Diet for gastritis - a detailed description and useful tips. How to eat with gastritis.


Diet for gastritis - description and general principles

In our stressful times, diseases associated with poor diet, fast food, smoking, and alcohol abuse are common. First of all, this is gastritis - inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which is accompanied by bloating and aching or acute pain in the upper abdomen. Among the common symptoms are also nausea, vomiting, belching. The stomach constantly feels like a crowded vessel, there is a lack of appetite and weight loss. In addition to stress and poor nutrition, Helicobacter pylori bacteria can also cause this disease.

There are several types of gastritis, therefore, nutrition in patients can vary. In acute gastritis, the diet is the most strict, remission allows you to expand the diet. However, any stage or type of this disease implies a strict ban on alcohol, fried, fatty and spicy foods. In addition, you must refrain from smoking. Food should be regular, about 5-6 meals a day, food must be chewed thoroughly.

Diet for gastritis - what foods can be consumed

With gastritis with low and high acidity, nutrition will be slightly different.

With increased acidity

Bakery products: only yesterday’s baked bread, wheat bread, dry biscuits and cookies, inedible buns only 1-2 times a week, baked pastry from pastry. It is allowed to boil vermicelli and pasta.

Cereals: it is advisable to cook inviscid and mashed cereals in water or milk from semolina, buckwheat and oatmeal, as well as soufflé and puddings.

First courses: soups from those vegetables that are allowed, with the addition of well-cooked cereals, cream-filled soups on vegetable broth from well-cooked meat or chicken.

Second courses: low-fat steamed and boiled dishes. You can use meat, poultry and some offal: tongue, liver.

Eggs: only soft-boiled or scrambled eggs cooked in a double boiler can be consumed.
Fish: non-greasy, steam or boiled in water.
Vegetables and fruits: steamed or mashed.
It is also allowed to consume in moderation sugar, honey, marshmallows and marshmallows, jam.
Dairy products: non-sour, you can cook dishes from them.
Drinks: tea is weak, juice is not too sour, cocoa or coffee in milk.

With low acidity

Bakery products: wheat bread, slightly stale or dried, use flour of the highest or 1st and 2nd grade. Buns and pies from pastry, pies with boiled filling (rice, meat, fish, cottage cheese, jam, eggs). Vermicelli and pasta.

Cereals: cook loose cereal in water or with the addition of milk from any cereal. It is desirable to cook pilaf lean and without meat.

First courses: soups on broths of meat, weak or with meatballs, borsch and cabbage soup without acidic products (sauerkraut, tomato, pickles).

Meat: non-greasy, without tendons and skin, boiled, fried and baked. Chicken, sausages and dairy sausages, tongue stuffed with allowed pancakes.

Fish: non-greasy, boiled in water, it can also be stewed, baked or fried.
Vegetables: boiled, stewed or baked.
Fruits: use only not coarse and not very acidic varieties, cook stewed fruits and jelly, mousses.
Sour-milk products are allowed not peroxidized, only with normal acidity, fresh butter, refined vegetable oil, eggs.
Drinks: tea, fruit and vegetable drinks and juices diluted with water, cocoa or coffee with milk, compotes.

Diet for gastritis - which foods should not be consumed

With gastritis with high acidity, a person is faced with the task of reducing the release of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. Therefore, you can not eat foods that can provoke its excessive allocation. These are coarse, smoked, salty, sokogonny and spicy foods, marinades, pickles and spices.

Exclude from the diet:

Rye and fresh bread, butter and puff pastries.
Cereals: pearl and barley, legumes and millet.
Broths: meat, fish, mushroom vegetable, okroshka, borscht and cabbage soup.
Meat: fatty, sinewy, canned.
Fish: oily and salted, canned fish.
Vegetables and fruits: cabbage, onions, spinach, canned, pickled and pickled vegetables, pickles and mushrooms.

Dairy products: limit ice cream and chocolate, sour cream, spicy and salty cheese, dairy products with too high acidity.
Eggs: hard boiled and fried eggs.
Drinks: carbonated, black coffee, beer, champagne, alcohol-containing, kvass.
It is also forbidden to use spicy seasonings: horseradish, spicy sauces, mustard and vegetable and animal fats.
It is not recommended to use any products with vinegar and salted, as well as unripe berries and fruits, dried fruits.

With gastritis with low acidity

Reduced acidity makes it difficult to digest heavy foods that irritate the gastric mucosa. Diet in many cases helps to normalize acidity. You can not eat cold and very hot dishes, as well as spicy and spicy.

