The miracle of home cooking is crab stick cutlets. Budget Crab Cutlets: Amazing Recipes


That's what our mistresses did not turn crab meat rolls into.

Salads, fish "cabbage rolls", pancakes and seafood cakes.

The product is malleable and has a pleasant taste and texture.

It goes well with cheeses without interrupting their own flavor.

Minced meat based on crab meat is the best illustration on a variety of breading.

It is they who complete the dish, improve and emphasize its advantages.

Crab sticks cutlets - general principles of preparation

• Most of the crab cutlets are prepared from minced meat. But there are cooking options from whole sticks.

• The chopsticks are rubbed into the cutlet mass or twisted with a meat grinder. You can also grind them in the kitchen processor (food processor or blender).

• Crab semi-finished products themselves are rather dry and therefore such cutlets do not cook only from them. The stuffing is used to put products that allow not only to “link” the structure, but also add juiciness to the dish.

• To this end, add eggs, semolina, soaked white bread, oatmeal or bread crumbs. For juiciness - cheese, sautéed onions, mayonnaise or sour cream.

• Often cutlet mass is prepared with various types of minced meat - fish, chicken or vegetable (potato).

• If cutlets need to be prepared from whole sticks, then they are first deployed. Then grease with a thin layer of filling and, turning back, cut into pieces of the desired size. These pieces are then fried.

• Crab cutlets can be fried at home in a pan, or baked in the oven. Steam in a double boiler or fry in a slow cooker. In it, in parallel with cutlets, for a couple you can cook a side dish.

Crab cutlets with cheese


• chilled crab meat sticks - 200 gram packaging;

• bread crumbs wheat;

• 250 gr. Kostroma cheese;

• raw fresh egg;

• two cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Grind semi-finished products with coarse grater cheese. Add a raw egg and squeeze the garlic here. Pepper and mix well.

2. From the prepared forcemeat, fashion a small size of a free-form workpiece. Bread well in breadcrumbs on all sides and fry.

3. Put the workpieces in a well-heated oil, keeping a distance of a centimeter. Fry until golden brown on all sides.

Fast crab sticks with sausages


• eggs - 4 hard boiled and 2 raw;

• five crab sticks;

• dairy sausages - two pcs .;

• a couple of spoons of semolina;

• a tablespoon of mayonnaise;

• white flour, any grade - 2 tbsp. l .;

• half a small onion.

Cooking method:

1. Fry the small pieces of onion in vegetable oil. Do not bring to readiness, fry only until soft.

2. Chilled but not frozen semi-finished products, boiled eggs and sausages, grate with a coarse grater and combine with onions. Add raw eggs with mayonnaise. Pour the flour with semolina, add salt and mix the cutlet mass well.

3. From the cooked minced meat, fashion small round cutlets.

4. On a small fire, calcine the butter, put the billets in a pan and fry well. It is not necessary to take cutlets.

Oven crab meatballs


• a tablespoon of oat bran;

• 250 grams of minced meat (chicken);

• a small salad bulb;

• fresh egg;

• crab semi-finished products, chilled - 100 gr .;

• oat flakes - 1 cup;

• some milk or low fat cream.

Cooking method:

1. Pour bran milk and set aside for 15 minutes.

2. Put chopped onion in the minced chicken. Rub the crab semi-finished products on the smallest grater. Insert a raw egg, place the soaked bran and mix thoroughly.

3. Season the minced meat with spices, add a little salt and stir everything well again. It is good to add ground paprika and coriander to such stuffing, literally with a small pinch.

4. Form slightly oblong cutlets and brew them in oatmeal. Transfer the workpieces to any suitable shape and set for 25 minutes, bake at 180 degrees.

Cheese and potato patties with crab sticks


• potatoes - 300 gr.;

• 50 grams of hard or semi-hard cheese;

• 120 gr. crab, chilled semi-finished products;

• one carrot;

• raw chicken egg.

Cooking method:

1. Sliced ​​peeled potatoes into slices, preferably with normal starch. Set to boil in cold water. When ready, strain the whole broth, mash the mashed potatoes and cool. Insert the egg and beat well.

2. Cut the thawed sticks into small cubes. Rub carrots on a fine grater, and cheese on a coarse grater. Add the chopped ingredients to the puree and mix well.

3. Sprinkle flour on a chopping board or table. Lay out small slices of potato-crab mass and form round cutlets from it.

4. Fry the workpieces until golden in well-warmed vegetable fat.

5. Serve the finished dish with canned or fresh vegetables.

Crab cutlets with a side dish of cauliflower in a slow cooker


• packaging of crab meat sticks - 200 g .;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• three spoons of breadcrumbs in minced meat and additionally for breading;

• 200 grams of hard cheese;

• one tablespoon of sour cream and spicy mustard;

• fresh eggs - 2 pcs.;

• green onions, salt and spices as you wish;

• cauliflower.

