May 17: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays May 17th.


Holidays May 17

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

The resolution on the proclamation of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day was adopted in 2006 at the initiative of the UN General Assembly. This holiday is a professional one. On May 17, it gathers all programmers, providers, system administrators, Internet editors, web designers and all those who work in the field of information technology, who have significantly changed, improved and enriched the “look” of modern civilization.

Information technologies make a real sensation in the global economy, as a result - both the quantity and quality of all products are increased. This holiday existed until 2006, it was only called a little differently (World Telecommunications Day), it was celebrated since 1969 by decision of the International Telecommunication Union. The date of May 17 is dated to 1865, when in Paris, after two months of negotiations, the International Telegraph Agreement was signed.

May 17 on the folk calendar

Baklushnik Day (Pelagia the Intercessor)

May 17, the people honor the memory of the martyr Pelagia of Tarsia. The saint, according to legends, was born in the third century, her parents were noble pagans. The girl was distinguished by external beauty and a good education. That is why the emperor Diocletian decided to marry Pelagius to his adopted son - heir to the throne. However, the girl, having adopted Christianity, politely refused such a tempting offer. The irate emperor took her life. According to another version, Diocletian wished to make the saint his own wife, but as a result of the refusal ordered her dead.

In Russia, Saint Pelagia has always been considered the intercessor of young innocent girls and all undeservedly offended people, as well as the patroness of domestic and wild birds. In the twilight time, gardeners carried out a special ceremony at Pelagia, which, according to legend, protected plants, vegetables and other plantings from evil spirits and various pests. To carry it out, special pots were carried out in the gardens, having at least one crack, put nettle in it, and then put the pot in the middle of a large ridge upside down. It was believed that any enemy, trying to take possession of plant wealth, will be scorched by nettles and will go home. Sometimes St. Pelagia's Day was also called the Day of Baklushniki, since it was during this period that people chopped trees and harvested baklushi.

Historical events of May 17

May 17, 1727 - Accession of Peter II to the Russian throne

With the death of Empress Catherine I, the Russian throne was adopted by the young grandson of Peter the Great - Peter II, who was the last in a direct male line representative of the Romanov dynasty. Pyotr Alekseevich at that time was barely eleven years old, so he could not rule on his own. Until 16 years, he relied on the Supreme Privy Council, headed by Alexander Menshikov. Osterman was engaged in the training of the future emperor, but he was not too fond of studying and quite often faded from classes, replacing them with hunting and other entertainments. Due to the lack of independence of young Peter, almost all power was in the hands of Menshikov, and after - Dolgoruky and Osterman.

Historians call the period of Pyotr Alekseevich’s reign the “boyar kingdom”; most of the emperor’s achievements were forgotten. The boyar aristocracy strengthened significantly, the clergy tried to restore the patriarchate, and the army fell into complete decline. Theft and corruption flourished in Russia. The result of the reign of Peter the Second was to strengthen the influence of the Supreme Privy Council, consisting mainly of old boyars.

May 17, 1861 - The company was first presented with a color photograph, made according to an advanced method by physicist D. Maxwell

The first color photograph, obtained by the Maxwell method, was demonstrated in 1861 at King's College London. The physicist chose a colored checkered bow lying on a black velvet fabric as a “model”. The essence of this method was as follows: in front of the screen, Maxwell installed three glass vessels with three types of liquids of different colors (red, blue and green), and then through them projected three glass positives, each through a corresponding filter (vessel with colored liquid). After all the manipulations, Maxwell technically superimposed the resulting layers on top of each other, and a single color image was obtained. And although the opinions on this method were very ambiguous, the scientist took a huge step in the development of photographic art.

May 17, 1988 - A treasure was discovered on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin

On the date we are considering, during construction and excavation work on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin, builders found a large treasure, which included various jewelry and ingots of the Kiev, Chernihiv and Novgorod types. The find consisted of more than three hundred antiquities; later it was called the "Great Kremlin Treasure", which is very interesting and diverse in composition and complex of things. It is based on Old Russian jewelry dating from the 12th century, which is extremely expensive jewelry for that time. The find allowed researchers to study in more detail the features of Russia of that period. For example, it turned out that already at the initial stage of its existence, Moscow played a huge role in transit trade and was at the center of political events.

May 17 were born

Edward jenner (1749 - 1823) - an outstanding English surgeon, the founder of vaccination. In the spring of 1796, Jenner developed a vaccine against smallpox, which quickly showed its effectiveness: the vaccinated child, in contact with patients, was not infected, the protection against this disease was impeccable. However, the Royal Scientific Community was skeptical of the discovery and rejected it, motivating the rejection with serious side effects. Opponents of the doctor hung all his sins on him, they claimed that the smallpox vaccine obtained by weakening the cow's pathogen would lead to disastrous results, and people would begin to mutate into cow-like creatures. Which only heresies did not say. Cartoonists depicted newborns with horns and hooves. Only a few years later the value of this vaccine was proved, and by the end of the 18th century more than one hundred thousand people were vaccinated against smallpox in Europe. Jenner was finally recognized, he was paid compensation, and also awarded a large cash prize for a special achievement in the field of medicine.

Joseph Locker (1836 - 1920) - English astrophysicist. Mainly studied the spectrum of the solar chromosphere. He belongs to the prediction about the discovery of an element unknown at that time on Earth, which was called helium. After 27 years, the scientist William Ramsay discovered helium on the planet.

Henri Barbus(1873 - 1935) - a famous French writer, public figure. In Russia, he became famous as the author of the panegyric "Stalin". Barbus was also the organizer of a group that united the world's largest writers - Maxim Gorky, Bernard Shaw, Anatole France and many others. The writer died in Russia. His portraits adorned the pages of anthologies for a long time, and then began to fade smoothly.

Name Day May 17

The 17th of May is celebrated: Ivan, Cyril, Clement, Nicephorus, Isaac, Nikita, Pelageya, Nikolai, Oleg, Miroslava, Maria, Leonty.


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