Can I wipe my face with ice - what does it give? How to properly wipe your face with ice: solution recipes, procedure technology


The question of whether it is possible to wipe the face with ice causes a lot of controversy. The benefits of ice have been known for a long time: recognized beauties used it to give the skin of the face elasticity, firmness and even color. Modern people also have a huge interest in healing cold. In this case, an alternative to an expensive procedure, cream, lotion is a small piece of ice.

The benefits of cold skin treatments

The secret of ice is that it stimulates the protective properties of the human body, activating the immune processes. Due to this, the metabolism in the epidermis improves, the elasticity and firmness of the skin increases.

Hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for regulating the water balance, is released with a vengeance at the time of rubbing the face with an ice cube. Meltwater is absorbed by the cells from the surface and is retained inside for quite some time.

The effect on the skin:

• maximum hydration;

• improvement of blood circulation;

• narrowing of pores.

At the same time, the skin acquires smoothness and silkiness, loses oily sheen and is matted. Ice, especially with special additives, has a good whitening effect, brightens freckles and fights pigmentation on the face. By rubbing the neck, face and neckline once a day (preferably in the morning) with an ice cube, you can significantly rejuvenate aging skin, tone it, and restore an attractive appearance.

Can I wipe my face with ice? It is possible and even necessary. But this should be done, observing the recommendations of specialists and some rules of the procedure.

The harm of ice cubes

Despite the popularity of ice wipes, cosmetologists constantly remind the fair sex that low temperatures can harm even more than high ones, causing skin stress. Cold contributes to vasoconstriction. With repeated rubbing of the face with ice, the vessels narrow and expand several times, which gives an excellent psychotherapeutic effect, but has a bad effect on the skin. Therefore, experts, answering the question whether it is possible to wipe the face with ice, are advised to observe moderation, since The result of the frequent exposure to low temperatures on the skin of the face is:

• impaired blood flow;

• the appearance of spider veins;

• swelling;

• effect of enlarged pores.

According to cosmetologists, even washing with cold water can "bleed" the skin and cause vasoconstriction. Which leads to a decrease in the function of the sebaceous glands: less fat and sweat are released on the surface of the skin. The skin loses elasticity, becomes flabby and dry, early wrinkles appear on the face. As a rule, women too late pay attention to a similar effect.

Ice rub for different skin types

Especially attentive to the advice of specialists should be taken by the owners of dry facial skin, which is very sensitive to low and high temperatures. Under the influence of cold, such skin begins to peel off, foci of inflammation and microcracks appear.

Can I wipe my face with ice on people with normal to oily skin? It is possible, but not often. It is better to refrain from carrying out the procedure in the cold season, when adverse external factors, in the form of low temperature and wind, harm the skin by drying and cooling it. Rubbing with ice can afford a person who has enough time to carry out the procedure and rest the skin after its completion.

Can I wipe my face with ice in the warm season? It is possible, especially to residents of the southern regions. In spring and summer, in hot and dry weather, cold treatments will strengthen the skin, give it elasticity, radiant and fresh look. The effect is due to an increase in the rush of blood under the influence of warm air to the skin chilled with ice.

Advice! It is advisable to wipe the face with ice only once a day - in the morning. A procedure performed in the evening can cause sleep disturbance.

Ice Cube Tips

Despite the recommendations of experts, many women believe that ice cubes do more good than harm, instantly improving the appearance of the skin, which immediately after wiping freshens and turns pink. It was for them that cosmetologists prepared A few recommendations for the preparation of the composition at home.

1. Water should be boiled or purified.

2. You can freeze mineral water saturated with biologically active substances that help tone aging skin.

3. When making cubes from tea (black, green) or herbal decoction, it is important to monitor the concentration of the infusion. Too strong a composition can harm the delicate skin of the face.

4. Ice made on the basis of watermelon or any other berry juice has an excellent effect.

The finished liquid is poured into special molds and placed in the freezer. Decoctions and teas must first be cooled.

Rules of procedure

Answering the question whether it is possible to wipe the face with ice, cosmetologists pay attention to the fact that this must be done following a certain algorithm:

• the skin should be pre-cleaned with lotions, scarbs and other things;

• on normal or dry skin, before wiping, apply vegetable oil, sour cream or oily cream;

• the ice cube must be wrapped with a napkin or towel;

• ice is applied to the temples, eyes, forehead with precise and quick movements;

• the contour of the face, neck and décolleté is quickly drawn around;

• moisture is not removed from the skin, drying out on its own.

You can do a small massage in the form of light pats on the face with your fingertips.

Advice! You can not hold the ice cube in one place for a long time. This can provoke a sharp narrowing and expansion of blood vessels and, as a result, the formation of a capillary network.

Cold wipe recipes

Mineral ice does not need additional saturation, being an excellent composition for rejuvenating skin that has undergone age-related changes.

Before freezing boiled or filtered water, the solution can be enriched with various ingredients, which include minerals and vitamins. It can be decoctions of herbs, teas, berry or fruit juices.

Advice! Enriched ice should be used within 4-5 days from the moment of freezing.

- People with oily skin should use ice cubes based on green tea, which helps normalize the function of the sebaceous glands. The recipe for cooking is simple: one teaspoon of tea leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 1 hour. The filtered and cooled solution is poured into molds and frozen.

- For oily skin, you can also prepare ice cubes with chamomile, celandine, calendula and Chinese magnolia vine. It is important to observe the proportions: 1 teaspoon of dry mixture in 1 glass of water.

- Dry skin will be perfectly moistened with cubes made on the basis of decoctions: mint, parsley, plantain, St. John's wort or chamomile. Ice cream from mountain ash is popular. 2 teaspoons of dry mountain ash need to be crushed into powder and brew 1 cup boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, it is filtered and frozen.

- Mature skin needs additional nutrition, which can provide a peach mix with cream. The composition is whipped and frozen in molds.

- Ice from mint or dandelion will help smooth wrinkles.

- The recipe for anti-inflammatory ice, which helps get rid of acne, is to mix a dry mixture of chamomile and celandine. Two tablespoons of grass are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and insisted on a water bath for 20 minutes, then filtered and frozen.

There are many recipes for making ice to wipe the face. It is important to choose the right ingredients for each specific case. Using the advice and recommendations of specialists, each person can, with the help of simple home procedures, restore skin youth, a healthy and attractive appearance.


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