Exclude from the diet:

Bread and cereals: fresh bread from any flour, flour products.
Cereals: corn, barley, millet, legumes.
Soups: dairy, pea and bean, millet.
Meat and fish: fatty and with hard spitting, limit the consumption of lamb and pork. You can not eat smoked and salted fish, canned food in the marinade.
Vegetables and fruits: raw, pickled, pickled and salted (cucumbers, radishes, onions), as well as mushrooms and garlic, coarse and raw fruits and hard grains (raspberries, red currants, gooseberries).
Milk: rennet cheese, foods with high acidity, limit the use of sour cream.
Fat: beef, mutton fat, lard.
Spicy seasonings: pepper, horseradish, spicy and fatty sauces, mustard, grape juice, beer, kvass.

Diet for gastritis - examples of the menu

In acute outbreaks of disease, you should consult a doctor and discuss nutrition with him. The menu of a patient with gastritis in remission should include all components necessary for the life of the body: proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as mineral salts. The first meal should not be too plentiful, after sleep, the production of digestive juices is still slightly inhibited. The second meal two to three hours after breakfast, then lunch, afternoon snack two to three hours, dinner at about 19 hours. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of milk, compote or liquid jelly, in order to avoid sucking under the spoon and discomfort in the digestive tract at night.

Breakfast: semolina or rice porridge, steam cutlet, a glass of weak, warm tea. It is also recommended mashed potatoes or carrots, scrambled eggs, boiled low-fat fish and boiled vegetables: beets, cauliflower.

Second breakfast: drinks and a sandwich are recommended. For example, a glass of compote or liquid jelly from permitted fruits and berries (raspberries or black currants, apples, cherries, plums). Alternatively, you can choose dairy products (a glass of milk, a one-day yogurt or fresh kefir, coffee with milk). Sandwich: a piece of stale bread with butter, doctor's sausage, blackcurrant or apple jam.

Lunch: salad - vinaigrette with sunflower oil (potatoes, beets, carrots). Vegetable soup, you can also include in the diet milk soups - noodles or rice.
From meat products to the second, steam cutlets of meat or chicken, fish cakes, boiled low-fat fish or meat are prepared. Garnish: mashed potatoes or carrots, boiled beets, mashed rice (buckwheat) porridge. On the third served stewed fruit or liquid jelly made from fruits (apples, plums, raspberries, apricots, peaches cherries, black currants).

As a dessert, baked apples with sugar syrup, fruit and berry mousse, fresh cream, whipped with sugar are quite suitable. You can eat some ice cream, fruit juices, and vitamin-rich syrups.

Afternoon snack: tea and an unprofitable bun, a sandwich with fresh butter or milk, compote, kefir, one-day yogurt, jelly.

Dinner: cabbage rolls, soft-boiled egg, boiled potatoes, liver paste, rice or semolina porridge, (you can add fruit syrup), cottage cheese with milk, slightly brewed tea, milk with a small amount of sugar.

Diet for gastritis - useful tips and reviews

As a rule, when preparing food for patients with gastritis, you will have to completely abandon spices. So that the food does not seem fresh, you can add more greens, parsley, dill and celery are great for these purposes. Moreover, it is very important to provide the body with vitamins. Finely chop the greens and add it to all dishes with meals. Food should be fractional, but without snacking, so that the stomach has time to digest food. It is very important to chew food thoroughly. Wrong and hastily chewed food is one of the first risks of developing the disease. Each piece must be chewed for at least 25 seconds, so that the stomach receives gruel, which can be easily digested.

Remember that the treatment of gastritis is, first of all, the observance of the principles of good nutrition. According to reviews of people who followed a strict diet for gastritis, pain and symptoms of the disease went away by themselves for a month.


Olga Koreneva 09/18/2016
And where is the promised diet number 4?

Vera 03/22/2016
Thank you for the article. Everything is described in great detail. My child has gastritis. Now I’m leafing through, all these similar pages on the Internet, to look, to listen to what people eat with this diagnosis and as a result. How to make your son chew thoroughly?

Svetlana 03/22/2016
Yes, all this is terribly simple. I have gastritis for a long time, but probably half of the population has it! But I can’t get used to all exceptions either. I don’t have a cult of food, but if you eat, then something pleasant for myself. And I don’t like jelly or stewed fruit. And so I am tormented.

Lika 03/22/2016
Oh, well, I don’t know ... How will I eat all these frayed - chewed foods ?! Not my food at all! I love it the other way around, that’s it, I’ve been choked ...))) And they strictly banned alcohol strictly ... And what, is this all for a long time?

Dana 03/22/2016
))) A snack is probably the trouble of all women! And not only with gastritis. I also can’t live without dinner before everything))) Wow. But I didn’t know that with gastritis you can’t eat cucumbers ... Radish and onions, of course, they are hot. and what cucumbers did not please?


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