Eyelash extensions: how to care. Eyelash extensions: how to care, the basic rules of care


A chic look is what all girls dream about, but nature has cheated many with thick and long eyelashes.

Even high-quality mascaras do not help everyone.

What to do - it is worth building eyelashes.

False eyelashes require special care, its basic rules are described in this article.

Eyelash extensions: how to care. The pros and cons of extension eyelashes

Today, more and more girls prefer eyelash extensions. Why has this trend developed? Beauticians can grow eyelashes of almost any shape, color and volume, so the look of any client can become simply chic and charming, thanks to such a procedure.

In pursuit of beauty, many girls forget that extended eyelashes require special care. They do not tolerate negligence on the part of their hostesses, it is worth updating them every three weeks. Unfortunately, very often their own eyelashes under the extensions become lifeless and dull, stop growing.

In order not to lose your own eyelashes, you must regularly nourish them with vitamins and special oils. To apply funds to care for your own eyelashes is based on their growth. In addition to their cilia, extended ones also require care.

Eyelash extensions: how to care? Caring for extended eyelashes involves several stages. Initially, it is necessary to perform the mandatory procedures immediately after building. This is the consolidation of artificial eyelashes and the strengthening of their own. These procedures are often performed by masters in salons. Next, you should adhere to simple and understandable rules that will allow you to maintain the attractiveness of extended eyelashes for a long time.

Eyelash extensions: how to care after the procedure

Immediately after the extension procedure, you should adhere to simple rules that will extend the life of new beautiful extension eyelashes:

• Do not allow direct contact of eyelashes with water for twenty-four hours;

• You must not visit the solarium, sauna, pool, ponds during the first few days;

• You cannot sleep face-down on a pillow.

Excessive moisture on extended eyelashes in the first days can lead to their complete detachment. It is worth reconsidering your sleeping habits, because some girls note the fact that even sleeping on your side can damage extended eyelashes. The discomfort of the first days will quickly pass and only a pleasant feeling of satisfaction from your updated appearance will remain. But if all the same, the inconvenience persists and itching and redness of the eyes are constantly manifested, then it is worth considering how to abandon this procedure, at least for a while.

Eyelash extensions: how to care, basic tips

What are the main tips for caring for extended eyelashes?

• Do not rub your eyes;

• It is better to use a brush for eyelashes when caring for them;

• Cosmetic products should be used carefully and deliberately;

• Cosmetic procedures should be used only those that exclude the use of creams based on oils.

Now we dwell more specifically on each individual case. When eyelashes are spawn, they do not interfere with the normal physiological growth of natural eyelashes. In this case, the eye may itch, itch. It can itch and in a number of other reasons, in any case it will want to be scratched. No need to do this, especially with sharp, spontaneous movements. Trying to scratch the eye, many girls violate the integrity of extended eyelashes, and this causes a burning sensation and other unpleasant symptoms.

Many clients point to the fact that if you sharply scratch your eyes with extended eyelashes, you can experience incredible pain, since at the time of scratching they sharply come off the base of natural eyelashes. Many girls first scratch their eyes several times by inertia, forgetting that the eyelashes are extensions, but this soon passes.

False eyelashes: how to care - with a brush for eyelashes. This is a unique device that allows you to visually change the shape of eyelashes, both natural and extended, to change their length. It should be used in order to avoid the effect of bonding, which can violate the beauty of eye makeup.

Many girls increase eyelashes so as not to use mascara, so that the cilia look chic without it. In practice, every second girl uses mascara to care for extended eyelashes. There is nothing wrong with that, it’s just worth choosing it correctly.

Waterproof mascara can harm not only makeup, but also eyes. Water-based mascara is completely suitable for the care of extended eyelashes. It is worth remembering this and choosing the appropriate care products, since the use of waterproof mascara can lead to the loss of natural eyelashes and to the deterioration of the appearance of extensions.

As for cosmetic procedures, many of them can be carried out, you can not only use creams and masks based on oil. Why? You ask. It’s very simple - oil-based creams are used to remove extended eyelashes, so if you use them uncontrollably, for the purpose of easy care, you can achieve a negative result for your makeup.

Therefore, the master should consult about those makeup removers that are right for you. Do not experiment and unconditionally follow the advice of friends, each person is individual, so the beautician will choose the care products that are suitable for each particular case.

Eyelash extensions: how to care so that they last longer

Today, in the cosmetics industry, a lot of drugs and products for the care of extended eyelashes are used. Most of them are aimed at prolonging the life of cilia. These are the so-called drug isolators. What are they like? A special chemical mixture that the master applies after eyelash extensions.

The purpose of this application is to strengthen the client’s own eyelashes and protect them from falling out, involuntary damage. Not all masters use insulators, but this procedure can significantly extend the life of extended eyelashes.

For lovers to use tongs for curling eyelashes there is good news. They can be used when caring for extended eyelashes. Buying special devices for this is not worth it, you just need to take the forceps familiar to you and warm them slightly. Then extended eyelashes in a matter of seconds will take the form you need.

The life of extended cilia is prolonged if properly and systematically taken care of. It happens that the client may not be suitable for the length and density of eyelashes. In order to choose the best option, you sometimes have to make a mistake several times, but in any case, proper care for extended eyelashes is necessary. Some salons sell special fixer mixtures, which are recommended to be applied daily to renewed eyelashes. In any case, accustomed to phased care, each woman, along with extended eyelashes, can get a magnificent and bewitching look.
