What dreams of a funeral wreath?


Funeral wreaths are an unpleasant symbol, often alarming upon waking. However, many drafters consider that it is not always necessary to take this as a bad sign. Sometimes dreams with funeral flowers are interpreted as progress in various spheres of life. In other interpretation books, these visions warn of something that can be avoided. But in some cases we can talk about really serious events.

What to expect if you had a funeral wreath?

Immediately it is worth making a reservation that it does not make sense to interpret such dreams as predictions or warnings if the tragedy connected with the wires on the last journey recently occurred in the dreamer's life. In this case, the flowers dream as a reflection of real experiences. In other cases, be sure to understand the meaning of night vision.

To understand, to wait for good or evil from this dream, you should answer a few simple questions: what impressions did this dream leave; what were the flowers in the wreath; What did the dreamer do to them and where exactly did he see? All of these responses are crucial in identifying the meaning of night vision. However, each interpreter has his own opinion on this.

What was the mourning bouquet?

Many interpreters are convinced that a bad symbol is not such at all, if the dreamed bouquet has one peculiarity. An important nuance of sleep: from what materials was made a wreath. If the flowers were artificialit is worth coming to terms with negative predictions, however Natural flowers in the funeral bouquet are a good sign. Often, real flowers mean something good, and a funeral wreath - the end of a bad band.

Some interpreters say that natural flowers in mourning bouquets - to change jobs to the best place.

In the dream book of Hasse, it is said that to see fresh flowers in a funeral bouquet in a dream is a sign of the approaching circumstances providing prosperity and pleasant news. Artificial flowers in this context are interpreted as the occurrence of problems with close relatives.

Where did the funeral wreath dream?

Interpreters of dreams believe that the place where the mourning flowers dreamed will tell which side of life to pay attention to prevent unpleasant events.

If you had a funeral wreath in a cemetery on your head - To long hard training, which then will pay off with material benefits.

Dream witha beautiful grave in the cemetery with a beautiful big wreath - A difficult problem will be solved by itself if the dreamer releases it.

What dreams of funeral wreaths a lot?Some dream books believe that seeing a few farewell bouquets at a cemetery is a necessity to overestimate their values ​​and stop blaming other people for their own failures.

What dreams of funeral wreaths in the house, on the street, on the road? Having seen the flowers at the head of the deceased in the night vision, it is worth overestimating the views on material values. Perhaps this is not the most important thing in life? Sometimes such dreams warn of moving, changing jobs, serious events that change life.

Buy a funeral wreath at someone's funeral in a dream warns of misfortune with someone from close relatives, considered Vanga.

Values ​​of different interpreters

Some interpreters believe that the dream of funeral flowers is the so-called flipped - that is, it does not mean anything tragic, but, on the contrary, is a sign of soon pleasant changes.

Other interpreters consider this plot of night vision a warning of an imminent tragedy. It is not known who exactly needs to believe, the main thing is to choose for yourself the option to which the soul most lies, which most of all cares - that will be right.

Positive interpretations

  • Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

The dream wreath of the funeral dream book intended for the dreamer regards as a good sign, which promises long happy and healthy years.

Dreaming with funeral flowers doesn’t mean anything bad if not dreamed on the night of friday. And if, after all, they glimpsed on this day, then this is a harbinger of the death of someone from near and dear people, the predictor believed.

  • Dream interpretation Tsvetkova

In general, this is a bad sign, but there is another meaning: if a person dreamed of a funeral wreath, then soon he would have a chance to make peace with the person with whom he had long been in a quarrel. Sometimes this dream gives the dreamer universal respect.

  • General interpretations

What is the dream of a funeral wreath on someone else's coffin? Some drafters are unanimous in their opinion that the dreaming bouquet promises material well-being.

Any dreams in which a person gets rid of these ritual symbols - to a happy coincidence, which will surely bring the dreamer out of trouble.

Negative values

  • Dream Miller

The dream in which the funeral paraphernalia appears, according to this source, is an extremely negative sign. So, funeral wreath in a dream to see means the death of the one who saw the dream or of someone close to him.

  • Dream Vanga

Predictor thought thatto see someone close to you buy a funeral wreathin night vision, the dreamer promises a fatal illness or a tragic accident.

Buy a bouquet on the grave in a dream, it promises in real life a lot of trouble that will affect the dreamer's family, work or material condition.

  • Dream interpretation Tsvetkova

This symbol is considered to be twofold in this book of interpretation. A bad omen is interpreted as a warning about an unpleasant event in the near future.

  • Modern dream book

See funeral wreaths in a dreampromises sad events in real life associated with close people or even with the dreamer himself. A large number ofthese ritual attributes in a dream warns the dreamer that in the near future any risk can end in failure, so you should not succumb to provocations.

Why dream of buying funeral flowers for yourself?Dream interpretation promises a serious illness. But sell it in a dream means that a person who has just dreamed a dream may soon find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation.

To dream of funeral flowers for the bride before the wedding - to an unsuccessful and difficult marriage.

Give a funeral wreath to a close one in a dream promises an unpleasant conversation with him.


Watch the video: Spiritus Mortis - I am a name on your funeral wreath (June 2024).