Eggplant in a slow cooker: main dishes and preparations for the winter. Eggplant recipes in a slow cooker are simple and unique in taste.


Eggplant is a terrific product.

By its beneficial properties, this purple vegetable is not the last among comrades.

It is rich in calcium, vitamins, iron and phosphorus, potassium and fiber. Some people believe that eggplant is a kind of longevity berry, which copes not only with cholesterol, improves the activity of the kidneys and heart, but also improves the intestines.

And copper contributes to blood formation, which is why it is recommended to eat eggplants in different forms for pregnant women and those who suffer from anemia.

General principles for cooking eggplant in a slow cooker

It is preferable to use dark blue eggplant, they are rich in lots of vitamins.

Be sure to rinse the eggplants well, cut the stalks.

To make the dish softer, you can peel the eggplant.

The most delicious dish is where the eggplant is cooked with garlic, which adds aroma and taste.

Eggplants can be stuffed, pickled, dried, fried, steamed, boiled.

Eggplants absorb vegetable oil very well and do it fairly quickly, so make sure that your dish does not burn, but also avoid excess oil so that it does not turn out to be too fat.

Eggplant dishes go well with side dishes such as potatoes, rice, buckwheat.

Cold eggplants are much tastier, so we recommend that after you cooked the eggplants in a slow cooker, let them cool.

You can decorate eggplant dishes with parsley or dill, this will add not only aesthetics to the dish, but also give a wonderful aroma.

Eggplant in a slow cooker: recipes for the winter

This recipe is used as a preparation for the winter. Eggplants are spicy and easy to digest. The cooking process itself takes no more than an hour, the main merit in this belongs to the multicooker.


• a couple kg of eggplant

• 3 large tomatoes

• 3 large sweet peppers

• a pair of spoons of salt

• 3 large onions

• half a glass of vegetable oil

• a pair of garlic cloves

• spoon of vinegar

• a spoon of sugar


We wash the eggplants well, remove the stalks. Divide the eggplant lengthwise into two halves, each smeared with vegetable oil.

We heat the oven, put eggplant in it for half an hour.

After the eggplants have baked a little, remove the peel from them, and the remaining flesh with a crushed knife, until you get a mass like mashed potatoes.

Sweet peppers and onions are also well washed and cleaned, cut into half rings, fry in vegetable oil in a slow cooker. We use the Baking mode, set the timer for 6 minutes.

Wash the tomatoes and wipe them on a sieve, do not use the peel.

Add the resulting tomato mixture to pepper and onion, cook for another 5 minutes.

Peel the garlic, cut into thin and very sharp knife in small pieces and add to the slow cooker to vegetables.

Pour salt there, sugar and spread the eggplant mass. We set the multicook timer for 40 minutes. Shortly before the end of the program, pour in the vinegar.

At this time, we sterilize the cans, it is preferable to use half-liter. In them we lay out the finished mass, roll up and after the banks have cooled, we put them in the cellar.

Eggplant in a slow cooker: recipes with pepper

Eggplants in a slow cooker according to this recipe are very juicy and tasty, and you can eat them both hot and cold. As a side dish, rice is perfect. Then this dish will also be a wonderful gift for those who are forced to diet, because by the number of calories it occupies one of the last places.


• half kg of eggplant

• a pair of sweet peppercorns

• a couple of large tomatoes

• onion head

• dill

• a pair of garlic cloves

• vegetable oil


Wash the eggplants well and cut into slightly thick rings.

Pepper also wash well, peel, remove seeds. Cut the peppercorns into half rings.

Rinse the tomatoes, it is advisable to peel them, cut into small quarters.

Put all the vegetables in a slow cooker. Set the Baking mode, set the time to an hour.

15 minutes before the end of the program, put greens, crushed garlic and finely chopped onions in a slow cooker.

After the dish is ready, let it cool.

Eggplant in a slow cooker: recipe with sweet sour sauce

The recipe for eggplant in a slow cooker is quite simple, the main ingredients are vegetables, which can always be found on the beds. It is advisable to use vinegar 9%, and take peppers of different colors, then the dish will turn out bright and mouth-watering.


• 4 medium eggplants

• three peppercorns of different colors

• a third of a glass of water

• a pair of garlic cloves

• one onion

• a pair of odorless vegetable oil spoons

• a couple of spoons of soy sauce

• a slice of ginger root

• a couple of spoons of sugar

• a couple of tablespoons of vinegar

• a spoonful of starch


Wash the eggplants well, remove the ponytails, cut them in half rings, salt well and put in the shade for 30 minutes. This will help get rid of the bitter taste.

