angels. In addition, the presence of a dog offends Allah himself, since this animal is recognized as unclean. A dog can only be started as a yard guard, without launching the animal into the house;
  • Decorating an apartment with photographs, artistic images of family members or famous personalities. Those who decorate their own homes in this way are considered of little faith. Especially harmful are images of animals. Angels of Allah will not protect people in whose house there is something like that;
  • Constant scandals and assault in the house. Regular outbursts of negative emotions provoke the emergence of devils. Also, a man should not beat his wife and children;
  • Luxury items, dishes made of non-ferrous metals (gold and silver) and bed linen made of pure silk. According to the Qur'an, a true Muslim can decorate his home, but should not strive for senseless luxury;
  • Storing musical instruments, even if no one plays them. Any music should be ascended to the glory of Allah. Also in the house can not sing for fun and pleasure;
  • Eating meat from non-halal animals. Such forbidden food includes not only pork, but also the meat of animals killed by natural death or as a result of a natural cataclysm. In addition, slaughtered cattle should not be strangled.

How to clean the house?

Cleaning the house according to Muslim custom begins with cleaning. It is important to keep everything clean - even not washed dishes attract Shaitan. Also, according to the text of one of the authentic hadiths, you need to cover the dishes and containers with water: "I tell you the truth: there is a night in the year in which the disease comes to the earth. If the vessel with the drink remains uncovered, the disease will certainly penetrate it." According to the Qur'an, suras, ayahs and duas for every day, like other prayers for cleansing the house, should be read after the general cleaning.

Reading Prayers from the Koran for the Home

Reading the prayers from the Holy Quran for cleansing at home is necessary, adhering to the following rules:

  • Surah, ayat and du'a should be read in Arabic;
  • While reading, the worshiper must hold the Quran in his hands;
  • Before reading, you should not drink alcohol or smoke - the worshiper must be in a state of sober mind;
  • The thoughts of the one praying must be pure. You can not hold a grudge against anyone and wish the enemies of the disease or other evil;
  • During any prayer, one should turn his face towards Mecca, starting Namaz or Du'a with the words "Allah Akbar" ("Allah the Great");
  • Hands praying fold on his chest. In this case, the left hand is under the right. In this position, the ayat is pronounced "A'użu3 billẏi and mina-shshaitani-rrajima", which translated from Arabic means "I ask Allah for protection from the devil of the devil";
  • It is necessary to read prayers for cleansing at home at night.

Islamic prayer can be strict (namaz) and arbitrary (dua). The heads of the Holy Quran, or surah, in the process of prayer, must be read in the order established in the scripture - it is impossible to disturb the order of the suras. Individual prayers can be used as a prayer - verses from the chapters of the Koran.

The text of surah, ayat and dua for every day

First of all, in the process of prayer for the cleansing of the house, ayat 255 is read in the second surah of the Quran "Al Bakara" - ayat "Al Kursi" ("The Great Throne").

The text of this verse in the original is as follows:

Below are the transcriptions and translations of the Al Kursi verse to purify the house for each day:

Bismil-laahyah rrahmani rraahiimIn the name of the merciful Allah, the Most Merciful
Allah, Ilyaah, Ilyaahae, Ilaya Huval-Hayul-QayuuumThere is no other God but Allah
Lilya Ta - Khuzuhu Sinatuv-waving NamNeither dream nor drowsiness overwhelm them.
Liahu maa fi samaawati ua maa fi l ardAll that is created on earth and in heaven belongs to Him
ma lazy yashfa'u 'indudu illa b-life. i'lama maabayna aidihim ua maa halfahumWho will stand next to Him without His permission? He knows what happened before them and will be after them
ulaya yyuhituuna bi-shayi-m-min 'ilmihii illa bi ma-sha'a'And they will not comprehend anything that is known to Him without His wishes.
Washi'a kursiiyuhu ssamaauaaati ual ard wa laa yauduhu hifzukhumaaHis Great Throne embraces both heaven and earth, and does not guard such
va hual 'aliyul' azymVerily the Most High

With the use of ayahs from this surah can be read dua or namaz.

Short verses from the suras of the Holy Quran

The short verses from the suras of the Holy Quran are used in performing namaz to cleanse the house. In particular, are used:

  • Surah al-Asr (Quran, 104):

"Bismil-laahyah rrahmani rrahiim.
Val-aasr. Innal-insaene lyafi husr. Illyal-laziyne eemenuu va 'amilu sosolikhaati va tavaasav bil-hakky va tavaasav bis-sabr "


"In the name of the Most High, whose mercy knows no bounds! Truly a man is flawed, except for those who sincerely believed and did good deeds and bequeathed to later patience!"

  • Surah al-Humaz (Quran, 105):

"Bismil-laahyah rrahmani rrahiim.
Vailul-likulli humazatil-lyumaza. Allyasia jama'a meelev-va 'addadah. Yahsebu anne maalyahuu ahlyadeh. Kallylaya, lyaubazenne fil-hutoma. Va maa adraakya mal-hutom. Naarul-laahil-muukada. Allatia tattoli'u 'alal-af'ide. Innehee 'alaihim mu'sode. Phii 'Amadim-Mumddede "


"In the name of the Most High, whose mercy knows no bounds! Hellish punishment awaits every slanderer who accumulates and recounts his wealth! He thinks that he will save his wealth from Allah! But no, he will be overthrown in al-Khutom. And what is" al-hutom, "do you know? It is a fire, devouring hearts, causing them unknown pain, tearing from eternity!"

  • Surah al-Fil (Quran 106):

"Bismil-laahyah rrahmani rrahiim.
Alam tara kayifya fa'al rabbukya bi Ashaabil-fiil. Alam yadzh'al kayyahum fii tadliil. Vah Arsal'Alaichim Tayran Abaabiel. Tarmiimim bi hijaaratim min Sidgiel. Fa ja'alyahum ka'asfim-ma'kuul "


"In the name of the Most High, whose mercy has no limits! Do you know what your God did with the owners of elephants? He turned their schemes into delusion, called the birds of Ababil, who threw stones of charred clay at Abrahi's army, and turned the Lord of warriors into grass"

Listen to prayers through video

We offer to familiarize the video series "Muslim prayers for the cleansing of the house: listen for free":


Watch the video: Powerful Ruqyah for Body and House Cleansing (July 2024).