Hawthorn - medicinal properties and use in medicine


Hawthorn - general description

Common hawthorn in the people is called differently: glod, tree of virginity, boyar, lady-tree. This is a small tree (often about 5 m) or a bush. There are large spines on the branches. The flowers of hawthorn, collected in inflorescences, bloom in May-June and are white. The fruits are small, round, ripen in late summer or early fall and are red, orange or black.

Types of hawthorn and place of growth

There are a lot of species of hawthorn. Scientists have about 50 of them. Among them are: common hawthorn, Altai hawthorn, Daurian hawthorn, fan-shaped hawthorn, Maksimovich hawthorn, Douglas hawthorn and others. Hawthorn grows in temperate climates and is especially common in Eurasia and North America. Hawthorn can be found in sparse forests, at the edges, clearings, or in glades.

Hawthorn - healing properties

The healing properties of hawthorn have long been widely known. In medicine, it began to be used in the 16th century. It has the ability to eliminate diarrhea, purify blood, has a cardiotonic effect, and also improves sleep. It helps with cardiovascular diseases, with neurosis, with tachycardia, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis and many other diseases.

Hawthorn - medical forms

For treatment, almost all parts of the hawthorn plant are used, that is, bark, flowers, as well as the fruits of this tree. Decoctions, teas, tinctures or extracts are prepared from them. To prepare flowers, you need to choose dry sunny weather in late spring or early summer. Dry flowers and fruits are recommended in the shade. Tinctures from fruits and flowers help with spasms of blood vessels, with sleep disorders and heart defects. Tinctures from flowers are more effective for heart diseases, dizziness and at the beginning of menopause. It is recommended to brew or insist hawthorn flowers for coronary insufficiency, as well as for insomnia, metabolic disorders in the body. Fruits use both simply dried and crushed. Tinctures from the fruits of hawthorn are used to eliminate the narrowing of the coronary vessels and cerebral vessels. The bark is brewed with fever, shortness of breath, diarrhea.

Hawthorn Recipes

There are many recipes for the therapeutic use of hawthorn, both in pure form and in the composition of medicines from many plants.

Infusion of flowers: In a glass of boiling water, steam 1 tbsp. l dry hawthorn flowers and insist 30 min. Then filter the infusion and take 0.5 cups before meals.

Infusion of flowers and leaves: 10 g of flowers with leaves pour 100 ml of vodka and insist 10 days. After this, the infusion should be filtered and stored in a dark place in a glass jar. Tincture helps with heart disease.

Infusion of flowers against atherosclerosis: 3 tbsp. l hawthorn flowers should be chopped and filled with 100 ml of alcohol and in the dark at room temperature for 10 days. From time to time, the jar needs to be shaken. Take before meals for 20 minutes. 1 teaspoon each.

Infusion of fruits: a tablespoon of fruits should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 3-4 hours, strain and take 2-3 tablespoons each time before eating.

Infusion of fruits: 2 tbsp. l dry chopped fruits pour 0.5 l of boiling water and boil over fire for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat and insist another hour. Store tincture strictly in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. l before eating.

Infusion for relieving nervous tension: a tablespoon of dry pilaf should be poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 2 hours in a warm place. Take 1-2 tbsp. l every time before eating.

Hawthorn - contraindications

Hawthorn can be taken without much concern, since it is completely non-toxic. But still, you should beware of hawthorn if you have hypotension, bradycardia, increased blood clotting, during pregnancy or breastfeeding.


Natalya 07/05/2016
My husband drinks Boyarka lotion instead of vodka every day. How can this affect orgonism?

Alena 04/17/2016
My mother has been drinking hawthorn for a long time. She literally saved them from heartaches. Maybe not at all, he will act so well, but he was very suitable for mom. I have not heard from her complaints about a sick heart for a long time. It can also be taken as a prophylaxis.

Julia 04/17/2016
The doctor advised me to drink hawthorn for cerebral vessels. I was very tormented by headaches, the pills did not help, I just did not know what to do. And now I began to drink hawthorn, and after a week, I no longer felt those pains. And later, I forgot about them altogether.

Natasha 04/17/2016
I took hawthorn during menopause. And I was very glad that I was advised to drink it. I looked and did not understand my friends who did not tolerate this period very well. Everything was just wonderful for me, completely excellent state of health.

Galya 04/17/2016
I've heard about hawthorn so many times ... And now I’m a little disappointed. I once hoped that the accordion cure a lot more diseases. After all, there is so much talk about him ... But it turned out that there are better plants. Well. It's my personal opinion.


Watch the video: Top 10 Health Benefits of Hawthorn (July 2024).