Peach jam is a type of jam. How to make peach jam on a stove, in a slow cooker, a bread machine


Peaches contain a lot of useful substances that are so necessary for a person.

This fruit is easily digested, and its juicy and aromatic pulp tones and refreshes.

Regular consumption of peaches improves digestion and increases appetite.

In order to enjoy this fruit not only in summer but also in winter, various preparations are made from peaches - jam, compotes, jams and jams.

Peach jam - basic principles of cooking

Peach jam is a real treat for the sweet tooth. Delicate, aromatic and sweet jam is suitable for spreading on toast during tea drinking, as well as for preparing various pastries and desserts.

For jam, take ripe, juicy fruits without damage and pests. Fruits are thoroughly washed, broken and seeds are taken out. The pulp of peaches is laid in an enameled bowl and pour boiling water. Cover and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes, until the fruit is soft.

The resulting mass is cooled and rubbed through a sieve to obtain a uniform, delicate texture.

Pour peach puree into an enameled bowl and add sugar at a rate of one to one. Stir and put on a slow fire. Boil mashed potatoes, periodically removing the foam, to the desired consistency of jam. The longer it cooks, the thicker it turns out.

Peach jam is laid out on prepared jars and hermetically sealed. To do this, take dishes with a volume of not more than a liter.

Peach jam can be prepared with citrus or other fruits. To get a thick mass, agar-agar, pectin, gelatin or starch are added to it.

To spice the jam, add cinnamon, rosemary or peppermint.

Recipe 1. Peach Jam


  • 200 ml of purified water;

  • one and a half kilograms of peaches;

  • granulated sugar - one and a half kilograms.

Cooking method

1. Wash soft, ripe peaches under the tap and remove the seeds.

2. Put the peach pulp in an enameled bowl and pour boiling water over it. Cook the fruits for a quarter of an hour, covered. Peaches should become soft.

3. Then cool the peaches and grind them through a sieve. Add sugar to the peach puree, mix and pour the resulting mass into enameled dishes. Send it to a slow fire and cook, constantly stirring with a wooden spatula and removing foam, to the desired consistency.

4. Wash the jars and send them to the oven for sterilization. It is enough to hold them there for about 15 minutes. Put the jam in the jars and tightly seal them. After the workpiece has cooled, send it to the cellar for storage.

Recipe 2. Peach jam with lemon


  • half a lemon;

  • two kg of peaches;

  • a pound of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Peaches are placed briefly in cold water, then rinsed thoroughly. We shift pure peaches into a wide bowl. We boil water in a teapot and pour boiling water over fruits. Leave for a few minutes. Then we drain the hot water and immediately pour over the cold.

2. Peel the peaches. If in some places it fits snugly on the pulp, you can cut it with a thin layer with a sharp knife.

3. Peeled peaches break into pieces. If the pulp is dense, cut into slices.

4. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice out of half directly onto the peach pulp. Mix. Lemon will make jam slightly sour and will not let peaches turn dark.

5. Put the container with peaches on a slow fire and cook the jam without adding water. Mix constantly with a wooden spatula. Half an hour is enough for the fruit to become soft.

6. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, and chop the peaches in mashed potatoes using a hand blender. Put the mashed potatoes in a saucepan with juice and add sugar.

7. Stir thoroughly with a wooden spatula. We put the pan on the fire, adjusting it so that the mass is slightly boiling. Cover with a lid and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

8. Clean cans are calcined in the oven. We pack the jam in jars and tightly cork the lids. We cover the workpiece and leave it to cool completely.

Recipe 3. Peach Mint Jam


  • sprig of mint;

  • peaches - a kilogram;

  • lemon;

  • fructose - 400 g.

Cooking method

1. Peaches need to be peeled. If it is firmly attached to the pulp, dip the peaches in boiling water for several minutes, and then immediately pour over with cold water.

2. Peeled peaches cut into slices. Put the prepared fruit in an enamel bowl and sprinkle it with fructose. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice from it directly onto the peaches. Stir and leave the fruit for four hours.

3. After the allotted time, add mint leaves and place the container on medium heat. Boil for forty minutes, periodically removing the foam. Jam mixing is not necessary. Shake the pan periodically. This will preserve the amber structure and shape of peach slices.

4. Place the hot jam in sterile jars, tightly seal with tin lids and leave it covered with a warm cloth until it cools completely.

