Planting tulips in the ground in the fall: planting dates in the suburbs. The tricks of the autumn planting of tulip bulbs of different sizes (photo)


Blooming tulips are a decoration of any garden.

Many gardeners are breeding this flower in their area in the middle lane.

For the successful cultivation of tulips, it is necessary to comply with the timing of transplanting and planting bulbs, as well as provide good care for plants.

Description and characteristics of tulips

Tulips are dwarf, whose size does not exceed 10 cm in height. Some varieties produce peduncles up to 1 meter. The root system of these plants is represented by subordinate roots that grow from the bottom of the bulb and die annually.

The flower of the tulip is usually one, located on the peduncle. But there are varieties and varieties of plants with several buds on the same peduncle. Outwardly, such a plant looks like a bouquet.

The color and structure of the petals depends on the plant variety. There are tulips with terry, corrugated and wavy petals. Their color is very diverse: white, purple, red, yellow and black.

Tulip buds open in the morning in clear weather and close when dark. In cloudy, rainy weather, the plant does not open a bud.

Caring for tulips is not as complicated as it seems. But some gardeners do not bother with the annual digging of bulbs, and this leads to degeneration of plantings. Each plant has its own characteristics that should be considered when choosing a crop, and tulips are no exception.

Features of autumn tulip planting

The flower grower must strictly observe the timing of planting tulips in open ground. The quality of the flowering of the plant and its health depends on this. When growing tulips, first of all, you need to know all the subtleties of caring for the crop.

• It is necessary to precisely set the dates for planting the bulbs. Weather conditions often change and old methods, folk signs will not help to accurately calculate the planting time of the bulbs.

• You can determine the landing time in Central Russia by measuring the temperature of the soil. Measurements should be carried out to a depth of 15 cm throughout the week. If during this period the indicators range from 8-10 degrees, then you can plant the bulbs.

Usually, the timing of autumn tulip planting in the suburbs varies from early September to mid-October. At a later landing, it is recommended to cover the area with spruce branches.

If planting is too early, then in warm autumn the bulbs will sprout, shoots will not tolerate frost and die. In addition, to stable frosts, the bed will overgrow with weeds, which in spring will not allow tulips to develop normally.

Autumn planting of tulips in pots for distillation + photo

Experienced flower growers carry out the forcing of tulips to certain dates. Distillation is carried out in flower pots, best of all ceramic.

1. Each flowerpot should have drainage holes for better drainage.

2. The drainage layer is made of gravel or pieces of ceramics. The presence of the drainage layer prevents the holes from clogging, and the drain of liquid passes faster.

3. From the edge of the flowerpot, measure the height of the bulb planting and fill the ground to the desired level.

4. The substrate is compacted and planting material distributed on it, pressing it to the ground.

5. Bulbs are covered with nutritious soil to the very edges of the pot.

6. After planting, tulips are watered from a watering can, but so as not to erode the soil.

Containers with planted tulip bulbs are stored in a cool place. If the flowerpot is on the balcony, then it must be well covered. Landings should be checked and ventilated regularly. When the time is right, the shelter is removed from the tanks and a little watering is planted. The first shoots are visible after a few weeks.

Planting tulips in autumn in the open ground

Autumn planting of bulbs is a very important event, the further flowering and formation of seed material depends on its success.

Before the autumn planting of tulips in the soil, soil preparation is carried out. To do this, they dig it to a depth of 20-25 cm. Depending on what land in the area allotted for tulips depends on the amount of fertilizer applied. The earth is enriched with rotted compost, manure and ash. Tulips prefer light nutrient soil with a slightly alkaline reaction.

The subtleties of planting tulips in autumn in the open ground:

1. Choose the right site for growing tulips. A place for flowers is given even, without visible hollows, well-lit and calm.

2. Tulips do not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots, so the place for planting should be dry. Otherwise, diseases and rot of planting material cannot be avoided.

3. Conduct enrichment of the soil with nutrients, arrange drainage of sand and broken bricks.

4. Prepared bulbs are planted to the correct depth, which depends on their size.

5. For full growth and development, tulips need enough space. Bulbs are planted at a distance of 10 - 15 cm.

6. To form a beautiful flower garden, large bulbs are placed in the center of the hole, and smaller ones on the sides.

7. All planting material must undergo careful selection and culling. All bulbs spoiled during storage are removed, having cracks and cuts, traces of diseases. Only healthy material is planted on the flowerbed.

Important! Tulips are planted by variety, which makes it easier to care for them.

During the autumn planting of tulips in the ground, you need to protect the bulbs from rodents. After landing, watering the site is not necessary.

Preplant planting of tulip bulbs

Tulip bulbs are disinfected and treated twice. This reduces the risk of various diseases that are transmitted with planting material.

The first treatment is carried out immediately after digging the plants, before laying them for storage. The bulbs are washed, cleaned of residual roots, earth and old scales. Then they are sorted and rejected all infected, damaged bulbs. Prepared onions are kept in a solution of potassium permanganate, dried well and sorted. Store onions in a cool place.