Rinse peppers, remove seeds, cut lengthwise into halves. We will use half of each pepper.

Pour the starch into the water, add sugar, vinegar and sauce. Mix well.

Peel the onion and cut into rings.

Crush the garlic with either a knife or a garlic squeezer, the main thing is that it is very small.

Wash the ginger root and cut it into small pieces.

Fry eggplant in vegetable oil on both sides in a multicooker bowl, add garlic, ginger to them, mix.

Next, put the pepper, fry it with eggplant for several minutes, then add the onion.

Pour all vegetables in water with sugar, vinegar, starch and soy sauce.

Set Extinguish minutes to 50.

Decorate the finished dish with greens.

Eggplant in a slow cooker: casserole recipe

Eggplant - low-calorie berries cooked in a slow cooker, they retain all their benefits and taste. In addition to eggplant, meat is used in the casserole, it is advisable to take pork, as it is softer and more tender.


• a pair of large eggplant

• one carrot

• half kg of tomatoes

• half a hot pepper pod

• one onion

• half kg of pork

• half a glass of vegetable oil

• slice of hard cheese


Wash and clean carrots, onions, peppers. We chop everything very finely, mix with finely chopped cheese.

We wash the eggplants, cut them into slices, salted them and let them stand for 10 minutes, after which we drain the juice allocated by the eggplants.

Wash and peel tomatoes, then grind with a mixer.

Fry carrots, peppers and onions in vegetable oil in the Baking mode, then add our tomato puree to them, mix.

We twist the meat in a meat grinder, mix with cheese and vegetables, set the Stewing mode for 15 minutes.

At this time, fry the eggplants in a frying pan, and be sure from both sides.

In the bowl of the multicooker we lay the finished products in layers: eggplant, meat, eggplant. Bake for half an hour. Decorate with herbs.

Eggplant in a slow cooker: recipe with sour cream

Eggplants are cooked very quickly, so try not to miss the moment they are ready. In this recipe, sour cream plays a decisive role, it depends on it how much this dish will impress your loved ones.


• half kg of eggplant

• salt

• vegetable oil

• a glass of sour cream

• one onion

• a couple of carrots


Rinse the eggplants and cut into large strips, add salt, let stand for 20 minutes, drain the juice.

Wash and peel the carrots, rub on the largest side of the grater. Peel and cut onions in half rings. Fry everything in a slow cooker in vegetable oil.

Mix vegetables with eggplant, pour sour cream and mix well. Use the Baking mode, set the timer for an hour.

After the dish is ready, decorate with greens.

Eggplant in a slow cooker: recipe with beef

Beef is one of the most delicious and healthy types of meat. It goes well with eggplant, this dish will give your family an unforgettable taste experience.


• kg of beef

• a couple of tomatoes

• a pair of eggplant

• one carrot

• one head of garlic

• one onion

• pepper

• salt

• vegetable oil

• dill greens


Rinse the eggplants, cut into rings, salt, let stand, drain the juice.

Rinse the meat well, dry it a bit, cut into small cubes, while removing all veins and fat. Allow to stand for 20 minutes.

Wash and peel the carrots and onions, rub the carrots, cut the onions into rings.

Wash and divide the tomatoes into small slices.

Peel and crush the garlic with a knife.

Put vegetables, garlic and dill in a slow cooker, add beef there, mix and simmer for an hour and a half under a closed lid in sunflower oil.

After the timer signals the end of the Extinguishing program, leave the dish to brew for another 20 minutes.

You can serve with potatoes.

Tips and tricks for cooking eggplant recipes in a slow cooker

  • If you cook eggplant with meat, try to keep the meat under vegetables, then the meat will cook and the vegetables will be stewed. In addition, the meat is appetizingly saturated with vegetable juices.

  • It is always advisable to fry eggplant on both sides.

  • If you add tomatoes to eggplant in a slow cooker, be sure to peel them. Boiling water will help to do this, just scald them with tomatoes, dip them in cold water - and the skin will be easily cleaned.

  • Always fry onions and carrots earlier than eggplants, then vegetables will soak in each other's aroma faster.

  • Be sure to salted them and leave them for 15 minutes before cooking eggplants. This is a necessary measure to deprive eggplants of their natural bitterness.


Watch the video: Eggplant & Mushroom Indian Fry Recipe - Brinjal Aubergine Vegan (June 2024).