Cooking method:

1. In a deep bowl on a grater with small cells, rub the sticks, and the cheese through the large cells.

2. Add the breadcrumbs and pass the garlic through the press. Put the mustard mixed with sour cream, yolks.

3. Add chopped green onions. Season the minced meat with your favorite spices, add a little salt and knead well with a spoon. You can add chopped dill or parsley.

4. Wet small cakes with wet hands and bread in breadcrumbs.

5. Pour a couple of tablespoons of oil into the multicooker bowl. Turn on the “Baking” mode on the remote control and fry for 15 minutes on each side.

6. In a steaming basket, while the meatballs are fried, you can prepare a side dish of cauliflower.

7. To do this, disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences and place in a steam container. Install it in the slow cooker after putting the patties in the bowl.

Crab sticks with sea fish


• kilogram of hake, pollock, cod fillet (optional);

• 200 gr. crab semi-finished products (sticks);

• one large potato;

• egg;

• 15% sour cream - 50 gr.;

• stale bread (white) - two slices;

• 50 gr. creamy natural butter;

• 150 ml of pasteurized milk;

• wheat flour - 150 gr.;

• basil;

• ground pepper - a third of tea. spoons;

• 1/2 tsp paprika.

Cooking method:

1. Pour two tablespoons of non-aromatic oil into a non-stick pan. When it warms up well, put small slices of onion in it. Stir occasionally, fry the onion until a light golden hue.

2. Put bread in a small, deep bowl. Pour in milk and leave for 5 minutes. When the bread dries well, squeeze it with your hands.

3. Pass the dried fish fillet with chopsticks through a small grinder of the meat grinder. Then twist the fried onions and pressed bread and mix together well with a spoon.

4. Add sour cream to the crab mass, break the egg.

5. Grate the potatoes. Squeeze out the excess juice and transfer the mass to a bowl with crabmeat. Season with spices and spices, but add very little salt, crab semi-finished foods are quite salty.

6. Stir the cutlet mass with a large spoon until smooth and mold round billets from it.

7. Each well breaded in flour and fry. So that the crab cutlets are well and evenly fried, cook over medium heat. Frying each side for 7 minutes.

Original Crab Cakes - Diners


• hard processed cheese - 2 pcs.;

• three crab rolls (sticks possible);

• large clove of garlic;

• mayonnaise 72%;

• three eggs;

• breading - ground white crackers.

Cooking method:

1. Rub the coarse cheese with a coarse grater, and chop the garlic into a shallow one. Mix with fatty mayonnaise.

2. Lower crab rolls for 2 minutes in warm water. Wipe them dry with a paper towel and unfold.

3. Put the inside up and apply a thin layer of processed cheese on it. Roll back and roll in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

4. Beat the eggs well. Pour oil into a pan and let it warm up.

5. Cut the rolls into slices one and a half centimeters thick. Dip each one in the eggs, then bread on all sides and dip in oil.

6. When the bottom side is well browned, turn over and also brown the other side.

Crab sticks cutlets - "Romantic"


• 100 grams of chilled sticks;

• three small potatoes;

• half a lemon;

• granular mustard - 0.5 tsp;

• mashed potatoes - 1 tsp;

• fresh herbs (onions, parsley);

• a small pinch of paprika;

For the sauce:

• small onion;

• a spoon of wine vinegar;

• a tablespoon of Champagne;

• 70 gr. sweet cream butter;

• boiled shrimp - 10 pieces;

• a teaspoon of artificial red caviar.

Cooking method:

1. Boil peeled potatoes until cooked. Make mashed potatoes without butter and milk, cool.

2. In mashed potatoes, grate the sticks and grate the lemon peel with half a lemon.

3. Add mustard, chopped parsley, small rings of green onions. Season with ground pepper, paprika, salt and mix thoroughly.

4. Put the finely chopped onion in the pan. Pour in champagne vinegar and put on a small fire. When the mass is thinned out and it will remain no more than a tablespoon, add 200 ml of water and salt.

5. Cut the butter into slices and add one at a time to the sauce. After each, beat the mixture well until the oil is completely dissolved. When the sauce becomes thick, remove from heat.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

7. Take two heart shaped tins and fill them with minced meat. Press firmly with a spoon and set to bake. Cook for 15 minutes.

8. Put the “heart” in the middle of the plate. Add caviar and boiled shrimp to the sauce. Squeeze lemon juice, mix and pour the sauce around the patties. Serve the boiled green beans at the side dish.

Tricks of cooking crab stick cutlets - useful tips

• For cutlets, it is best to purchase chilled crab semi-finished products. Frozen thaw in the air or for three minutes immersed in warm, non-hot water. Then wipe dry with a towel and chop.

• In the minced meat, add not whole eggs, but only their yolks. Proteins curl under the influence of high temperature, and cutlets can turn out stiff.

• If you dip the preform into breading before brewing, the breading will lie smoother and will not get lumpy.

• Steamed crab cutlets should not be breaded.

• If you put a slice of spread or oil inside the workpiece, the cutlet will be much juicier.


Watch the video: 5 Easy Meals to Make in the Electric Skillet (July 2024).