Why does vomiting occur during pregnancy? Safe folk recipes for getting rid of vomiting during pregnancy


The joy of expecting a baby is often overshadowed by unpleasant symptoms such as heaviness and bloating, back pain, and vomiting and nausea are especially common during pregnancy.

Often, doctors do not pay attention to them, explaining to the expectant mother that this is a normal phenomenon, but it also happens that vomiting is a direct indication for the hospitalization of a pregnant woman.

Pregnancy Vomiting - Causes

Early toxicosis

Symptoms - weakness irritability, gradually increasing nausea or vomiting as a sudden reaction to the appearance, taste, smell of food or detergents. In fact, vomiting at the beginning of pregnancy is the body's response to hormonal changes, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

Vomiting is the most dangerous sign of early toxicosis, which is worth paying attention to. It is divided into 3 degrees of severity:

• up to 5 times a day - does not lead to large weight loss;

• from 5 to 10 times a day - the pressure decreases, the pulse quickens, the general condition worsens;

• more than 10 times a day - in addition to impaired heart rate and pressure, there is a sharp decrease in body weight, impaired in the pregnant woman’s consciousness, poorly manage their kidney function, this condition is dangerous for the woman and the fetus and requires immediate medical attention.

Gestosis (late toxicosis)

If in the late period there was a heaviness and pain in the back of the head, nausea and vomiting, entailing a general deterioration in well-being, we can talk about a severe stage of gestosis. All these disorders are caused by prolonged edema and a frequent increase in pressure that accompany the milder stage of the disease. Gestosis is treated only in a hospital setting.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

An IRR attack most often brings a lot of discomfort. Among the possible options for a developing exacerbation of the IRR, the following symptoms may appear:

• vomiting;

• sudden severe dizziness;

• the appearance of severe shortness of breath and sweating;

• aggravated sense of fear.

VVD often manifests itself during pregnancy, since at this time the woman’s nervous system is already in a state of tension, the load on her increases several times. Anxiety, hormonal changes, physical changes, the organs of the pregnant woman are displaced under the pressure of the uterus - all this can greatly affect the state of the autonomic system and disrupt its work.


The body of a pregnant woman is too susceptible to ambient temperature, so it is easy to overheat, especially in summer in hot weather.

Signs of overheating in addition to nausea and vomiting include:

• weakness;

• cardiopalmus;

• headache;

• feeling of thirst;

• sometimes loss of consciousness.

Poisoning, gastrointestinal upset

During the 9 months of pregnancy, regular food poisoning is not ruled out, despite a careful selection of food. To distinguish the manifestations of toxicosis from poisoning, it is enough to know the symptoms that necessarily accompany the gastrointestinal upset:

• nausea, vomiting;

• cutting pains in the intestines or stomach;

• diarrhea, bloating;

• dizziness is possible.

Vomiting during pregnancy - consequences

Vomiting during pregnancy is not just an unpleasant symptom; it is dangerous for the health of the expectant mother and fetus.


The main danger lies in the dehydration of the body, therefore, whatever the causes of vomiting, it is necessary to replenish the reserves of lost fluid. When severe vomiting disturbs, drinking water is not an easy task. To alleviate the condition, you need to try to drink water at least by the throat, but very often, literally every few minutes. Replenish the reserves of lost fluid can be simple water, mineral or special saline. With vomiting, which lasts several days, one can not do without prescribing medication by a doctor to restore the water-salt balance.


If vomiting is so strong that the food almost does not linger in the body, a process can begin that destroys the tissues from the inside, due to a lack of nutrients (ketosis). The accumulation of ketone bodies that appear during the decay of cells leads to even greater toxicity of the body and the circle closes.


In addition, frequent vomiting strains the abdominal muscles, which means they can provoke a tone of the uterine wall. To relieve a slight tension of the uterus after the cessation of vomiting, it is enough to drink No-shpu or relax and breathe, slowly releasing air through the mouth. If muscle tone does not go away or abdominal pain appears, it is better to consult a doctor to prescribe treatment.