Recipe 4. Peach Jam with Starch


  • 12 g of corn starch;

  • peaches;

  • cinnamon;

  • 200 g of sugar;

  • lemon;

  • 50 ml of purified water.

Cooking method

1. Peaches are placed briefly in cold water. Then thoroughly wash them, break them in half and take out the bones. Cut the flesh of the peach into arbitrary pieces.

2. Put the peaches in an enameled basin. Pour fruit with half granulated sugar. We put the basin on the stove, pour the purified water and cook until the sugar dissolves.

3. Pour the rest of the sugar. Cut the lemon and squeeze the juice from half the lemon into a peach mass. Here we put the cinnamon stick. Keep on fire for about five minutes.

4. Add a spoonful of filtered water to the starch and mix well. Introduce the starch mixture into peaches in a thin stream. Stir, and after a couple of minutes remove the pelvis from the fire. Take out the cinnamon.

5. Pour the jam into sterile jars and twist the tin lids. Wrap with a warm cloth and leave for a day.

Recipe 5. Peach jam in a bread maker


  • 240 g of granulated sugar;

  • 400 g ripe seedless peaches.

Cooking method

1. Peaches thoroughly wash under cold, running water. We break them in half and take out the bones. We put the halves of peaches on a towel and leave them to dry slightly.

2. Then cut the halves of the peach into small cubes together with the skin.

3. We shift the chopped peaches into the bowl of the bread machine.

4. Top the fruit with sugar. Insert the bowl into the appliance and close the lid. Select the program "Jam" or "Jam" on the panel. Cooking jam for an hour. We determine the time depending on the model of the bread maker.

5. Open the lid of the unit and lay out the hot jam in sterile dry jars. Hermetically twist the cans with lids, cover with a blanket and leave to cool for a day.

Recipe 6. Fragrant peach jam in a slow cooker


  • 50 g of granulated sugar;

  • a kilogram of peaches;

  • marjoram;

  • 750 ml of purified water;

  • 50 ml of lemon juice.

Cooking method

1. Put ripe peaches in cold filtered water and leave for ten minutes. Then we drain the water, and my fruit is under the tap. Cut each peach in half and take out the seeds. The flesh is crumbled into small pieces.

2. We send the chopped peaches into the multicooker bowl. Pour water here and add granulated sugar. Mix.

3. Close the lid of the unit, activate the "Extinguishing" program and cook, periodically mixing, an hour and a half. Wash the lemon, wipe and cut in half. Squeeze the juice out of it.

4. After an hour and a half, open the lid of the aggregate and add lemon juice and marjoram. Close the lid again, turn on the same mode and prepare the jam for the same amount of time.

5. I wash half-liter jars and send them to the oven for a quarter of an hour. We lay out the hot jam in jars and roll up tin lids. Wrap and leave to cool completely. Then we clean the blank in the cellar.

Recipe 7. Peach jam with rosemary


  • 12 g of gelatin;

  • 600 g peaches;

  • 100 ml of lemon juice;

  • 400 g of granulated sugar;

  • rosemary - a few twigs.

Cooking method

1. Peaches put in a deep container and fill with water. Leave for ten minutes. Then wash the fruit. Cut each peach in half and take out a stone. Cut the pulp into slices. We put the chopped peaches in a copper basin and fill them with sugar. Leave for an hour to let the peaches juice.

2. The peach mass is smashed to a state of mashed potatoes using a hand blender. We send the basin to the fire and put the washed branches of rosemary in it. Cook, stirring constantly, for 20 minutes.

3. Soak gelatin in water. Cut the lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Add the soaked gelatin and lemon juice to the hot peach puree. We take out the rosemary branches and discard. They have already fulfilled their function. Stir, keep on fire for a couple of minutes.

4. We lay out the hot jam in half-liter jars and tightly roll up tin lids.

Peach jam - tips and tricks

  • For jam, take ripe, but not overripe fruits with soft, yellow flesh.
  • It is advisable to peel the peaches before preparing the jam, as it can give the jam a bitter taste.
  • To easily peel peaches, pour boiling water over them.
  • Add zest or citrus juice to peach jam to dilute the sugary sweetness of the fruit.


Watch the video: Canning at Home: How to Make Homemade Strawberry Jam and Bread and Butter Pickles (June 2024).