When the storage period comes to an end, planting material is again sorted out, discarded spoiled. The remaining tulip bulbs are again disinfected and sorted. Dried bulbs are planted in the garden.

Do not neglect the preplant treatment of seed material, since even one bulb infected with fungal diseases can infect the entire flower garden. This will lead to the death of the entire flowerbed with tulips.

Tulip Growing Tips

1. Timely planting of bulbs in the ground allows you to get strong peduncles, healthy plants that will please with bright flowering.

2. When planting tulips in the autumn near Moscow, the garden is necessarily mulched with peat. In the case of approaching frosts, this method will help rooted plants to tolerate them well.

3. Care for tulips in autumn is just as necessary as in spring. Onion hybrid varieties have the same life cycle as their wild relatives. Therefore, the planting of such tulips is carried out in the fall.

4. With the onset of spring days, all the mulching material is removed from the garden, otherwise the bulbs can spree.

5. Tulips are transplanted to a new place every 4 years. To do this, choose a new plot on which in recent years no bulbous plants have been grown. You can return the tulips to their old place after 4 years.

6. Tulips propagate by daughter bulbs, which bloom only after a few years.

7. Small onion-children are grown separately from large mother plants. Such bulbs can be grown without annual digging for about 3 years, after which plants need to be transplanted.

8. Experienced growers are advised to use for planting only large bulbs that are able to bloom beautifully. Bulbs of medium size are used for home forcing tulips. And the children grow up separately on special beds.

Than tulips are ill

Most often, bulbous plants suffer from fungal, viral diseases and are damaged by pests, among which the most common are rodents.

Viral diseases are transmitted with planting material, so at the first sign of a plant you need to destroy. Be sure to carry out pre-planting treatment of bulbs, which helps to reduce the risk of viral diseases. You can judge the presence of the virus by the appearance of the plant:

• uncharacteristic for the variety stains on the petals;

• unnatural spots, strokes and stripes on the leaves of the plant.

Important! Do not try to treat viral diseases, they cannot be cured. As a result, time will be lost, and the virus will affect most of the plants.

Fungal diseases have the following characteristic features:

• curved peduncle and flower trunk;

• uncharacteristic dark spots and stains on the bulb.

The affected plants are discarded, and the remaining hole is poured with a solution of potassium permanganate and covered with ash. A flower bed with tulips is sprayed with foundationazole.

Fungal diseases develop in certain conditions, especially if the spring turned out to be rainy. Marigolds, calendula and nasturtium will help to protect tulips. These plants are planted in place of tulips, after digging bulbs. During the summer period, they will develop enough volatile in the soil, and by the autumn planting of the bulbs the site will be safe.

Important! For prevention, you can water the flowerbed with fungicides before the autumn planting.

Pests also often spoil tulip bulbs. You can get rid of them in various proven ways.

1. Against an onion tick on tulips use thermal preplant planting of bulbs. To do this, they are placed in hot water for 5 minutes. The water temperature for this procedure should be within 45 degrees.

2. The bear, snails and slugs can be caught with special traps, which are placed in the secluded corners of the flower garden.

3. Bulb processing will help scare away rodents before planting with iron minium. Experienced gardeners are also advised to plant tulips in special baskets to protect them from rodents.

4. Some gardeners plant a royal hazel grouse on a bed of bulbous plants, which scares away rodents.

Varieties and varieties of tulips with photos

Throughout the world, a unified classification of tulips has been adopted, the registry of which was made by Dutch flower growers. According to him, all existing species are divided into four groups and 15 classes.

• Tulips of the first group - early flowering species.

Among them, plants of the first and second class are distinguished. The first includes simple tulips with stable low peduncles about 40 cm, the shape of the flower is cup-shaped. The color of such plants is yellow or red. Known varieties: Demeter, Golden Olga.

The second group includes terry varieties of early tulips. Their color palette consists of warm colors. Known varieties: Madame Testu, Shunord.

• Tulips of the second group are medium-flowering species.

These include Triumph tulips of the third class, flower stalks of which reach 70 cm. Their flowers are very large, goblet-shaped. The color of the petals is very diverse. Outstanding varieties: Crater, Golden Eddy, Snowstar.

The fourth class of tulips is represented by tulips Darwin hybrids. Their buds are located on peduncles up to 80 cm tall. The color palette is red, but there are also two-tone varieties. Bulbs tolerate winter well and are resistant to disease. Favorite gardeners varieties: Apeldoorn, Vivex.

• The third group - late flowering species.

This includes simple terry tulips, lilac, fringed, green-flowering, parrots. Their color and shape of the flower depends on the variety. The most common varieties: Nice, Discovery, Samurai, Exotic, Gizella, Bacchus.

• The fourth group - botanical tulips.

These are undersized, early flowering varieties with a varied color. Famous species: Genser, Zampa, Zombies, Crown.


Watch the video: How and When to Plant Tulip Bulbs - Ace Hardware (June 2024).