Prolactin increased in women, what to do? Prolactin is elevated in men, casts a fever - why?


Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland.

Thanks to it, the woman’s body is prepared for breastfeeding, milk appears, and the menstrual cycle passes.

With increased prolactin, ovulation is disrupted, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular.

But what affects its level and is it dangerous?

Prolactin increased in women: causes

Two types of prolactin increase are distinguished - pathological, physiological. An increase in prolactin of a certain type occurs under the influence of certain factors and causes.

Pathological increase occurs in the following cases:

1. Various diseases of the pituitary gland, for example, cyst, meningioma.

2. Diseases of the hypothalamus - sarcoidosis, tuberculosis.

3. Other diseases, which include cirrhosis, tumors.

The physiological causes of increased prolactin are as follows:

1. A woman breastfeeds a baby.

2. Hunger.

3. Active physical activity.

4. Having sex.

5. Experiences, excitement, any stressful situations.

6. A woman carries a child.

7. Some medical procedures, such as a neck massage that lasts longer than expected.

8. Wearing low-quality underwear, in particular a bra.

It should also be noted that prolactin may increase even after taking certain medications - amphitamins, antidepressants, drugs.

Prolactin elevated in men is hot: why, the consequences

Many people do not understand why men have elevated prolactin and are thrown into the heat. However, it can indeed rise as a result of many factors.

Normally, prolactin in men should be about 10 ng / ml. Unlike the female, in men its level rarely increases with stress. Basically, its high level is affected by food, sexual intercourse, as well as physical activity.

If prolactin is suddenly elevated in men, it can throw in sweat, and other, more serious consequences will occur:

1. The inability to have children.

2. The number of sperm and male hormones will be less.

3. The decline of male power, gradually begins to bother potency.

4. Dramatic weight gain.

5. Gynecomastia.

6. Sleep problems.

The more prolactin in the male body, the higher the level of estrogen and vice versa. It is from here that all the negative consequences come out, which must be eliminated.

Prolactin increased in women: symptoms

There are many symptoms that directly indicate that the level of prolactin exceeds the permissible norm:

1. As a result of the fact that no ovulation, a woman will not be able to get pregnant. Even if pregnancy does occur, miscarriages most often occur for up to 10 weeks.

2. Menstrual cycle is broken. In 80% of cases in all women with elevated prolactin levels, menstruation comes either with a long delay, or it does not exist at all.

3. Galactorrhea - milk begins to stand out from the nipples. The longer the disease lasts, the less galactorrhea will be. Three degrees of the onset of the disease can be noted right away: the first - spontaneous milk production occurs, the second - when you press the nipple, a lot of milk is released, the third - when you press the drops, a small amount is released, and not always.

4. Acne - there are a lot of hair around the nipples, they also begin to grow abundantly on the face and stomach.

5. Frigidity - there is no orgasm during intercourse.

6. As a result of the fact that increased prolactin increases appetite, a woman quickly and gaining weight.

7. The thyroid gland is broken. Since the hormonal background is disturbed, the functioning of the thyroid gland is also disrupted.

8. Prolactinoma. Normal prolactin levels in women are between 120 and 500 mIU / L. If in the blood this level is higher than it should be, vision will begin to fall sharply, memory will deteriorate. In this case, a benign tumor can form, which will compress the optic nerves.

9. Osteoporosis. During lactation, a woman has little calcium. Prolactin disrupts the metabolic process of this microelement. Gradually, calcium will be washed out of the bone tissue, as a result, they will become brittle.

Increased prolactin in women: treatment

Depending on the stage of development of the disease, three treatment options can be considered. In most cases, medication is used, but if there is a pituitary tumor, an investment may be required, in exceptional cases, surgical intervention cannot be dispensed with.

In order to know how to lower prolactin levels, you need to identify the exact reason why it increased. If the increase was due to starvation, stress or excessive physical exertion, then it is enough to exclude these factors and everything will return to normal.

Taking amphetamines, antidepressants can also provoke an increased level of prolactin, so treatment should be aimed exclusively at eliminating factors. In addition, it is important to cure all chronic diseases that are present in the body.

After the necessary tests are taken, physiological reasons are eliminated, the doctor will prescribe further treatment. In most cases, the following drugs are prescribed:

1. Bromocriptine is a semi-synthetic drug that contains ergot alkaloids. Under the influence of the drug, prolactin secretion is suppressed.

2. Pergolide or Cybergoline, they are also a derivative, as in the previous case. You can’t take the medicine yourself, it can cause many side effects.

3. The safest medicines well accepted by the body are Quinagolid, Sandoz.

In addition to the traditional treatment, you need to carefully monitor your diet, completely abandon bad habits, avoid stressful situations.

Increased prolactin in women: folk remedies

If prolactin increased as a result of stress, physical exertion, then many doctors recommend taking herbs, they have good soothing properties, normalize the work of many organs.

Common thistle

To prepare the tincture, take 40 grams of dry plant and pour 230 grams of alcohol. Put insist on 12 days.

Take the finished product twice a day, one spoonful, 40 minutes before eating.

Important! Tincture is diluted with water a little!

The course of treatment lasts several months, and the final result will be noticeable only after 10-12 months.


With high levels of prolactin, sage will help. From the grass, you need to prepare a tincture for douching.

Pour 280 ml of boiling water into a container and pour a tablespoon of the plant. Let pause, strain, douche.

A medicine helps when a woman cannot become pregnant due to high prolactin levels.

You can also drink medicine, 100 ml of the drug each time before eating.


To prepare the tincture, grind 50 grams of the plant, pour 0.5 liters of medical alcohol, put it to infuse for one month. Take the finished medicine 30 drops three times a day before meals.


The medicinal plant normalizes ovulation, the menstrual cycle, the amount of prolactin is reduced. In order to prepare the tincture, take a spoonful of root and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Pour everything into a thermos and insist 4 hours.

The finished product must be taken 25 ml up to 4 times a day. For treatment, choose the period from 13 to 27 days of the menstrual cycle.

Backache onion

In order to reduce prolactin, use a tincture made from onion backache. Take one spoon of the aerial parts of the plant and pour 300 ml of cold water (pre-boiled). Put everything to insist for two hours, then take for one day in small sips.

Another good tool that helps with conception, reduces prolactin - raspberries. Tea can be prepared from the dry leaves of the plant. Pour 170 ml of boiling water into a container and pour a spoonful of raspberry leaves, set to infuse. Then you can add a little honey, for taste, and drink.


Together with the use of folk remedies and medicines, you must carefully monitor your lifestyle, namely:

1. Exercise every morning.

2. Eat exclusively healthy foods.

3. Try to spend more time outdoors.

4. Avoid stressful situations.

Visit the therapist several times a year, take the necessary tests, in which case it is necessary to begin treatment.


Watch the video: Relief for Breast Pain (June 2024).