May 14: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on May 14th.


Holidays May 14

Freelancer Day in Russia

Every year on May 14, Russia celebrates an unusual and yet little-known holiday - Freelancer Day, timed to coincide with the formation in 2005 of one of the first freelance exchanges. Despite the fact that the holiday is not officially legalized in the country, large freelance companies annually organize mass events in honor of it for representatives of this profession, to which programmers, designers, optimizers, and managers are also invited; in general, all those who create and work outside the notorious office walls.

The profession of a freelancer is based on the independent choice of employers and the establishment of a flexible and convenient work schedule. A freelancer is not a member of any company, he is free to choose and earn as much as he needs (naturally, for this you must first learn this skill that almost every adult can do). The number of freelancers in Russia and the CIS countries is growing every year, and all thanks to the World Wide Web, because today almost everyone has access to the limitless Internet. Many today prefer to earn money without leaving home. Freelance becomes for them an integral lifestyle.

Freelancer Day unites everyone who is somehow connected with more or less serious earnings on the Internet, and holding events in honor of this holiday is, of course, necessary. Although the connection between freelancers is rather weak, it is strengthened every year due to various meetings, webinars and other events that allow freelancers to communicate, share their experience with colleagues, jointly solve their tasks, and improve and promote favorite profession.

May 14th in the folk calendar

Yeremey Zapashnik

On May 14, the people commemorate a saint named Jeremiah, who was the second great prophet (there were four in all), mentioned in the Old Testament. The prophetic activity of the saint was in the midst of the formation of the kingdom of Judah.

As expected, in Russia Jeremiah was given his own symbolic nickname - Zapashnik, and instead of the name formed by a complex combination of vowels, the prophet was called Yeremey. He was nicknamed Zapashnik because in this period of time, on the day of commemoration, field and land work “dominated” with might and main - mainly plowing and sowing plots. Work related to land was very difficult for both people and harnessed livestock. Therefore, the peasants on this day prayed to the saint that he would give everyone the strength to overcome the difficult spring period.

Yeremey could not do without symbolic signs: for example, if the day was fine today, then it was customary to clean the bread in good weather, otherwise it won’t last long. The ants were also observed: if they are clean and well fed, there should be plenty of wheat. And in order for the year to shine with fertility, this day was never loaned, whether it be money, a piece of bread or other components of household life.

Historical events of May 14

May 14, 1900 - Opening of the Second Olympic Games in Paris

The choice of Paris for this event is due to a number of circumstances. Firstly, it was here that the Olympic Games were revived, and secondly, the merits of the French baron de Coubertin (the initiator of the organization of the modern Olympic Games) were recognized by all civilized countries of the world. Competitions were held at one of the sports grounds of the Bois de Boulogne due to the lack of a specially equipped stadium. The second Olympiad was held in conjunction with the World Exhibition of 1900, this factor significantly extended the timing of the games, which involved about 1,500 athletes from more than twenty countries.

May 14, 1948 - Proclamation of the State of Israel

In World War II only one third of the Jewish community in Europe (about ten million people) survived. However, the trials for the long-suffering people have not yet ended. With the surrender of Germany, England imposed severe restrictions on Jewish repatriation to Palestine. In response to this, the "Jewish Resistance Movement" was formed, which set itself the goal of fighting Britain for free entry into the country. The situation in England was extremely unstable, and the British authorities were forced to hand over the solution of Palestinian problems to the UN. In 1947, the UN Directive adopted by a majority vote a resolution dividing Palestine into two states. A few months later, when the English mandate expired, the Declaration of Independence of the new state, Israel, was read.

May 14, 1955 - Signing the Warsaw Pact

On the date considered by us in 1955, Warsaw signed the Treaty of Friendship, Mutual Assistance and Cooperation between Bulgaria, Albania, the German Democratic Republic, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia and the USSR, which was a military-defense political union of these socialist states. The terms of its validity extended to twenty years with an automatic extension for another ten years. Starting in 1962, Albania ceased its participation in the work of the Warsaw Treaty bodies, and six years later announced its denunciation. In connection with many transformations in the USSR, as well as in a number of other countries, in July 1991 the Treaty was completely abolished.

May 14 were born

Thomas Gainsborough (1727 - 1788 gg.) - An outstanding English artist. Thomas's creative approach was very extraordinary and unique. He did not make any sketches and worked on canvas, first in very low light conditions, and then gradually let light into the workshop during the work. According to some critics, Gainsborough’s painting is comparable to some uncertainty, chaos. According to other appraisers, Thomas's works radiated real magic. After all, few artists depicted something incomprehensible, seeming close, but at a certain distance, all the colors magically poured into a certain drawing. This was the creative talent of Gainsborough.

Wilhelm Steinitz (1836 - 1900) - German chess player who became the first world champion. Steinitz was born into a poor family, but despite this, the parents, noting the boy’s extraordinary abilities, decided at all costs to give his son a decent education. So, after graduating from high school, he entered the Vienna Polytechnic College, and in parallel in his free time he was engaged in his favorite activity - the game of chess. Soon, the young man abandoned his studies and devoted himself entirely to his favorite pastime. The path that led him to the chess crown was very difficult and long. It took him 30 years to achieve what the chess player had been striving for so long.

Vladimir Matetskiy (born in 1952) - Russian composer. His song "Lavender" (performed by Sofia Rotaru) has become a real hit, living to this day. “Lavender” was followed by “It was, but has passed”, “Moon”, “Stars as stars”, “Moonlight Rainbow” and many other songs written for both young performers and more mature ones. He also wrote music for many films.

Name Day May 14

People celebrate May 14: Vita, Akaki, Nina, Ignatius, Yeremey, Efim, Gerasim, Makar, Tamara, Love, Julian, Nikanor.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).