Why do rats dream


Why do rats dream - according to Miller’s dream book

You saw a rat in a dream - wait for deception and bodily harm from your own neighbors; a quarrel with business partners. You killed a rat - you will emerge victorious from any business or situation. Grabbed a rat - disdain for human baseness, defeat enemies in a decent fight.

Why do rats dream - according to Wangi’s dream book

Such a dream warns you of upcoming troubles and anxieties, whose source will be the enemies that you will have in large numbers. If the rat dreamed of a loving person, then this dream portends an opponent who has a strong influence on the chosen one and is ready to do everything so that the girl’s heart belongs to him. Another possible meaning is that a fake friend seeks to upset your peace of mind and happiness.

Why rats dream - according to Freud's dream book

If runaway rats dream, then this indicates the need for temporary (for a couple of weeks) moving to another place. When a sleeping person sees a gnawing rat, this means that you need to change your frivolous behavior and make preparations in advance for the winter.

The rat dreamed on Saturday - your financial stability will be further strengthened by a deal concluded soon. The same dream, but on Sunday, predicts the upcoming pleasant home chores.

The rat pounces and bites behind the heel - unlimited perspectives will open before you. The set goals will end with a stunning success, and this will allow you to improve your position in society and go to the caste of financially well-off people.

What rats dream of - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Pickiness, legibility, luck, fertility, death - all this represents the rat.

A large number of rats destroying the crop portends an ecological catastrophe and subsequent famine if people do nothing to preserve the land and reasonably approach the extermination of living creatures that damage crops.

It is a dream that these rodents are preparing for an attack - aggression from the UK is possible.

Rat couples that walk around the streets like people are a sign that through the efforts of nature conservationists, 2020 will be declared the year of the inviolability of all animals.

What rats dream about - according to Loff's dream book

Modern humans most often experience contempt for rats, which have a reputation for being garbage-eating and infecting. However, in some people, rats live as pets and their attitude towards them is completely different.

Dreams with rats mainly reflect the fear of losing loved ones living in the soul of people and turning them into rejected and lonely eaters of garbage.

Why do rats dream - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

A rat in a dream portends danger, sorrow and tears.

To dream in a dream of people with rat tails - an unkind omen, indicating an imminent illness.

Why do rats dream - according to Hasse's dream book

It serves as a sign of enemies, which are very difficult to get rid of.

What rats dream of - according to Meneghetti’s dream book

To see a rat in a dream should be careful, as malicious enemies are only waiting for an opportunity to harm you. The dream in which you eat rat meat means that you will avoid danger and defeat evil.

Why do rats dream - according to Longo's dream book

If you dreamed of an unusually beautiful rat, which rides in a carriage, negotiations with some northern state will be very difficult. This dream serves as a warning that appearance is deceiving and love of luxury does not mean softness of character and willingness to compromise.

In your dream, people prepared a dish of rats - thanks to the experiments conducted on these animals, a person will create a very useful medicine.


Sonya 🙂 03/26/2016
Now it’s 5:18 a.m., I woke up from the fact that I had a terrible dream ...
For starters, in my dream I saw a lot of rats (black and white + black rats with white spots
I was at that time at school, when many rats ran at the entrance and exit of the school ... in the school window I saw MY favorite dog, (my dog's name is Lucy), Lucy was where rats and other dogs were running, all the dogs were bitten by the legs these rats including my dog ​​...

Then some time passed and my mother and I went to school to look for Lyusya, and at the same moment I got to the parking lot of the shopping center, while I went with my mother to the entrance to the store, people went in a panic along the road and they exported men from the army sick people from the store. My mother and I had not yet entered the store, when suddenly people seemed to me without eyes without skin, their meat was visible pale yellow and they were somehow crooked ... I shook my head people did not disappear, the second time I shook my head they did not leave and the third time I shook my head and they disappeared, only ordinary people remained ... after 5 seconds my mother told me that for 1 minute the same people seemed to me ... I was on the nerves of fear, but then someone told me that some person had predicted that now a lot of blood, it seemed to me that an electric train would take people ... Near I didn’t see my mother with me and I started to scream for her to look for her.

And this is where my dream ended (I'm 12 years old)


Watch the video: What does rats dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (July 2024).