Exercise bike for weight loss - how effective is it? How to choose and use an exercise bike for weight loss


An exercise bike is used to prevent obesity and maintain tone, as its regular use improves the functioning of internal organs and burns fat cells. Classes with this sports equipment belong to the cardiofitness system and have their advantages, for example:

  • Cleansing of toxins and toxins.

  • Normalization of blood pressure.

  • Stimulation of the heart muscles and lungs.

  • Prevention of diseases and cellulitis.

  • Buttocks and muscles of legs gain elasticity.

  • Acceleration of salt deposits in the lumbar and cervical spine.

How to make a choice of an exercise bike

The exercise bike is selected depending on the goal (medical, sports) and the problem to be solved: weight loss, stabilization of the body, disease prevention. In terms of parameters and functionality, it can be horizontal (for training in a sitting position) and vertical (for intense loads in different positions, both standing and sitting), and models can be as follows:

  • Belt (mechanical). The principle of action is the circular movement of the legs by tensioning the belt, which is located in the flywheel. It is considered a cheap and productive look. Disadvantages - noise during use.

  • Pads. The operating mode of this simulator is similar to the previous one, with the exception of mounted pads, which create the effect of a real ride and add load to the muscles of the legs and abdomen. Minus - spare parts are interchangeable only on the original ones from the same model, others will not work. Therefore, repairing this equipment after five years is unlikely to succeed, since it may not be on sale.

  • Magnetic and electromagnetic. By adjusting the distance between the magnets, a load is created on the legs. The closer they are to each other, the more difficult it is to pedal. The first option involves manual tuning and regulation. The second one has a built-in program that calculates the necessary load and monitors the pace of the workout, automatically measuring the pulse, pressure, distance and, if necessary, advises you to stop the session. It connects to a computer and TV, and also has its own monitor, which displays statistics and performance. Computational processes are based on the entered anatomical data - height, weight, age, or independently. It happens with handles (steering wheel) and without (horizontal). The negative point is the price, but beauty requires sacrifice.

Do not forget about the size of the room. Before buying, you need to take appropriate measurements so that the store actually, and not mentally imagine the location of the exercise bike in the apartment.

Exercise bikes for weight loss. How to train

The time threshold for the first training should not exceed forty minutes. The number of approaches is not important, it is allowed to do 10 times in four minutes or 4 times in 10 minutes - most importantly, not to the detriment of health. To do this, before the start of classes, when the body is relaxed, the pulse is recorded and compared with the end result - after training. If the difference is more than 100 beats per minute, it is necessary to reduce the load, for example, with a normal heart rate of 65 beats, 70% for beginners and 75.80% for amateurs and professional athletes are considered an acceptable deviation during exercise. Formula:

65 (pulse up to) × 70% (if a beginner) = 45 (the norm, which is the allowed difference), i.e. 65 + 45 = 110 (the number of heartbeats that is safe for beginner "cyclists").

It is recommended to combine an exercise bike with treadmills, squats, push-ups, pull-ups. Such a complex will accelerate weight loss and restore your previous physique. To protect yourself from injuries and ailments, before purchasing the unit, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination for cardiac and vegetovascular contraindications. For additional insurance, you can consult a nutritionist for a healthy diet.

It is necessary to pay attention to kilocalories that were burned in the process of cycling physical education, record and compare.

Rules and recommendations:

• Warm up. Without warming up muscle tissue, you can not start exercise.

• Equal position of the back. During training, direct posture contributes to an even distribution of the load.

• Comfortable clothing. It can be spacious (shorts, a T-shirt) and tight (leggings, a T-shirt).

• Smooth start. Before a long "race", you need to gain momentum slowly, since the last 5 minutes of training require a full calculation and an accelerated pace.

• Rest between sets should not exceed one and a half minutes.

Exercise bike for weight loss. How to make a training program

For women and men, there is an individual sequence that should be followed. The complex was developed by sports doctors for weight loss and includes the following features:

1. For men.

• Three-minute warm-up with ten percent resistance.

• Accelerated pace for four minutes at 2% incline and 30% resistance.

• 23 minutes of intensive mode, followed by a six-minute increase in loads.

• The last 10 minutes - a slow ride without additional bends and interference.

2. For women.

• Warm up - 2 minutes.

• Circular leg movements in accelerated mode with a minimum resistance of 10 percent, 5 minutes.

• Speed ​​- 25 kilometers per hour, 15 minutes.

• Eight minute fast pace, 5 percent slope.

• Pedal rotation in quiet mode for 10 minutes.

To build a sports and athletic build of the body, an exercise bike for weight loss is not enough.

How to do it right - instructors in fitness clubs will tell you and draw up a lesson plan with a set of other exercises, but as a means of dealing with extra pounds - this equipment has established itself as the best and has earned a reputation that has been proven over the years.

Exercise bike for weight loss. How to choose the right training methodology

For the effect to be qualitative and effective, you need to know about the following steps:

  • Elementary. The training lasts half an hour, sometimes 40 minutes at intervals three times a week. It is advisable not to use the weekend. It is recommended to do after and before working hours. On Saturday and Sunday, you need to relax and give your muscles relaxation. After classes, crouch and jump so that your legs get used to subsequent increases in loads. To avoid krepatura allowed to massage the calf muscles. Weight loss will begin after a week of such training.

  • Average. Classes last 45 minutes. It can be extended up to an hour. Frequency - four times a week. It is accompanied by a combined series of exercises with kettlebells and a tournament. A set of additional loads is needed for accelerated weight loss with minimal time. Designed for people who have athletic training and endurance.

  • Professional. It is recommended for athletes with a minimum experience of 10 years, as daily training with high intensity often leads to tremors and cardiac pathologies. At this stage, the training lasts an hour and a half at maximum speed. One break allowed. After training, the athlete goes on the treadmill to restore breathing through slow running.

For people who do not want to lose weight quickly, the first two stages of cycling are suitable, because a slow and steady pace helps to improve health, fat cells are burned after 30 minutes of training, so these methods are designed more to prevent obesity.

The last stage is needed to burn calories in the shortest possible time, for example, lose a few pounds after the New Year holidays. But, if the body gets tired and does not cope with the load, then it is better to start with simple methods that are intended for beginners, by the way, athletes prefer the middle stage, since after it there is no pain in the muscles.


Watch the video: Stationary Bike Set Up for Pelvic Floor Safe Exercises (July 2024).