Is it possible for pregnant cherries: what benefits does it bring to the body. Is it possible for a nursing mother cherries: is it harmful or useful?


During pregnancy and lactation, every woman must responsibly draw up her diet, which should be full and fortified. Eating fruits and berries is a must. But is it possible to cherries during breastfeeding, during pregnancy, and in what quantities, so as not to harm the baby?

Is it possible for pregnant cherries: beneficial substances in berries

Sweet cherry is a useful product in the diet of a pregnant woman. The composition of its pulp contains many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Useful components of cherry fruits:

• Pyridoxine - normalizes metabolic processes, the activity of the central nervous system, strengthens the immune system, participates in the formation of genetic material.

• Folic acid - regulates cell division, is responsible for the genetic code and hereditary traits.

• Ascorbic acid - regulates the oxidation processes in the body, provides anti-inflammatory effect, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is also necessary for the normal development of the placenta and the ovum.

• Retinol - provides the formation and development of tissues of the musculoskeletal system, organs of vision and the nervous system of the fetus.

• Thiamine - regulates metabolic processes in the body.

• Niacin - necessary for the process of energy formation from lipids and carbohydrates.

• Vikasol - a component necessary for the formation of platelets that provide blood coagulation.

• Tocopherol - normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, is necessary for the formation of the placenta, prevents spontaneous abortion.

• Micro and macrocells: calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper. Ensure the full development of the embryo and maintain the woman’s health in good condition.

Sweet cherry helps reduce signs of toxicosis, nutrient deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman is compensated. Also, berries for a long time neutralize the feeling of hunger and contribute to quenching thirst.

Fresh cherries have a laxative effect, helps to cleanse the intestines and normalizes stool. In case of constipation during pregnancy, the berries must be eaten on an empty stomach or before bedtime.

Cherry also has a beneficial effect on kidney function. It stimulates the formation and excretion of more urine from the body. This helps to reduce swelling.

One of the beneficial properties of cherries is the cleansing of body cells from harmful substances. Sweet cherry is a natural antioxidant, which contributes to the formation of healthy cells in the mother and fetus.

Is it possible for nursing mother cherries: basic recommendations for eating berries

During lactation, every woman should be very careful about her diet, as this affects the quality of milk. With the right balanced diet, which includes cherries, you can not only enrich the baby's body with useful elements, but also return to its body its former shape.

The main secrets of the proper use of these berries:

• The introduction of cherries into the diet of a lactating woman should occur in small portions. It is recommended to eat berries in the morning, which will allow you to observe the reaction of the baby's body during the day.

• One-time consumption of cherries should not exceed 150 grams. This will prevent the development of allergies in the child.

• To prevent the development of flatulence and indigestion, you need to eat fresh sweet cherry fruit half an hour before meals or after an hour after.

• It is not recommended to eat berries on an empty stomach. This is due to the fact that with such a meal, food quickly moves into the small intestine, while not having time to fully enrich the body with useful substances.

• You can only benefit from fresh berries. Therefore, when buying, you should give preference to dense, shiny berries on dark green "ponytails."

• Suitable for consumption are berries harvested in season. They do not include pesticides, nitrates and other harmful substances that stimulate the growth and ripening of fruits.

• In case fresh berries are poorly tolerated by the body, it is recommended to cook compote or jelly from them.

• If a lactating woman consumes sweet cherry juice, it is worth limiting its quantity and lowering its concentration.

• The use of dried fruits from cherries should be limited, in this form the berries act as a fixing agent, which leads to constipation.

• It is forbidden to carry out mono-diets and fasting days on cherries during lactation.

• During breastfeeding, it is worth restricting the use of store frozen berries, yoghurts and cottage cheese masses with cherries. Such foods may contain preservatives and dyes, which have a negative effect on both the woman’s body and the baby’s body.

There is no unequivocal answer to the question whether a nursing mother can have a sweet cherry. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body of the mother and child. If the use of this product does not cause any negative reactions, then do not deny yourself this delicious and juicy treat.

One of the main conditions for eating cherries during pregnancy and lactation is the correct choice of berries.

Is it possible for cherries to be breastfed for different periods?

During lactation, women should not deny themselves the use of berries and fruits. Many doctors argue that with the correct introduction of fresh and natural berries into your diet, you can only benefit the small growing body. The daily serving of cherries should be appropriate for the age of the child.

• From 0 to 3 months. Immediately after birth, the child’s body especially responds to the absorption of new substances. During this period, mother’s milk enriched with vitamins of sweet cherry can provoke flatulence in the baby. Therefore, when feeding a child under the age of 3 weeks, it is not recommended to consume cherries more than a few berries per day.

• From 1 month to six months. In the second month after childbirth, it is allowed to gradually introduce cherries per kilogram per week into the menu of a nursing woman. With this gradual introduction, the manifestation of negative reactions of the child's body to a new product is minimized.

• From 6 months to 1 year. With the normal development and growth of the child at this stage, the mother can eat cherries without strict restrictions. In the absence of allergies in the child, it is allowed to carry out his feeding of cherries.

Regardless of the age of the child, when introducing new foods into Mom’s menu, one should carefully monitor the reaction of his body. Cherry intolerance in children can be manifested by skin rashes, colic in the tummy, diarrhea, and even an increase in body temperature. If there are any side effects, it is necessary to immediately stop the mother from eating cherries, and show the child to the pediatrician.

These signs can appear not only after the mother first uses cherries, but also after 5-7 days. Therefore, a nursing woman should not immediately increase the portion of berries, but should wait a few days until the baby reacts fully to the new product in the mother’s diet.

Eating cherries during pregnancy and lactation should carefully monitor the reaction of your body and the baby's body. Indeed, at this stage, even simple, familiar products can provoke the appearance of unusual reactions that can aggravate the course of pregnancy or the development and growth of a child.

Therefore, to introduce cherries into the diet of a pregnant or lactating woman and establish a daily intake rate is necessary only in conjunction with a leading doctor. In the absence of contraindications, it is necessary to consume cherries strictly observing the basic rules.

Only with this approach, pregnant women can eat cherries without fear for their health and the health of the baby.


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