Why does my beloved dream: what do the dream books of Miller, Wangi, Tsvetkov and others say. Interpretation of dreams about a beloved: alive and healthy, sick or dead


Dreams where men are their lovers, very often ex-girlfriends or even wives - this often suggests that their feelings towards these women have not yet completely cooled, and on the subconscious they still see themselves together, as if the dreamers of this outwardly not denied. Psychologists who are confident that such dreams are the result of memories in the man’s memory of the events of the past romance echo this opinion, they periodically think about it, which is reflected in their dreams.

Let's try to understand in more detail what the beloved is dreaming of, and that such a dream can promise a male dreamer.

What if a lover dreams?

In interpreting such a dream, great importance should be given to its general atmosphere, the circumstances in which you met a person close to your heart, as well as the general impression of such a dream. In the case of the last paragraph, everything is quite natural: the more pleasant the general feeling in the dream remains, the more favorable it will be for the man.

1) If you saw your sweetheart in a dream that looks very bad, tired, in dirty, torn clothes and so on - this is a sign that serious changes will come in your life very soon, most likely in a positive direction. This can be career advancement, strengthening friendships with people around you, as well as marriage with your beloved woman, with whom later you will feel like a happy person;

2) if you dreamed of your beloved dead - this means that very soon a black streak will come in your family life, accompanied by constant failures and illnesses, which will be very difficult to get rid of;

3) the appearance in a dream of a beloved may also indicate that in reality there were some unresolved questions between you. This dream is a kind of reminder that you should surround your soulmate with proper attention and care;

4) if you see in a dream how your beloved cheated on you with another person - this is a sign that your relationship will soon collapse, and this will happen due to minor disagreements and seemingly harmless quarrels;

5) if you see your beloved in an unsightly state, weak, suffering - this is a sign that your life together will flow like a zebra, where joyful and sad events will come to you alternately;

6) for an unmarried young man to see a sickly looking or unhappy lover means for him a married life full of joys and disappointments. Also, such a dream is a sign that he will experience great disappointment on the eve of the marriage;

7) if the man was his lover, with whom he plans to marry soon, and she looked very attractive and welcoming - this is a sign that his marriage proposal will not be rejected, and they will live a happy life together.

What portends?

As mentioned above, for the most accurate interpretation of the dream, one should pay attention to the various details of the dream. For example, how the girl looked (sad or cheerful), what she was wearing, where you saw him, what you thought about her and, finally, what actions you performed with her.

1) If you dreamed that you kiss your beloved in bright light - this is a favorable sign that promises you a long life together, overflowing with many joyful events and complete harmony of relationships;

2) if such a kiss occurred when the lights were off, on the contrary, this is a bad sign that promises problems in your life together, accompanied by joint reproaches and disappointments;

3) if you saw your beloved, dressed in lace - this is a very good sign that portends you sincere, strong feelings, fidelity, long, beautiful love;

4) if your beloved girl dreamed you were dead - this is a sign that a difficult period will soon come in your life, accompanied by a lot of problems, material waste, doubts;

5) to contemplate your beloved, dressed in black clothes - this is not a good sign, foreshadowing the imminent deterioration of your relationship, which can even lead to a break;

6) if you are standing with your beloved together on the threshold or porch - this means that doubts have crept in you about her honesty with you in real life, and these suspicions may have good reason.

Why does my beloved dream about Miller’s dream book

• If a young man sees his future lover, who looked very beautiful and cheerful, this is a sign that he will soon be married to her, to which she will answer him with consent. In the future, their marriage will bring them a happy future together;

• if the guy saw his beloved in the image of an unattractive and saddened girl - this is a sign that he will find great disappointment on the eve of the wedding;

• to see your chosen one in a painful and unhappy state - it means that in your life there will be a large number of joys and sorrows that will come to you one at a time.

Why does my beloved dream about Vanga’s dream book

The famous clairvoyant Vangelia interprets such a dream in her own way:

• dreaming about your beloved is a sign of strong feelings and passions that will envelop you. Also, such a dream can promise a lot of painstaking work and help, which you will come in handy;

• if a lover appeared in a dream to a married man - this is a sign that he will be more attentive to his actions and life in general, especially to negative moments.

Why does my beloved dream about Tsvetkova’s dream book

Evgeny Tsvetkov through his dream book offers such interpretations:

• if you saw your beloved in a dream - this dream can have a double interpretation: on the one hand, it can promise a pleasant surprise, on the other - a serious illness;

• if this girl looked bad and devastated - this is not a good sign that promises poverty and scandals.

What does my beloved dream about in the dream book of Meneghetti

According to Meneghetti, the former lover may dream because of lost love. Even if everything turns out fine in your current personal life, the dream in which your former love is is a warning that not everything is actually as rosy as it might seem at first glance.

Therefore, be sure that after such a dream you will soon be able to discover unexpected "skeletons in the closet" that you had not even suspected of before. There may be unresolved moments in your life that you try not to remember, but not solve them. Also, such a dream can promise you unexpected surprises or troubles.

Why is my sweetheart dreaming about Longo

Yuri Longo believes that the dream in which the beloved appeared to you can have only two meanings. The first interpretation promises you a one-time profit, fun, meeting nice people. By the second value, you can be carried away by women who are not worthy of you.

Why does my beloved dream about the dream book of Catherine the Great

• If a man saw in a dream a pretty and smiling girl, knowing at the same time that she was his lover - this is a sign that a happy marriage promises him in the future;

• if a lover in a dream, on the contrary, was not at all attractive and kind of sad, gloomy - this is a sign that you in real life were very mistaken with the correctness of your choice. The fact is that your current chosen one is not at all the person with whom you will be able to connect your fate, and she will get tired of you faster than you will tie your relationship in marriage;

• if the beloved girl looked very painful, with a pale face - this is a sign that you are unhappy in your marriage, your passion and feelings have long since faded, you are completely unsuitable for each other, but none of you decide to take the first step towards breaking up. Think about whether this is actually the case in your life, or are you just afraid to admit it to yourself and try not to think about it ?;

• see your beloved dead - you will face a difficult choice, about which doubts will torment you for a long time.


Watch the video: The Beloved - A Dream Within A Dream (July 2024).