Ledum - medicinal properties and uses in medicine


Ledum - general description

Ledum is an evergreen shrub that belongs to the heather family. The height of the plant can reach from 30 to 120 cm. The leaves of the ledum are leathery, in winter they do not fall. From above, the color of the leaves has a dark green hue, and from the bottom you can see yellowish dots, as well as brownish-rusty hairs. This plant blooms in May and June. White flowers have a stupefying aromatic odor, while they are collected in the form of umbrellas at the ends of branches. As for the fruit of Ledum, it resembles a box where many small seeds are collected. The seeds themselves ripen in July-August.

Ledum - places of growth

The main foci of growing rosemary can be observed in the forest and tundra zones of Europe, Siberia, as well as the Far East. This shrub grows on the peat soils of transitional and upland bogs. In addition, it can be found on the swampy outskirts of pine forests, where extensive thickets often form.

Ledum - medicinal properties

Ledum is considered a very common folk medicinal plant. This shrub is in demand even in those places where it does not grow. First of all, the people used rosemary as a treatment for various domestic animals. For example, cows are given such decoction during bloating, and horses are given colic.

Ledum is very readily used in home medicine. It is especially useful during colds with severe coughing, starting bronchitis. If a person suffers from bronchial asthma, then he is given an infusion of grass. Also, this shrub is perfect for diseases of the heart, kidneys, pulmonary tuberculosis. The infusion of herbs can be used externally for all kinds of bruises, tumors, wounds, as well as sclerosis of the vessels of the limbs. Today, Ledum preparations are actively used as antitussive and expectorant drugs for bronchial asthma, as well as whooping cough. This drug can help with insomnia, relieve headaches, and bring relief to the patient.

Ledum - dosage forms

Leafy shoots of the current year, the length of which can reach 10 cm, act as medicinal raw materials. This plant can be harvested throughout the growing season, however, it is recommended to harvest in August or September - at this time the shoots are fully developed. Raw materials are usually dried in attics where there is good air ventilation. Absolutely all parts of rosemary, except for the roots, contain essential oil. The leaves of the bush help to fight various colds.

Ledum - recipes

To make tea from Ledum, you need to add two tablespoons of the herb to boiling water and boil for about 10 minutes. Such tea is consumed by the ox of a glass per day. Children who have a cough can also be given a teaspoon of tea several times a day.

As for the ointment from Labrador oil, it is prescribed to treat various wounds and burns. Such an ointment also works well with mosquito bites.

People who suffer from oxalate kidney stones can use a decoction of the shoots of this plant. In this case, you need 6 grams of dry crushed raw materials, which are boiled in one glass for 10 minutes. Then everything is filtered and consumed three times a day, one tablespoon each.

Ledum contraindications

It is worth noting that an overdose of rosemary can cause very serious consequences. If a patient with the use of such a drug has dizziness, irritability or irritability, then its use must be stopped. In addition, an incorrect dosage can cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This plant is contraindicated in children under 14 years of age, as well as in pregnant women.


Sergey Borisovich 12/15/2016
it’s not rosemary, but Amur rodederon ...

Lisa 04/17/2016
Ledum tea is not only healthy, but also very tasty. In my family, they just adore him. And at the same time, no one, practically, never gets sick, and even more so - does not cough. A rosemary blooms, indeed, very beautifully. No wonder there is even a song about it.

Ira 04/17/2016
After taking medication from Ledum, I had symptoms of malaise, nausea and so on. They say that I did not use it correctly, or I have personal intolerance. Most likely the second. Because the sister also drank tincture, and she is fine.

Karina 04/17/2016
My mom takes Ledum for headaches. She helps her a lot, like no tablet. Anyway, after she started taking it, her head practically does not hurt. And health in general has improved, she writes it off to Ledum.

Sveta 04/17/2016
Not when I did not see how rosemary blooms. Although I live in Siberia. But, of course, I heard a lot about him, I know that Ledum helps very well from coughing. Yes, and treats other diseases. And so much is said about its beautiful color. Now I am convinced of this.


Watch the video: Ledum Pal Homeopathic Medicine For Pain Live Clinic#189 (June 2024).