Vomiting as a sign of illness

In the case when vomiting is one of the signs of an exacerbated chronic or intestinal disease, more attention should be paid to these diseases. So, preeclampsia, for example, is terrifying of edema and high blood pressure, due to which the baby inside the womb begins to suffer.

Vomiting of bile is especially dangerous. It almost always means that a pregnant woman develops an acute disease that requires immediate medical attention (pancreatitis, appendicitis, etc.).

Vomiting during pregnancy - what to do

Due to the prevalence of cases of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, they are treated in society as an unpleasant but normal phenomenon.

When the first signs of nausea appear, you should not be upset, it is possible that in general it will not come to vomiting. However, some measures can be taken to prevent gagging.

• Snack without getting out of bed. Often, future mothers are concerned about vomiting on an empty stomach. Therefore, you can alleviate the condition by making an extra snack.

• Move less. Sudden movements or excessive physical activity can provoke vomiting, therefore, even if a woman led an active lifestyle before pregnancy, but in the first trimester she feels an urgent need for rest, you should not refuse this. It will be possible to return to the usual pastime closer to the second trimester, when the toxicosis gradually disappears. An exception is being outdoors. Being on the street makes it easier for expectant mothers, and in order not to get too tired, you can just sit in the park closest to the house or where there is less noise and cars.

• Take vitamins. It is noted that women who do not neglect the advice of a doctor and take vitamins from the first days of pregnancy are much less likely to suffer from nausea and vomiting.

• Eat right. Small portions, frequent meals, a large amount of fiber and protein in food and vitamin-rich foods help the pregnant body cope with new stresses, as well as provide the fetus with all the necessary substances for the proper formation of internal organs.

• Avoid pungent odors and foods that have become unpleasant in taste. It is noted that the smell of cooked food, especially fish, meat, mushrooms, etc., can cause vomiting, so if nausea intensifies, relatives can temporarily take on the preparation of food, and it is better for a pregnant woman to take a walk in this fresh air.

If vomiting occurs, you must inform your gynecologist about this and in no case should you take antiemetic drugs yourself, since they are not safe for the child. In cases of severe vomiting or its occurrence in late pregnancy, the doctor can prescribe inpatient treatment, during which, with the help of droppers, the water-salt balance will be restored in the pregnant woman's body and provided with the necessary nutrients.

Vomiting during pregnancy - folk remedies

Since it is practically impossible to use medicines during pregnancy, the people have recipes that have been tested on the experience of many generations of women who have gone through a difficult pregnancy, complicated by vomiting.


Lemon or citric acid is the most common anti-vomiting agent. Only 2-3 slices of lemon can return a pregnant woman to a normal state and relieve an attack of vomiting for a while. In order not to overdo it and because of the constant use of this product not to increase the acidity of the stomach, it is better to drink green tea or plain water, in which a slice of lemon is added. The temperature of the liquid should be well warm, but not hot.

Ginger root

Ginger is known in folk medicine as an antiemetic. To facilitate vomiting during pregnancy, you need to grate the peeled root on a fine grater and brew the full 3 tablespoons in a glass of boiling water. Such tea can be drunk in sips after 10 minutes or wait until it cools down.


Attacks of vomiting can relieve unsweetened cranberry juice or juice. This berry has antiemetic properties, especially if it intensifies on an empty stomach or vomiting with bile appears.

Mint and Melissa

Dry herbs are added to tea or brewed separately. Thanks to the refreshing taste and aroma, they are able to calm the gagging and give the chance to the expectant mother to drink tea or eat.


If during pregnancy vomiting provokes a state of nervousness, excitement or stress, it is best to keep ammonia handy. Inhaling its vapor will stop an attack of nausea from the nervous system and calm the mind.

In addition, each pregnant woman has an individual set of products that can relieve nausea. It can be potatoes, pasta, bread, milk, honey, tangerines, anything, the main thing is not to be afraid to try, because most often the feeling of hunger only enhances the suffering.
